Jumat, 31 Oktober 2014


Whew! It has been one wild and crazy week. We have been working hard from sun up til sun down on our kitchen make-over and farm clean-up, and I am exhausted and bone-weary. 

Somehow, in the midst of all this hub-ub, Halloween snuck up on me and we barely found a moment to celebrate. For the first year I can remember, we didn't carve a pumpkin, and it broke my heart just the tiniest bit. 

Trick or treating flew by tonight in a flurry of excitement and chaos. It was so cold, but the kids enjoyed every minute of it. Practicing their trick or treats and Thank You's all day, they were thoroughly prepared for their evening. Even little Eleanor joined in on the fun and was so proud of herself, showing off her skittles like it was the best thing she had ever accomplished. 

When we finally made it home, we took a break from everything, piled up on the couch under a hoard of blankets and watched Charlie Brown in It's The Great Pumpkin. I snuggled my babes close and breathed them in, soaking up every inch of them. Hugging them a little tighter and kissing their cheekies a little longer as I tucked them in. 

Happy Halloween!!

Kamis, 30 Oktober 2014

oh the wonderful things kids say

When asked a question about what his mom was like, Isaac replied- "she's a clever gal."

Aussie gushing to friends about her baby sister- "She has learned to say 'please' she just says AAAAGGGHHHH."

Zain-"Hey pretty lady" when I walked into his room.

The Ice-Man (aka Isaac) still uses the f sounds for a lot of words. Example- truck, well, you can figure it out from there- slays me every time.

We were invited to a family's house for dinner recently, they have a few kiddos and one is adopted. A gorgeous little girl from China. I told Aussie they were celebrating her 'gotcha day' and Aus was so confused. I explained that she is adopted and asked "have you ever noticed that she looks different from her brother and sister" Being that they are all red heads I thought it may be obvious.  Aussie says-" nope, they look like a beautiful family to me."  Exactly.

"I want to be a man, just like Daddy"- Zain's answer to what he would like to be for Halloween.

Eleanor actually does say "look." She yells it while pointing at everything she sees."Look, Mamma, look!" She also sings "glory, glory, hallelujah" and it's the best thing ever!

I recently put a hoop in my nose and the night before an event Aussie asked if I was going to wear it. I assured her that I would of course change it if it bothered her, to which she replied- "no, Mamma I think it looks beautiful."

Isaac-"Ahhhh, your poor head." Me- "What's wrong with my head?" Isaac- "It's all dark down the middle." ha, guess it's time to go get some highlights, love the honesty of a child.

Our cows have been going thru a 'season' shall we say. Aussie was telling me all about it-"Mamma, our bull calf and white face are bf's. They give each other piggy back rides all the time!

Rabu, 29 Oktober 2014

a gourd-geous day

Kaleb and I TRY to make things a big deal for our crazies. We like to pile them up and whisk them away for small adventures, we celebrate all holidays big and small and aspire to foster a love for the outdoors and an active lifestyle.

Some they won't remember. Actually, most they won't, and that's ok. There is definitely a few moments I hope they do forget. What I crave for them is a sense, a feeling, a knowing that they were surrounded and filled up with love. That we tried, that we gave them our all.

Not all of these special events turn out exactly as you dreamed. You have a vision in your head of creating this perfect family memory only for it to fall apart at the seams.

Life with four little ones has it's moments, sometimes they can be a little difficult, aaaannnd I'm sure they could say the same thing about me. But, there are days when it all falls into place and I enjoy their company so much, and for the briefest of moments I think- this is going to be alright, them growing up, it may even be great.

Anyhow, that's a long lead in to what was one of those magnificently beautiful days this past week. The kind where it was everything you wanted and yet so much more. The kind where you genuinely enjoyed them and it felt less like parenting and more like a great day out with loved ones.

We headed to a nearby pumpkin patch on Friday and spent the whole of the day foraging our way thru thick green corn mazes. Filling our shirts with soft puffs of hand picked cotton, and sending bright yellow corn sailing thru blue skies shot from a long cannon. We strolled thru seemingly unending fields of pumpkins searching for the perfect ones to finally paint and carve with silly faces and set atop our porch.

It was a day that they may not remember in year to come, but a day Kaleb and I won't soon forget.

p.s. guest posting today over on Helen's blog- I will bloom. She is seriously one of the most fantastic writers, and I was honored to be asked. You can check it out here, if your so inclined.

Senin, 27 Oktober 2014

faq's and facts

I had a post planned for today, chalk full of gorgeous photos of the wee ones as we all relished in another fall family adventure, but if I'm completely honest, I'm a little bit frazzled. So, I thought I would share some of my personal overwhelmingness (soooo not a word) and also answer some questions some of you have asked.

We have a to do list here on the farm near a mile long, some with upcoming deadlines, some less pressing but necessary and desired. With some help, we hope to knock quite a few off the ole list this week, and though we have yet to even begin, I'm already stressed.

I have hopes and dreams of painting my kitchen this week with the  help of my amazing DIY'er mother-in-law. The problem- I have no idea what color to paint it. Right now it's a country barn reddish color, but it's chipped and stained and desperately needs a makeover. If you have any color help, do send it my way!

I have the matter of children's clothing to attend. Does anyone else know this stress? It's a bi-annual headache of finding seasonal appropriate wear that fits,going thru packed away hand me downs, and finally packing up old clothes in big containers to hopefully fit another wild one at another time.

And. . . Halloween is Friday! I have not even started on costumes and we have yet to carve a pumpkin. Seriously the fall season has near come and gone, and we have yet to even welcome it.

Ok, to answer a few questions. First off, for those who have asked- yes, our life really is pretty great. There are certainly bad days. Times that I get bored and stressed and as I've just pointed out, overwhelmed. As a whole though, it's awesome. I love being a wife and mother. 

Here on the blog, I like to post beautiful images and fill it with whimsical poetic writing. Mainly because that's what I enjoy  but more because, it's simply my writing style. I love to be shown happy people, who are enjoying life. It's really just small snippets of the whole, so I generally choose to show the lovely, but I try to give an honest look of it all.

Next, Four kids is really not any harder then one or two. Honestly I think it gets easier. I would say that having my second was my most difficult transition, but after that, you're really just adding into the chaos. It only gets better and better, promise.

As for my hair, I have been using the beach waves tutorial from here, (well, not in this photo. This is week old hair, don't look to close:) it's amazing. Takes a little time, but well worth it.

Alright, the time has come, the kids are almost up and I need to get myself in gear, and tackle this week head on.

Happy Monday!

Jumat, 24 Oktober 2014

highs and lows

This week has been full of some beautiful messes, incredible weather and a lots of laughter, but like any week- it's also had a few minor hiccups and it's fair share of challenges.

Let me fill you in. . . 

High- After years of being handed drawing after drawing from my wee bits, and me not really knowing what to do with it and eventually throwing it out, only for them to find it and then me looking like a heartless.. well, anyway. I finally built them a beautiful barn wood display that I found on pinterest here. Now they can proudly show off their artistic talent and be in charge of what stays and what goes. Why I never thought of it sooner, I have no idea.

Low- I had one day where I was so unbelievably weary, dragging from the moment I awoke, truly exhausted. It was a long day only made worse by falling asleep for a bit of a nap on some misplaced chocolate chips and waking ten minutes later to the melted, messy aftermath that was matted in my hair and smeared down my arm. Thanks you baby bugs, thank you.

High- The big kids have been unbelievably happy this week. So content and self-entertained- building forts, playing football on a make-shift field their daddy made them. Erecting large wooden teepees with wood scraps, and swinging for hours on end. They have been outdoors from the minute we finish school til night is closing in and it makes my heart soar to see them so free.

Low- My baby bit is getting some fresh molars and she is a little ball of rashy, clingy, fussiness. In all the cutest ways possible of course.

High- Kaleb and I were craving some good quality time at the end of the day. We're both pretty worn out and it's easy to just want to sit. So we challenged ourselves to spend our evenings doing something fun, active. It's been so refreshing- we've finally broken open that game cabinet, and spent time creating together- either in the kitchen or outdoors. We've talked and laughed so much more and I love this new time.

Low- My Zain-o is having a difficult time remembering the numbers 11 and 12. I've tried everything- making it a game, using exercises and legos, maps and buttons. So far nothing is working and I am trying to decide if this is some kind of test he has  devised to find my breaking point or if he is being serious.  Either way, we've had some tricky school days.

I like to end on a high, It's always best to see the good, in my opinion. Kaleb was gone one night and we were fresh out of food, hardly a nibble to be found. After some serious searching, I was able to rustle up some pasta and drench it in butter and salt. I set the big table, lit all the candles I could find, poured some water in wineglasses and blared some italian music. We decided to make it a celebration with toasts to happiness and family and beautiful blessings. It's amazing how a few simple tweaks can elevate life, turn it into something beautiful.

Finally, the weekend is upon us again, a much needed break from chores and routine. We have lots of upcoming excitement and big to-do lists that we will hopefully be checking off next week with family coming into town to help. Plus, I'm so hoping to get halloween costumes made, pumpkins carved, and mums planted.

How was your week- any highs or lows?

Rabu, 22 Oktober 2014

natures bounty

My love and I did not grow up on a farm. We weren't taught how to raise cattle or hunt for our own food or cultivate the land.  Homesteading is definitely not in our roots. Yet, we were taught about caring for the world around us. Preserving family traditions and enjoying the great outdoors. 

When we moved out to this farm, we took those ideals we were taught and built them into a dream, a vision. One that involved us raising our children to the music of mooing cattle and clucking chickens. An adventure where we learned to live off the land. Where we could preserve all those beautiful values and instill inside our children a hope and love for future generations.

A few years ago, Kaleb was gifted a bow and a quiver of arrows. From there, a little love affair was born. He enjoyed being out in the woods, hidden from view. Animals stumbling upon him while perched high in the tree tops. He loved the adventure of it, the skill it took to know where deer may be walking thru, and the challenge presented by using something more primitive. He loved getting back to the land, feeling the pull of early settlers in his blood- hunting not for a trophy, but for sustenance. 

He dreamed of a day the two of us would be out together- he so badly wanted me to be a part of it, to join him on this new venture. So, he bought me my own bow.

Now, you would not look at me and think- 'now there's a real outdoors woman.' I'm tiny, a little bit girly, but still, there was no way I wasn't going to support him on this venture. 

So I learned to shoot my bow and took to the woods.

It has been amazing, for so many reasons- I get to be outside wholly surrounded by beauty and stillness. Kaleb is so excited for me, he nearly pushes me out the door. A few hours of alone and quiet time -ummmm yes, I'm all in. Plus, it is so exciting, open-ended possibilities fueled by hope.

I bring a book, I read, I ponder, I praise and if the moment is right- I shoot.

Last year we ate only deer meat for six months, and to be able to play a small part in providing that, was an incredible feeling. I am so excited for this season especially. Kaleb and I have been reading and learning more and more. Focusing on putting everything to use and having much less waste. We have great plans of bone broths and our first attempts at tanning hides. 

Steps like this, pulling us closer and closer to our dreams for this farm and our family, excite me. They light a fire for what may come and fuel the love I have for this way of life.

Selasa, 21 Oktober 2014

calling all readers

We are readers. Like for reals- we read a lot. 

It's been my favorite pastime since I was a wee lass. I have an obsession some might say. I prefer a more romantic term-like a passion for the written word, or a literary carnivore. Anyway, that's beside the point. . . if I were to start a book, I become enraptured, fully overtaken and I must finish. There is no casual, one chapter a day, read in my spare time, going on here. 

So, for the sake and well-being of my family, I have banned myself. For at least the past year I have not so much as dained to crack open the cover of a deliciously enchanting mystery, or even flipped thru the pages of a charming beach read. No, there has been no young adult dramas, no Christian fiction set on blissful Amish countryside. No thrillers, no autobiographies, nothing ( of course, I've taken up blogging which has more than consumed me- but that's neither here nor there).

Yet, I stumbled upon a bit of a loophole. Like any addict looking for a fix, I found a way. Except this time, I have accomplices- my kiddos. 

They love to be read to, and we've finally hit the stage where we can all enjoy a good chapter book together. No more Hungry Caterpillar, or Brown Bear Brown Bear. Gone are the days of Goodnight Moon, and Guess How Much I Love You. It's one of the few changes I have accepted graciously, even joyfully.

I have taken this new path very seriously, for I want them to grasp the full power of reading. How words can transport, enlighten and foster change. I want them to understand the mysterious and fantastical worlds only reading can take you to, and let's be totally honest- I want to read a good book too!

Finding something age appropriate that has appeal to both boys and girls, and is enthralling from the get go-has been tricky, and I am at a loss. We've read the Little House series. We've read Island of the Blue Dolphins, The Tale of Despereaux, near all the Roald Dahl classics. Our favorite has been Summer of the Monkeys, (seriously one of the best books around), but now I find myself stumped. I need help, advice, suggestions. What were some of your favorites growing up? What are you reading to your wild ones? Favorite authors, favorite series? Guide me on oh fearless readers.

Minggu, 19 Oktober 2014

a walk thru the woods

A few days of chill and rain had left us with energy and tension pushing at the seams. We needed to get out of doors, run wild, be set free. 

Finally, for the briefest of moments, the rain ceased. As quickly as we could, we bounded right outside, thru the woods and down the hill, for a little exploring.

With the sky cast in gray and darkening around the edges, the color of the leaves popped, cacooning us in a sea of greens. Ethereal almost. Everything seemed shrouded in mystery.

We tip-toed around the bend half expecting something from a fairy tale to appear- an uncovered path leading us to a secret world, or a troll with bad manners craving answers. Surprised to find nothing, we forged on.

As we meandered, we happened upon a buckeye tree. Known to bring good luck, we stopped to gather them, making wishes on each singular one, before piling them into pockets and quickly schemed knapsacks.

The wilds ran ahead, always with a surplus of excitement-seeking something to climb, or chop, or balance, or throw. Always moving, always busy, chattering easily as they went. Kaleb and I hung back fascinated, happy to take it all in.

Soon time overtook us. The sky ever so slowly fading into charcoal, we circled back and headed for home. Mother Nature having done her job, performed her own sort of magic- we arrived feeling lighter, freer, and in dire need of bath-time!

Jumat, 17 Oktober 2014

New plan to scare clients away from prostitutes

Just a few days after they announced a plan to help prostitutes exit their job (read here), today they announced a plan that basically is supposed to the push us to want help to exit our job. Today three members of parliament, Gert-Jan Segers, Nine Kooiman and Marith Rebel, launched an initiative law that criminalizes clients of forced prostitutes 'who knowingly take advantage' of one. I have here the official documents, including the official proposed law, which states:

"Artikel 273g
Hij die seksuele handelingen verricht met een ander, terwijl hij weet of redelijkerwijs moet vermoeden dat die ander zich onder de in artikel 273f, eerste lid, sub 1 ̊, bedoelde omstandigheden beschikbaar stelt tot het verrichten van seksuele handelingen met een derde tegen betaling, wordt gestraft met een gevangenisstraf van ten hoogste vier jaren of geldboete van de vierde categorie."

Translated to English:
"Article 273g
He who performs sexual acts with another person, knowing or could reasonably suspect that the other person has been made available under the circumstances mentioned in article 273f 1 sub 1 to perform sexual acts with someone else, will be sentenced to jail for at least four years or has to pay a fine of the fourth category."

When word got out that this law initiative was in the making I already wrote a blogpost about this (read here). That led to an article with an interview with me in the newspaper Het Parool (read here), and the request of one of the initiative takers from parliament on this law to talk with me about this.
After having talked with this member at my workplace, I was convinced that this article would only apply to illegal prostitution. I didn't need to worry that this law would apply to me or my clients, those were the comforting words to which I was put at ease.

But today, reading the full description and initiative law, I was shocked. Nowhere it is mentioned that this law would only apply to the non-licensed sector. The new initiative law refers to another law that currently already exists, article 273f 1 sub 1. That article however refers to organ trafficking (another form of human trafficking), which I don't think was their intention.
The article number it should point to is article 273f 1 sub 3, which regards to human trafficking in prostitution, and not just specifically forced prostitution or just specifically the unlicensed sector. The article literally states:

"273f 1.3
Degene die een ander aanwerft, medeneemt of ontvoert met het oogmerk die ander in een ander land ertoe te brengen zich beschikbaar te stellen tot het verrichten van seksuele handelingen met of voor een derde tegen betaling;"

Translated to English
"273f 1.3.
The person who recruits, takes along or abducts another person with the intention to make that person available in another country to carry out sexual acts with another person in exchange for payment;"

In short, this new law will affect all those who encounter a victim of human trafficking, and not just a prostitute which is forced, but also a prostitute that is being exploited (though willingly choose to do this job), and even those prostitutes which had help with migration to come here and become a sex worker.
Because in the article 273f 1.3 it literally states that "the person who takes along another person", meaning there is no form of pressure, but simply taking someone with you, knowing that person is going to work in prostitution, is already enough to be seen by the law as a human trafficker, and makes the prostitute herself a victim.

I've already talked many times about this part of the law, that basically assumes that any person assisting in the migration of a sex worker, is automatically a bad guy. While in reality it is almost impossible to migrate to another country without the help of others.
It is also a strange thing in the first place that no other legal job in Holland has such restrictions except for prostitution, basically making it impossible for anyone to help us in a legal way with our migration, while the government itself also doesn't offer any alternatives for prostitutes for help.

But none of the above mentioned articles mention anything about it being restricted just to the licensed or unlicensed sector, meaning this law does apply to all forms prostitution. And that is not what the member of parliament had promised me.

Beyond the fact that this law is not what was promised to me, it hits another point that I discussed with the member of parliament. I expressed my concerns that my clients, and many of the other clients of other prostitutes as well, would become scared to visit prostitutes with such a law.
I would only agree with this law, if it was absolutely proven that the client in question, absolutely 100% knew the prostitute he was visiting was being forced. But unfortunately that's not the case at all here. Because in the initiative law it does not just state that her person 'knowing' this would be convicted for crimes, but also 'could reasonably suspect', which leaves a huge opening for interpretation.
Who is to say what another person knew or did not know something? Reasonably suspecting leaves it up to the judge to say if that person 'could've suspected' a girl was a victim, regardless of the fact if the client actually did know or not. Sure, the politicians keep hushing us this would only apply to really clear cases, but that's not what this article states. This article leaves things open for interpretation of the judge, and that's where the clients go scared, because that leaves their fate in the hands of a judge, rather then based on facts.

On TV in front of the NOS news Gert-Jan Segers explains (at 3.03 minutes) that he doesn't want a situation in where a prostitute is being forced, and that forced prostitution should be fought. But he doesn't want as many as possible clients to end up in jail, he claims, or have to pay huge fines, because that doesn't help much, according to him. But what does help, according to him, is if they report things, so we can take down pimps and human traffickers.
Yet this makes one wonder why this law isn't targeting pimps, in stead of clients, if that is his real goal. The idea that clients would report things they otherwise would not if there's a price on their head is incredibly dumb. This is a scare tactic, to scare clients to report things or else...

And if Gert-Jan Segers really doesn't want clients in jail, then why is he making a law that it's very goal it is to get clients in jail? Has nobody taught these people that rewarding always works better then punishing? It's the most basic rule of life. You can keep trying to forbid people things, but that hardly ever works. Yet, if you reward people for good behavior (in this case reporting victims), this would be much more successful. In my opinion the positive always outweighs the negative every single time.

But honestly, what will the results be if this law will be accepted? Will less prostitutes now be forced into prostitution? Euh... well, no! Because this law, yet again, fights the backdoor of the problem in stead of the front door. This law applies to women who've already become a victim of trafficking, meaning they already are victims. It doesn't make any less victims in any way, it will just scare clients more to visit prostitutes in fear of accidentally running into a forced prostitute and being sued after because he 'could have reasonably suspected it'.

In the attached explanation with the proposed law, it states that one could reasonably suspect a prostitute is being forced if one shows signs of forced prostitution. The signs mentioned in the explanation involve: bruises (because only forced prostitutes get those), welts (because only forced prostitutes get those as well), or because the prostitute is scared (because only forced prostitutes gets scared sometimes by their customers), disgust (because only forced prostitutes feel that with some clients) or sadness (because only forced prostitutes can be sad). I've already explained these ridiculous 'signs of forced prostitution' once before in a blogpost here in detail already, so I won't go much further into this. But bottom line is, that these signs say nothing about whether a prostitute is being forced or not, and could apply to any prostitute.
This will result in situations where prostitutes who have a bruise will not get any clients anymore, because clients are scared to come in, because this prostitute might be forced. In fact, I often have one of these 'signs' on a daily base, sometimes even combined, which would have an enormous impact on my income, since scared clients will stay away from me.

What the result will be is that many prostitutes will be reported to the authorities as 'possible victims'. At the end of the year, this list of 'possible victims' however ends up in the hands of the Nationaal Rapporteur, who counts these numbers, adds them all together (regardless of the fact if they might count the same girl double or not, or even triple or more times), and then presents her numbers in a new report. Those reports often reduces 'possible victims' into 'victims' throughout their reports, which politicians then use again to prove that 'human trafficking is growing, and we need to solve this problem', which makes the whole circus start all over again with new repressing measures being taken (also read Marijke Vonk her blog about how the Nationaal Rapporteur counts these victims)
In short, this law will only increase the numbers of possible victims, because if people don't do that they could be facing serious charges if the girl does turn out to be a victim. But does this mean the numbers are correct? NO! Because that's exactly the problem with the Nationaal Rapporteur, she prefers quantity over quality. She doesn't look at the quality of the reports that she gets, and how probable it is that a 'possible victim' is a real victim, she seems to be more interested in reaching higher numbers regardless of whether the numbers are a realistic view of reality. Quantity over quality.

The only thing this law will achieve, is more clients getting scared to visit prostitutes out of fear of prosecution. More people reporting regardless of how likely it really is that someone's a victim, just to avoid prosecution. Reports about possible victims will remain 'questionable', since every hint of doubt regardless of the probabilities of one actually being a victim will be reported. Not any less victims will be made, since the girls first have to become victims before someone can report them. Not more pimps will get caught, because this law doesn't target them. And finally, but not unimportant, it damages my fucking business, because more people will be scared to go inside, because I bump my fucking leg every fucking day to the fucking bed causing bruises, even though I'm not a forced prostitute!

If you want to fight human trafficking, then fight the pimps, not the clients! The cause of human trafficking are the traffickers. Clients didn't ask for forced prostitutes, they simply want A prostitute. A prostitute that is being forced, and is disgusted by the very thought of having sex with a clients, isn't exactly a turn on for clients. Therefor the idea that clients are the demand of human trafficking is bullshit. They want prostitutes that do their job because they want to, not one that does it because someone else makes her do it, that's a huge turn off!
And how are clients supposed to know a girl is being forced, if even the police can't see it? Why is this government taking the responsibilities of the police towards the clients, while it's the police their fucking job to look for this! If you can't catch all the pimps, that's the police their fault, not the clients who's job it isn't to play police detective! And in what universe is punishing people if they don't do something called encouraging them? If you want to encourage a soccer team, do you think they encourage them through threatening them with torture if they don't win? Do you think that would help?! I don't think so!
So don't put the responsibilities of the police on the lap of the client that never asked for this. They have no interest in keeping forced prostitution alive (after all, it also stigmatizes them), and neither does it turn them on. Grow some fucking brains people!

Dutch version


There is always something a little bit wonderful about the weekend. Regardless of whereabouts, circumstance, or phase of life, it blankets out before us with open-ended promises of excitement and rest. It carries a tinge in the air, a sparkly aura, that is weighty with possibility.

My little crew has a vacant, unplanned two days ahead of us- a rare and beautiful occasion. One to be savored and not taken lightly. I have lofty hopes of filling it with small adventures, good coffee, long hikes, snuggles on the couch, and a meal that I don't cook or clean-up after.

It has all the makings of a perfect time- offering some much needed leisure and a moment to revel in the joy of simple pleasures. What about you, anything lovely on your agenda this weekend?

Kamis, 16 Oktober 2014

a wee little love poem

I love these wee bugs with all of my heart

 Watching them spiral motion into art.

They are funny and silly, wild and kind.

Sometimes, I swear I'm losing my mind.

They push me and pull me, break me and build me.

This unending love is ever so dreamy.

Their presence grounding, it strengthens and binds

only One could have crafted so perfect a design.

Selasa, 14 Oktober 2014

you light up my life

We have been blessed to celebrate Zain's birthday the last two years at the beach. This past year he absolutely had his whole heart set on going to the beach at night to play with glow sticks. So late in the evening after a full day of his bidding, the lot of us piled into the car and headed towards Seaside, armed with near a hundred glow sticks.

The littles were antsy with excitement as Kaleb and I sat under a beautifully constructed pavilion, the sky black with just a light sprinkling of stars overhead, cracking sticks til they glowed bright with oranges, yellows and pinks.

As we worked, gradually a crowd trickled in. Other children began gathering around hoping to join in our little party. Overcome with the joy of it, my bugs began handing out their glowsticks to bystanders, small infants in carseats, toddlers in sand filled diapers. Literally chasing down kiddos, to hand them one single glowstick, simply so they could also delight in their fun.

Kaleb and I did manage to convince them to keep a few for themselves so they could live out their dream. We ran to the beach with our remaining glowsticks. We twirled, had a mini dance party, played catch and finally when the time had come to an end, we drifted our way back to land.

We crossed the street to finish the day out with a deliciously cool snocone. There they met other children, busy workers, and tired parents, who obviously needed a glow stick too. Finally having given away every single one of their treasures, we left Seaside with a stream of colorful lights popping up all over town. My wee bugs floating on a high from their evening and me with tears in my eyes, and thankfulness in my heart. These wild ones understand that love is at the heart of it all, they truly get it, and to be a part of that, to share in the joy of their world is a beautiful privilege. 

Senin, 13 Oktober 2014

Tour Through Blogland

It's been the loveliest of weekends. We had a downpour of rain Friday that finally blew in that chilly, crisp weather that coincides with the cozy, tartan feelings of fall. We relished in it. 

This is the perfect time of year to cozy up with a deliciously decadent drink and catch up on all your favorite blogs (cough... hollands reverie), while hopefully finding some great new ones.

On that note. . .  I have been invited to participate in a Tour Through Blogland by Lyndsay from Prosecco in the Park. Her blog is so great- full of wearable and accessible styles, with a few amazing cocktails thrown in the mix, combined with wit and a comfortableness that makes you think you're old cronies. It's a good one. I will be answering some of her questions so you can get to know my mind a little more, and also introduce you to a few blogs I thoroughly enjoy, and know you will too.

What am I working on?
Well, I'm still quite new to the blogging world, and it's definitely got a learning curve. I feel like I'm just starting to figure out the direction I'm wanting and pinning down what I would like to see happen with this little adventure. Plus, I will always continue to work on my photography and editing, and still feel like I have so much more to learn there.

How does my work differ from others in it's genre?
I think it's always hard to find your own voice and portray your true self. I work to simply stick with my own personal style and I try so hard to not compare. What I'm putting out there is me, and to quote good ole Dr. Seuss "there is no one alive, who is youer than you." 

Why do I write/create what I do?
I've always needed a place to be creative and maybe, in some ways, had denied myself that since having kids. I was seeking something that would force me to get out the camera, to actually edit my photos, to document our little lives and I truly wanted something that would be mine. A blog seemed the perfect bit, and it has been the most beautiful process for me. Challenging my creativity and pushing me to be brave and proactive.

How does my writing/creativity process work?
I would love to say I have blog posts done weeks in advance, but in truth, I sometimes struggle to come up with content. I just hope and pray that something will come to me and when it does- I run with it. I wake up early in the morning, before anyone else is about, and that is my blogging time, my moment to myself to work on something I enjoy.

Now, enough about me- let me introduce you to three really lovely and talented gals.

First is Cassie of farmbrews. She was one of the first to comment on my blog and I was beyond excited. I love her space- it's homey and sweet, and her kindness for animals and others shines through in her writing.

My blog is about homebrewing, hobby farming, and good times in northern New England. 

My (new) husband (ah! we just got married on 10/4) and I decided to start a hobby farm when we moved into our first home back in April. Neither of us grew up on farms, but we are originally from semi-rural areas so it's not really one of those "city girl turned country" stories either. On our little farm we are raising lambs, hens, and meat birds. We hope to be somewhere around 85% self-sustainable at some point in time. We also brew beer and are always up for any sort of concoction or experiment you throw our way. Aside from all that crazy stuff, we have a rescue doggy who has us wrapped around her paw and love to be tourists in our own backyard. 

I hope that maybe my blog will serve as some weird tutorial for those who don't really come from "this type of thing" either, but have some interest in becoming just a bit more self-sustainable. If that's not for you, then I hope it is at least entertaining!

Michaela of Michaela Jean Blog- She is lovely! Her writing varies between funny to artistic to inspirational with great style always as the backbone.

Michaela Jean, my self-entitled blog, bloomed out of the bones of a post college fashion blog and the need to virtually organize my creative interests. Although I post a fair amount of personal style I refuse to limit myself to all things worn. Instead, by narcissistically dubbing my blog I have the freedom to write about anything I so please.  In truth, I am all over the place, not quite a contrarian and far from a conformist. I don't swear on my blog out of courtesy to those who might be offended, but my family and friends would say I have the mouth of a sailor. My syntax is solid, yet my spelling ability is questionable, auto-correct is my crutch. Lastly, I often blog about fashion but if you saw me on the street I would most likely be sans makeup wearing my Lulu's and a sweatshirt from my alma-materMy constants are art, love, the ocean, and a great pair of shoes. I hope you better understand what's going on here, because honestly I am even confused by that convoluted description of MJB.   
xo Michaela

Anya of The Peppermint Pencil - I actually just discovered her blog recently and instantly fell in love with it. Her photography is first class, and the writing is so soothing. It's a beautiful space she has created.

'I'm Anya an illustrator, foodie and creator of the blog The Peppermint Pencil.  I first started my blog as a creative outlet after I finished at University, but in the year and a half I have been blogging, it has evolved into a lot more.  I share posts about lifestyle, adventures and my travels around the UK and beyond, lots of recipes including ones that are gluten and sugar-free, as well as creative DIY projects.'
Alright, what are you still doing here, go explore!