Rabu, 18 September 2013

Guess Who's a Guest Blogger for Smitten By Britain

Photo Credit: Petre Birlea
Me! I am delighted to share that I have the honour of being a new monthly guest blogger for Smitten by Britain. I've been following Smitten by Britain for a long while, keeping up to date with all things British whilst living away from British shores. When there was a call for guest posters I jumped up with my hand in the air shouting me, me, me. And she said ok.

The Smitten by Britain blog is run by Melissa who is nuts about Britain. She's in fact a Britophile, which I guess is about as close to being British that you can get without actually being British. The most important thing about Melissa is that she loves a proper cup of tea, so that absolutely qualifies her to be a Britophile!

Anyway, I'm the new British culture monthly blogger and I have kicked off my new adventure with a post on the British and their love of caravans. It hit me this summer that the Dutch are not the only ones pulling caravans along in their masses. In fact, it turns out that the British obsession love affair with caravans is more intense than even that of the Cloggies. Seriously, it is. I looked it up. Brits really are bonkers about their caravans.

Hop on over to Smitten by Britain to read more - and keep tuned in over there for more every month from me, plus tons and tons of great posts every day about all things British.

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