Selasa, 21 Oktober 2014

calling all readers

We are readers. Like for reals- we read a lot. 

It's been my favorite pastime since I was a wee lass. I have an obsession some might say. I prefer a more romantic term-like a passion for the written word, or a literary carnivore. Anyway, that's beside the point. . . if I were to start a book, I become enraptured, fully overtaken and I must finish. There is no casual, one chapter a day, read in my spare time, going on here. 

So, for the sake and well-being of my family, I have banned myself. For at least the past year I have not so much as dained to crack open the cover of a deliciously enchanting mystery, or even flipped thru the pages of a charming beach read. No, there has been no young adult dramas, no Christian fiction set on blissful Amish countryside. No thrillers, no autobiographies, nothing ( of course, I've taken up blogging which has more than consumed me- but that's neither here nor there).

Yet, I stumbled upon a bit of a loophole. Like any addict looking for a fix, I found a way. Except this time, I have accomplices- my kiddos. 

They love to be read to, and we've finally hit the stage where we can all enjoy a good chapter book together. No more Hungry Caterpillar, or Brown Bear Brown Bear. Gone are the days of Goodnight Moon, and Guess How Much I Love You. It's one of the few changes I have accepted graciously, even joyfully.

I have taken this new path very seriously, for I want them to grasp the full power of reading. How words can transport, enlighten and foster change. I want them to understand the mysterious and fantastical worlds only reading can take you to, and let's be totally honest- I want to read a good book too!

Finding something age appropriate that has appeal to both boys and girls, and is enthralling from the get go-has been tricky, and I am at a loss. We've read the Little House series. We've read Island of the Blue Dolphins, The Tale of Despereaux, near all the Roald Dahl classics. Our favorite has been Summer of the Monkeys, (seriously one of the best books around), but now I find myself stumped. I need help, advice, suggestions. What were some of your favorites growing up? What are you reading to your wild ones? Favorite authors, favorite series? Guide me on oh fearless readers.

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