Rabu, 29 Oktober 2014

a gourd-geous day

Kaleb and I TRY to make things a big deal for our crazies. We like to pile them up and whisk them away for small adventures, we celebrate all holidays big and small and aspire to foster a love for the outdoors and an active lifestyle.

Some they won't remember. Actually, most they won't, and that's ok. There is definitely a few moments I hope they do forget. What I crave for them is a sense, a feeling, a knowing that they were surrounded and filled up with love. That we tried, that we gave them our all.

Not all of these special events turn out exactly as you dreamed. You have a vision in your head of creating this perfect family memory only for it to fall apart at the seams.

Life with four little ones has it's moments, sometimes they can be a little difficult, aaaannnd I'm sure they could say the same thing about me. But, there are days when it all falls into place and I enjoy their company so much, and for the briefest of moments I think- this is going to be alright, them growing up, it may even be great.

Anyhow, that's a long lead in to what was one of those magnificently beautiful days this past week. The kind where it was everything you wanted and yet so much more. The kind where you genuinely enjoyed them and it felt less like parenting and more like a great day out with loved ones.

We headed to a nearby pumpkin patch on Friday and spent the whole of the day foraging our way thru thick green corn mazes. Filling our shirts with soft puffs of hand picked cotton, and sending bright yellow corn sailing thru blue skies shot from a long cannon. We strolled thru seemingly unending fields of pumpkins searching for the perfect ones to finally paint and carve with silly faces and set atop our porch.

It was a day that they may not remember in year to come, but a day Kaleb and I won't soon forget.

p.s. guest posting today over on Helen's blog- I will bloom. She is seriously one of the most fantastic writers, and I was honored to be asked. You can check it out here, if your so inclined.

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