With a plan to open up 19 new winow brothels in Amsterdam, mayor Eberhard van der Laan tried to pretend to be sex workers their friend. But while still continuing with closing down 94 more windows, this is of course nothing more than a trick of the mayor to try and claim sex workers their voices. Burying sex workers organisations in a pile of paperwork regarding his new window brothel, he hoped sex workers and organisations would be too busy to notice what's going on, and hoped to shut up the criticism. He hoped sex workers and organisation would be too scared to loose those 19 new brothels to criticize him for closing down more windows.
That may work for some, but not for me. After all, he's still avoiding to talk with sex workers working behind the windows in Amsterdam to talk about closing down the windows, while he does invite them to come and talk about his new brothel plan. Of course this only with the intention so he can claim that sex workers where very positive about his plans. Yeah, that's kind of easy if you only talk about the one good part of Project 1012, while avoiding to talk about most of the bad parts of this project which is directly threatening the work and lives of 250 women.
But recently someone tipped me off on some information, proving that mayor Eberhard van der Laan is still not the sex workers friend he pretends to be. In a letter from the mayor of Amsterdam, directed to the Minister of Justice, he requests him to create an legal opening to violate sex workers their privacy rights in order to fight human trafficking.
Now, to get things straight. This is not the first time the government has tried to violate sex workers their privacy rights. The city of Amsterdam itself has tried to get detailed privacy information about sex workers in Amsterdam, by letting the brothel owners do an obligated intake interview. After some struggle from several organisations this was forbidden, since it violated both the Dutch as well as European privacy rights.
But also the government itself attempted to do the same thing, by requesting for a mandatory registration of sex workers. This plan made it through parliament, but in the end was shot down in the senate for violating privacy rights of sex workers. In short, we know already this is not allowed due to privacy rights, both of the European Union and the Dutch law.
But the mayor of Amsterdam doesn't like that. He desperately wants to fight human trafficking, and is willing to violate sex workers their privacy rights to do so. Something that is illegal, both in European as well as by the Dutch law. But the mayor simply doesn't care about that, because he needs human trafficking examples and successes to claim that his project on closing down prostitution windows is a success. He needs to violate privacy rights in order to get more success, and take away more sex workers their workplaces, so he can sell them and make lots of money on it.
Mayor Eberhard van der Laan wants to specifically know detailed privacy information, about every sex worker their physical and mental health, but also their private sex life. This in order to subject all the sex workers in Amsterdam to a interview, to detect if a sex workers is independent enough, and determine if he or she is not a victim of human trafficking.
Yet Van der Laan has done nothing so far to improve sex workers to be more independent. Sex workers still can't get a bank account, as also recently was proven again when the Dutch union for sex workers was denied a bank account at Triodos Bank. Also loans, mortgages and insurances are most of the time impossible to get as a sex worker, even though it's a completely legal job.
Also sex workers still have huge difficulty finding a place to live, as many house owners, landlords and housing agencies refuse sex workers. As well as the fact that there's hardly any information available on how to get (safely) started with sex work in the first place.
This causes sex workers to reach out for help outside of the legal system, since they get refused there. And this makes them easy prey for trafficker who gladly want to help sex workers with this, in order to exploit them and force them to work for them.
Mayor Eberhard van der Laan writes in his letter he wants to 'improve' the position of sex workers by violating their privacy rights, in order to fight human trafficking. He wants to make sex workers more 'independent' and self sufficient.
Yet, how does violating someone's privacy rights make someone more independent? How does knowing what illness I have, make it easier for me to get a loan from a bank? How does knowing how my sex life looks like, make it easier for me to find a house? How does knowing that I'm not psychologically insane help me to get more information on how to get started as a sex worker in Holland with all that bureaucratic paperwork?
No, you might be able to spot a few more victims perhaps, but it certainly doesn't help sex workers to be more independent and self sufficient in any way. And that's also not so weird, since Van der Laan is not doing anything on making us more independent and self sufficient. After all, he's closing down 5 times more workplaces for sex workers than he's opening up, so that doesn't exactly make us more independent or self sufficient. In fact, it only makes us more vulnerable.
Now of course Van der Laan hoped nobody would notice this letter, and he could quietly continue while sex workers and organisations were too busy with those 19 new window brothels. But, unfortunately for him, I'm not interested in this new 'city brothel' at all, since I know it's just an attempt to distract us from his real objectives: to close down more windows.
Too bad for you mr. Van der Laan, but you can't trick me or most of the other sex workers. We're not interested in your new city brothel, we like to work with our current brothel owners. Our brothel owners are not the bad people you tell everyone they are, in order to kick them out of their buildings and sell them, so you and a couple of city official friends can get very rich. You continuously underestimate sex workers, and that in the end will cost you more than those people are willing to pay for real estate.
You will not violate the European and Dutch laws when it comes to privacy. Privacy is a human right, and by requesting the Minister of Justice to get detailed information about our physical and mental health, as well as information about our sex life, you are violating human rights. And I will not let you violate the human rights of sex workers in Amsterdam!
Dutch version
Selasa, 31 Maret 2015
Jumat, 27 Maret 2015
Triodos bank refuses sexwork organisation bank account
"Follow your heart. Use your head" (unless when you care about equal rights and freedom) |
"Pornography: All organisations, businesses and activities that focus on the sale of pornographic products and/or exploitation of related meeting places and shops."
But since PROUD doesn't sell or exploit pornography itself, but nearly stands up for the rights of the people working in this industry, this isn't the case for PROUD. Above all, the criteria state that they do support (section Culture and well being):
"Projects and initiatives that help people in society to develop themselves to be free citizens."
Which is exactly what PROUD is about, helping people in society (in this case sex workers) to develop themselves to be free citizens (free from human trafficking, discrimination and stigmatization). Even funnier is the fact that with the refusal of Triodos, they have actively contributed to deny people to develop themselves as free citizens, by denying sex workers a bank account for their rights organisation.
Furthermore Triodos states that they 'strive for financing projects that makes these qualities not subject to financial or commercial targets'. In short, exactly what PROUD is doing. Triodos also writes in their criteria how their bank differentiates from other banks. Namely by:
"Contributing to the renewal in society, so people can develop themselves more freely, have equal rights and take responsibility for the consequences of their economic trading for other people and the earth in general."
My question would be: How is PROUD not renewing society? By standing up for the rights of sex workers, so they can develop themselves more freely (as is also the goal as stated in their own criteria) and can get equal rights (which is exactly the point of PROUD).
After some fuzz on social media, the bank came with an explanation for their actions. They wrote in a reaction that for their bank everyone is equal, which is also part of the bank their constitution, which are inspired by the French revolution. But if everyone is equal, than why can't a sex workers organisation open up a bank account?
After all, they don't produce or sell pornography, they call out for the rights of sex workers to be free, to be treated as equals, to develop themselves more freely. In what way does this conflict with their own criteria? And if everyone is equal, than why not sex workers? And if they would be inspired by the French revolution (freedom, equality and brotherhood), on which point exactly is PROUD, an organisation that stands up for freedom and equal rights for sex workers, not following that idea?
Funny enough, this is of course not the first time this has happened. Sex workers get these kind of things on a daily base. Not just with opening bank accounts, but also with loans, mortgages, insurances etc. etc. And it is because financial organisations refuse sex workers, that they have to resort to other means. And this is what makes them vulnerable to human trafficking, because they're easy prey for traffickers to take advantage of, when they cannot be financially independent.
In most cases of human trafficking, it revolves around a sex worker who accepted the job, but subsequently has to pay off a debt. That debt comes from the fact that they accepted a deal with the trafficker, because legal financial services deny sex workers their services. This forces sex workers into accepting deals from traffickers, which subsequently leads to exploitation, and in some cases even leads to forced prostitution.
Denying sex workers or organisations that stand up for their rights, financial services, you are actively pushing them towards human traffickers, that gladly take advantage of their vulnerable position, to exploit and force them to work for them.
With their actions, Triodos has only proved one thing. That they don't support people standing up for their own rights, the rights to be free, human rights, equality. How can one be free, if you deny them the right to be free? How can one be equal, if you deny one group, but do accept other groups? How can one develop themselves freely, if the organisation that is trying to achieve this, is being denied?
Triodos is just one example, there are many other financial companies that do exactly the same. It are companies like these that force women into exploitation and forced prostitution, is that called freedom, equality and a better society?
Dutch version
Rabu, 25 Maret 2015
Prostitutes sign petition against false claims Jojanneke
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Jojannke on Tour with the ChristenUnie |
Warner ten Kate his pathetic attempt in NRC to blame his quotes from the documentary on Jojanneke, calling it 'Jojanneke her statements', while in fact they were clearly his statements, shows how insecure he is about this. Also the fact that until this day he is not able to provide with the report which would make this claim, and the fact that in his own reply he's terrified to even mention the number, because he knows it's wrong.
Jojanneke on her hand got what she wanted. A documentary with false statistics, giving a completely one sided vision on prostitution: Jojanneke her vision on prostitution. It's no secret that Jojanneke was against prostitution, calling it already two years before the start of the documentary 'idiotic', and claiming that according to her 80% were forced, and outspoken favoring the Swedish prostitution model as the way to go (making all clients criminals, and impossible for sex workers to work safe and legal).
No, the documentary made by Jojanneke was nothing more than a PR stunt from the political party ChristenUnie, and their crusade against prostitution. It also shouldn't come as a surprise that she's even on tour for the ChristenUnie to talk about it, Jojanneke claims exactly what the ChristenUnie wants to hear: prostitution is wrong. But of course, this is just pure coincidence, right?
But of course, what they never accounted for, was that sex workers themselves would speak out against them. After all, for years people like Jojanneke (think for example about Renate van der Zee), made false claims about us, and sex workers simply didn't talk back. Jojanneke simply had back luck that there were people like me, and others, to speak out against this type of bullshit.
In their defense they wrote an open letter, Jojanneke and all her anti-prostitution friends, claiming that the discussion shouldn't be about the statistics, but about the victims. But than again, who was it again that started throwing around false statistics to claim things that simply aren't true? Which group was it, that for years have been claiming enormous statistics based on bullshit reports that did hardly any, to no research at all at times, to claim that prostitutes didn't want to do this job.
With statistics being used by Gert-Jan Segers (who signed the letter), Myrthe Hilkens (who signed the letter), Jojanneke van den Berge (who signed the letter), Renate van der Zee (who signed the letter), Linda Futa-Van Gogh (signed the letter) and many other famous anti-prostitution people and organisations, who claimed the majority of prostitutes would be forced, and they didn't want to do this job. Who was it that made these claims using statistics? Who was it that started throwing around false statistics, sometimes even without any report to back it up, and all other reports being based on such bad research even a 3-year old could do it better!
Their defense was as pathetic as Warner ten Kate his open letter in NRC is. A pathetic attempt to achieve a number of goals they have their will set on. Plans like criminalizing 'wrong Johns' who supposedly should know they were visiting a victim. Plans like a pimp ban, which just so happened to be launched by ChristenUnie's Gert-Jan Segers at the same day it was being mentioned in Jojanneke her TV show, even before that episode aired!
No, it became very clear that the Public Prosecution Office, ChristenUnie and Jojanneke had the same goals with this documentary. To create a TV documentary that would support the idea of criminalizing 'wrong' Johns, and even criminalize pimps (in regular terms an employer of a prostitute). This documentary was never being made to show the truth, but was a vessel, a means to an end. And the end was to criminalize 'wrong' clients and pimps, because that's something all of them want, without caring about the consequences for sex workers or victims for that matter.
And when this bullshit TV show was being aired on national TV, falsely informing people about the prostitution industry, hoping they would get enough support from the public opinion to execute their plans, I started a small petition. The idea was to show people that things being stated in this documentary are far from the truth. Things like the idea that 70% of the prostitutes would be forced.
I did the petition with girls just in my own office, which has around 50 windows in Amsterdam's Red Light District.
In total 56 women signed the petition. Meaning that behind every window in my office there's a woman that doesn't agree with the statements made in this TV show. Meaning that not just themselves aren't victims, but they also don't recognize the image that 70% of the girls working here would be forced, which stretches far beyond the 56 women that signed it.
Looking back at the petition, perhaps I should have asked other girls from other brothels to sign it as well. But at least this shows, that from only one brothel with around 50 windows, there are already 56 women that don't agree with this image being presented about us. Can you imagine what would happen if I asked all the girls working at other brothels as well?
People often try to put away my blog as 'one prostitute's perspective', as if I would only be speaking for myself. That's absolute bullshit, in fact, I more often speak out the general opinion of the girls, than just that one of my own. I don't always agree with everything they say, but that's how it works.
If I would just be voicing my own opinion, I wouldn't be doing it for such a long time. I know what I'm saying is not just my perspective, but the perspective of hundreds of girls I know working in Amsterdam's Red Light District, and I'm telling you now that percentages of 50% or more coercion are absolute bullshit!
As you can see in the petition, I also mentioned the fact that the reason why so many windows have closed down, and are still due to close down, is because the city of Amsterdam claims so many of us are forced. This also shows those women don't agree with closing down windows, after all, how could they? Would you be happy if someone closes down your only place to work, with as an excuse that 'it's better for you' because we're saving you?
For too long people have been able to make false claims about us. Whether that are people from the city, because they want to close down our windows, or people on TV because they don't like our profession. A storm is coming, the dogs are awake, don't fuck with us or you'll have a serious problem. This is just the beginning!
Minggu, 22 Maret 2015
New raids in Alkmaar harass sex workers
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The police raid of 2013 in Alkmaar |
And before I will jump into what has happened recently in Alkmaar, I first want to give you a little bit of background information. Alkmaar has 69 windows. But like in Amsterdam, and almost every other city in Holland with window prostitution, also Alkmaar has suffered from politicians that want to get rid of window prostitution. Once there used to be 129 windows, now only 69 remain.
When I started working in Holland in window prostitution, there wasn't any place in a window in Amsterdam, so for the first few weeks I was working from Alkmaar. I liked it there, although if I could choose now between Alkmaar and Amsterdam, I'd prefer Amsterdam since you can just make more money here with the tourists. At the time there were much more windows than there are now. I went back a while ago, and noticed how much the place has changed. So many windows have closed down.
And just like with Amsterdam, also in Alkmaar they use the stories of forced prostitution and human trafficking as a reason to close down windows. In fact, a couple of years ago (2013) they did a huge police raid in the area, in which everyone was taken down to the city hall for questioning. And with everyone I really mean everyone, all the sex workers, but also everyone that just happened to be walking in that street at the moment. Personal stuff was taken from the sex workers their workplace, including money they had earned that night, which they never got back.
Subsequently all the women that were taken to city hall were questioned separately for hours (in most cases 3 to 4 hours), until the next morning. Some women (or so I've heard) were taken to city hall still wearing their working outfit, to subsequently be interrogated for hours, getting the most privacy violating ever asked by the police and officials from the city. Questions such as: Do you enjoy having sex with you boyfriend? Do you enjoy having sex with your customers? How many times a day do you have sex with your boyfriend?
Prostitutes were intimidated, manipulated, forced and human rights were violated during this raid. They had to sign a statement in Dutch they couldn't understand because they couldn't read Dutch, and many women were angry and some even slightly traumatized because of these events.
More than 500 police officers and government officials were involved in the raid in a street not even 130 meters long, with only 57 window prostitutes. The foundation Geisha, who was still alive at that time to fight for sex workers rights, claimed to take the city of Alkmaar to court for this. That never happened, as so often with Geisha, they claimed a lot of things but never did anything for sex workers in this country.
Th city of Alkmaar later claimed the raid to be a huge success, and claimed they had arrested two people on suspicion of human trafficking. The mayor claimed that the prostitutes appreciated the attention for their position of a possible victim of human trafficking. The city of Alkmaar also claimed only 9 prostitutes were 'clean' after research, and suspected the other 48 girls of being victims. None of suspects that were arrested that night were charged with anything however. The claim that only 9 prostitutes would be clean turned out to be a false claim.
In short, the claims of the city and the mayor of Alkmaar seem to be almost the opposite of the girls themselves. The mayor claiming the women were happy to be seen as possible victims, Geisha claiming the women were not happy at all and some even slightly traumatized. A typical example of how governments lie to justify their actions against sex workers.
And now, last week an article appeared that again the city of Alkmaar is trying to intimidate window prostitutes. This time not at their workplace, but at home. But not to make the same mistake they made last time, this time the pretended to be investigating the safety of the house they were living in.
In reality however the women were woken up in the morning by a group of about 5 people, 2 of which were from the police, 3 city officials.
They didn't want to show their ID, according to statement of of the girls, but did want to ask like 80 questions. Unlike one might expect from an investigation about the safety of one's house, they were asking personal questions. Questions such as: If they were married, if they had children, if they were brought to their work by someone, if they were free to go where they wanted, how much money they made a week, if they had a protector, if someone goes with her when she does out, etc. Indeed, things that have nothing to do with the safety of one's house, but things that very much seem to be aimed at finding out of the girls are victims of human trafficking.
Now, since these women are foreign (both Bulgarian), they were not aware of the fact that they could deny them access to her house. But even if they did know, it's quite intimidating to have 5 people standing in front of your door, including two police men. Which also begs the question why the police was involved? After all, if this was an investigation for the safety of the house, as the city claimed later, why was there any police required at all?
When one of the girls asked why the police was there, they answered that was because some people didn't want to let them inside. Which proves that they couldn't really deny them access to their house, even if they wanted to, because that's why the police was there.
It seems like yet again the city of Alkmaar is trying to harass sex workers by violating their privacy, insinuating they're coerced, and violating their rights, all under false pretenses. It's a typical, and very recognizable example of how not only cities work, and politicians lie, but also about how the police works. Their methods are very recognizable for a lot of sex workers, including myself, using intimidation, abusing the lack of knowledge of local laws of foreign sex workers in their advantage to violate their privacy and their human rights.
Politicians, the police and other authorities always seem to be convinced most of us are victims, while in reality we are not. Fueled by false statistics created by the police themselves, christian organisations or rescue organisations with a financial interest to claim such thing, we are being treated as victims. A strange thing, because most of us are not victims at all, the only thing we're being victims of, is being treated like one.
And convincing others as sex worker that you're not a victim is always incredibly difficult. Things which with any other job wouldn't raise anyone's eyebrows, are in prostitution immediately seen as a clear sign of human trafficking.
Dutch version
Jumat, 20 Maret 2015
Another 108 million euro to take away sexworker's workplaces
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Fashion shops to replace Amsterdam's trade mark window prostitution |
In total Amsterdam will go from 512 windows back in 2007 to 320 windows at the end of the project, and will have cost approximately 500 women a safe and above all a legal place to work. Women that will receive no help from the government of any kind, and are simply left without a place to work, resulting in an increase of illegal prostitution, as we've already noticed in the last couple of years.
Currently 395 windows remain for sex workers in Amsterdam, but with 94 more windows threatened to close down, the 19 window brothels offered by the city's multiplicity is by far not sufficient to replace the loss of those 94 windows, or the 117 windows the city has already lost.
From those 94 windows that are still scheduled to close down, already 10 windows have been bought, and will close down in January 2016. This still leaves 84 more windows to be bought, for which a budget is needed of 108 million euro. A large part of that money is tax payers money, which get's used to kick out women from their only legal place to work, but still 24 million is needed to complete the estimated budget of 108 million euro for this. With almost 80% of it's budget complete, it seems like almost a matter of time before the city finds another investor to throw it's money away into the bottomless pit of Project 1012.
Because looking at the result of Project 1012, it certainly hasn't been a profitable project for the investors. Buildings that once used to be brothels have now turned into cheese shops, art galleries, 'fashion' shops and other small businesses which hardly make any profit at all. In fact, the profits from those businesses have been so bad, that many of the business owners can't make enough money to pay for the rent, while sex workers would gladly pay easily double the price for those same buildings to work in. Right now many of the business that now occupy these ex-brothels get subsidized by the city as placeholders, to prevent prostitution from returning in those buildings.
Beyond the fact that it's a bad deal for the people that invest in this project, also tax payers their money get's spend on a project to reduce Amsterdam's most famous touristic attraction. A touristic attraction which is responsible for more than 1/3 of Amsterdam's tourism, and generates an annual income for the city somewhere between 85 and 170 million euro.
It's no secret that Amsterdam's Red Light District and coffeeshops are at the heart of tourism in Amsterdam. Mention the city of Amsterdam to anyone abroad, and the first things they'll mention are drugs and prostitutes, the same things Project 1012 wants to reduce with about 40%.
Besides being bad for the sex workers, who loose their only legal place to work and will revert to illegal prostitution, causing authorities more problems than they solve. And beyond the huge impact this will have on tourism and the economy for Amsterdam, and the fact that huge amounts of tax payers money and money from investors is being thrown away into this bottomless pit that destroys one of Amsterdam's biggest source of income, it also violates the agreement made in the city council.
Last year, the city council agreed that not more money would be spend on Project 1012. Yet the 108 million euro that is required to finish this project, seems to completely violate that agreement.
The project was once sold to the audience as an 'upgrade of the area' and to 'fight human trafficking'. The upgrade however was never successful, as the business now function more as placeholders than actually upgrading anything at all. Above all the businesses seem out of place in an area internationally known as an area of prostitution. Tourists which come to Amsterdam for it's prostitution feel uncomfortable going in to one of these shops, situated among window prostitutes, and clients of prostitutes feel uncomfortable going inside with prostitutes, while people from those shops seeing them going inside. In short, a bad deal for both businesses.
Beyond that, people don't go looking for shops in Amsterdam's Red Light District, it's confusing for everyone. If people want to shop, they'll go to the famous Albert Cuyp Market, or the expensive P.C. Hoofdstraat, not the Red Light District. And the customers of window prostitutes are also not happy with it. They rely on privacy and discretion, something that is not provided with an art gallery across the street.
Also the argument of fighting human trafficking has never been proven. In not one single case has it ever been proven that a woman working behind a window that was closed down that she was a victim of human trafficking. In fact, it's completely unknown what happened to the women that have lost their only legal workplace. Most likely they have disappeared into illegal prostitution, a problem the police and other authorities in Holland are desperately trying to fight.
Meanwhile the victims of trafficking that are still present in Amsterdam's Red Light District don't receive any help from this project. Kicking them out onto the street will not relieve them from the problems of working for a pimp that is exploiting them.
Why so much money is needed for a project that not only increases the chance of human trafficking, but above all damages tourism and the local economy, is a guess. Apparently someone's making a lot of money somewhere, although it remains unclear how and where. Most likely seems to be that money is being made with the real estate that is being sold. And whoever that person or those people are, they're making a lot more money than the 108 million that is still required to close down the remaining 94 windows. But of course these are all deals that are happening behind closed doors.
Whoever they are, not only are the endangering the lives of 500 women, violating the agreement of the city council not to invest more money in this project and damaging the income generated by tourism the businesses in the city center depend on, they seem to be completely focused on their benefit and not that of the city.
I talked the other day with a couple of girls working at another brothel. Also they agreed with me. If more windows close down, this will be the death of Amsterdam. Every year almost 1 million people come to visit Amsterdam's Red Light District. The people that visit the district like to spend money. They like to party, go wild, have fun. They are willing to spend a lot of money in the local shops, the coffeeshops, but also with girls like us.
We've talked already with so many of our customers, tourists that spend a lot of money here, that have said they don't want to return here, because there's almost nothing left anymore of Amsterdam's Red Light District. This is the one thing many tourists come to Amsterdam for, to smoke a joint and visit legally a prostitute. Closing down more windows will heavily damage not only the economy, but more importantly damage Amsterdam's image of the of drugs, prostitution and tolerance.
Amsterdam without it's coffeeshops and window prostitution, is like Paris without the Champs Élysée and Eifel Tower. It destroys anything that is unique to this city, for which tourists decide to visit Amsterdam. It's destroying Amsterdam's unique selling points, turning it into another boring European city: a city without a soul.
So, even though the project is costing another 108 million euro, both tax payers money and money from investors. And even though investing in this project is a complete waste of money, destroying tourism and the local economy responsible for 85-170 million euro a year. And even though the city council agreed not to invest more money into this project, and they're violating that agreement by continuing to search for more investors to close the gap of 24 million euro. They simply don't care, because real estate and money is more important to them than the local economy, agreements with political parties or the lives of 500 women.
Dutch version
Selasa, 17 Maret 2015
Were the women forced in the windows that have been closed down?
Recently I came across this video in which a woman from the Red Light Secrets Museum in Amsterdam explains some things about prostitution in Amsterdam. That I'm not really fond of that museum isn't a secret, I already wrote an angry blogpost about how this museum gives a distorted image about workinga behind the windows and the women that work there. The museum seems to aim at giving the people the idea that the girls work in disgusting rooms, on stained beds (I almost felt I had to throw up when I saw how the bed in the museum looked like), and playing the whole 'this-could-be-your-daughter' complex by adding in teddy bears in the workroom to give people a bad feeling about it.
But the worst part about that museum in my opinion, was the usage of a video from Stop The Traffik, which gives complete false information about human trafficking in the Red Light District in Amsterdam, claiming every year 'thousands' end up here, even though there are only 400 windows and we barely have 1000 window prostitutes in Amsterdam in total, and claiming they came here under false pretenses, which even for most trafficked victims isn't the case at all.
So I know already that the people from the Red Light Secrets Museum in Amsterdam aren't very well informed. Not a strange thing, the museum is a project from the city of Amsterdam and part of Project 1012, which has as an aim to reduce the number of workplaces for window prostitutes with as an excuse fighting human trafficking. And the building in which this museum is now located, used to be a couple of windows for sex workers to work in. Now it's just a place where they're just giving out false information about our job, and I don't think that's just an accident.
One of the reasons why, is of course because it's a project of the city of Amsterdam itself, which needs to use false information to justify their project of closing down windows of women. The second reason is that one of the people that used to work on setting up this museum was Ilonka Stakelborough, the former chairman of Geisha, an organisation that was supposed to improve the position of sex workers, but in reality never did anything at all.
Recently we got informed that Ilonka has already been suspended by Geisha as a chairman by the other people in that organisation. Not a strange thing if you consider some of the bullshit she told the media, and the fact that she worked on creating a bad image for sex workers behind the window with this museum.
But that the people in this museum know little about the reality of what's going on around them, get's proven again with this video. In the video a woman claims that some windows on the other side are closing down because women working there would be forced, or so she read in the newspaper.
And indeed, the newspapers did try and make it look that way. But we also know that none of the windows she's talking about, have closed down, even though they should have been closed down already. So it looks like just another attempt from the city of Amsterdam and the mayor to give the Red Light District a bad name, and again without any proof. And the 6 windows that did close down recently, weren't closed down because girls working there would be forced, but because the owner of those buildings sold it to the city of Amsterdam.
In short, it's not true at all that windows closed down because women would be forced behind those windows. In fact, of all the 117 windows that have closed down by now, never has it ever been proven that even a single woman was forced who worked behind those windows. And this is a recurring thing, as we've also seen happening in Utrecht. Also there people claimed windows were closed down due to women being forced, but until this day that has never been proven.
In fact, looking at the 673 windows that have been closed down in Holland. Almost all of those windows were closed down with the story that women working behind those windows would be forced. But in none of those cases has it ever been proven.
It's the constant universal truth about window prostitution in Holland. They've closed down 673 windows here, always with an excuse that subsequently never gets proven. But by the time that it becomes clear that the windows are closed under false suspicions, it's already too late. The windows are closed, and once they are closed they never open up again. This is the result of the fact that's it's almost impossible to get a permit for prostitution, and that's even if they want you back at all.
This is again proof that constantly people are trying to close down prostitution, using lies and false information. But it also proves that people just believe that information, even though it gets proven time after time again that this is not true.
Brothel owners are always being put away as evil, and that they would be facilitating and even helping pimps with human trafficking. A strange thing, since even after for example the city of Amsterdam tried to get them away using a BIBOB procedure (a procedure using your possible criminal history to close down your business), it turned out there was nothing wrong with the brothel owners. They couldn't prove a damn thing! Time after time I see the brothel owners getting blamed for things nobody has ever proved to be true at all!
Also now the city of Amsterdam is still trying to give brothel owners a bad name, with their plan to open up 19 prostitution windows. They claim that this will be a 'pimp free' brothel, as if other brothels are not 'pimp free', even though they have no evidence to support this claim at all.
And fact is, that it's absolute bullshit that these 19 windows would become 'pimp free'. These 19 windows from the city of Amsterdam have just as much potential for human trafficking, as any other brothel. Just because a brothel is run by different people, doesn't take away the problems of human trafficking. But that of course goes in against the story that Amsterdam wants to use to justify the closures of those other brothels. After all, if it's not the fault of the person running the brothel, their whole claim to close down brothels to fight human trafficking falls apart.
And how does closing down windows actually help to fight human trafficking? We're not solving any problems with that, we're just pushing them away, into illegal prostitution. The free working women will be forced to continue their work in less safe places, since there aren't any other legal options anymore. And those women that are forced, certainly won't be helped, if they disappear into the dark abyss of illegal prostitution.
Fact is that it has never been proven that the women behind the windows that have been closed, or are still going to close down, are forced. Take for example the 6 windows that closed down last January in the Bethlehemsteeg. I knew all of those girls working there, none of them were forced, I can guarantee you that. Yet, the city of Amsterdam keeps claiming that they're closing down windows where women are forced, which is absolutely not true. After all, if they knew those women would be forced, why don't they help them in stead of kicking them out onto the street?
The other thing Amsterdam keeps claiming is that closing down windows will help the fight against human trafficking, because the area becomes smaller and therefore easier to control. Which is just another way of saying that they don't have enough capacity, and in stead of investing in more manpower, they'd rather just close their eyes to those women they kick out onto the street, and only want to focus on those women in the windows they are not going to close down. In other words, they simply don't care about the women in the windows they want to close down.
Dutch version
But the worst part about that museum in my opinion, was the usage of a video from Stop The Traffik, which gives complete false information about human trafficking in the Red Light District in Amsterdam, claiming every year 'thousands' end up here, even though there are only 400 windows and we barely have 1000 window prostitutes in Amsterdam in total, and claiming they came here under false pretenses, which even for most trafficked victims isn't the case at all.
So I know already that the people from the Red Light Secrets Museum in Amsterdam aren't very well informed. Not a strange thing, the museum is a project from the city of Amsterdam and part of Project 1012, which has as an aim to reduce the number of workplaces for window prostitutes with as an excuse fighting human trafficking. And the building in which this museum is now located, used to be a couple of windows for sex workers to work in. Now it's just a place where they're just giving out false information about our job, and I don't think that's just an accident.
One of the reasons why, is of course because it's a project of the city of Amsterdam itself, which needs to use false information to justify their project of closing down windows of women. The second reason is that one of the people that used to work on setting up this museum was Ilonka Stakelborough, the former chairman of Geisha, an organisation that was supposed to improve the position of sex workers, but in reality never did anything at all.
Recently we got informed that Ilonka has already been suspended by Geisha as a chairman by the other people in that organisation. Not a strange thing if you consider some of the bullshit she told the media, and the fact that she worked on creating a bad image for sex workers behind the window with this museum.
But that the people in this museum know little about the reality of what's going on around them, get's proven again with this video. In the video a woman claims that some windows on the other side are closing down because women working there would be forced, or so she read in the newspaper.
And indeed, the newspapers did try and make it look that way. But we also know that none of the windows she's talking about, have closed down, even though they should have been closed down already. So it looks like just another attempt from the city of Amsterdam and the mayor to give the Red Light District a bad name, and again without any proof. And the 6 windows that did close down recently, weren't closed down because girls working there would be forced, but because the owner of those buildings sold it to the city of Amsterdam.
In short, it's not true at all that windows closed down because women would be forced behind those windows. In fact, of all the 117 windows that have closed down by now, never has it ever been proven that even a single woman was forced who worked behind those windows. And this is a recurring thing, as we've also seen happening in Utrecht. Also there people claimed windows were closed down due to women being forced, but until this day that has never been proven.
In fact, looking at the 673 windows that have been closed down in Holland. Almost all of those windows were closed down with the story that women working behind those windows would be forced. But in none of those cases has it ever been proven.
It's the constant universal truth about window prostitution in Holland. They've closed down 673 windows here, always with an excuse that subsequently never gets proven. But by the time that it becomes clear that the windows are closed under false suspicions, it's already too late. The windows are closed, and once they are closed they never open up again. This is the result of the fact that's it's almost impossible to get a permit for prostitution, and that's even if they want you back at all.
This is again proof that constantly people are trying to close down prostitution, using lies and false information. But it also proves that people just believe that information, even though it gets proven time after time again that this is not true.
Brothel owners are always being put away as evil, and that they would be facilitating and even helping pimps with human trafficking. A strange thing, since even after for example the city of Amsterdam tried to get them away using a BIBOB procedure (a procedure using your possible criminal history to close down your business), it turned out there was nothing wrong with the brothel owners. They couldn't prove a damn thing! Time after time I see the brothel owners getting blamed for things nobody has ever proved to be true at all!
Also now the city of Amsterdam is still trying to give brothel owners a bad name, with their plan to open up 19 prostitution windows. They claim that this will be a 'pimp free' brothel, as if other brothels are not 'pimp free', even though they have no evidence to support this claim at all.
And fact is, that it's absolute bullshit that these 19 windows would become 'pimp free'. These 19 windows from the city of Amsterdam have just as much potential for human trafficking, as any other brothel. Just because a brothel is run by different people, doesn't take away the problems of human trafficking. But that of course goes in against the story that Amsterdam wants to use to justify the closures of those other brothels. After all, if it's not the fault of the person running the brothel, their whole claim to close down brothels to fight human trafficking falls apart.
And how does closing down windows actually help to fight human trafficking? We're not solving any problems with that, we're just pushing them away, into illegal prostitution. The free working women will be forced to continue their work in less safe places, since there aren't any other legal options anymore. And those women that are forced, certainly won't be helped, if they disappear into the dark abyss of illegal prostitution.
Fact is that it has never been proven that the women behind the windows that have been closed, or are still going to close down, are forced. Take for example the 6 windows that closed down last January in the Bethlehemsteeg. I knew all of those girls working there, none of them were forced, I can guarantee you that. Yet, the city of Amsterdam keeps claiming that they're closing down windows where women are forced, which is absolutely not true. After all, if they knew those women would be forced, why don't they help them in stead of kicking them out onto the street?
The other thing Amsterdam keeps claiming is that closing down windows will help the fight against human trafficking, because the area becomes smaller and therefore easier to control. Which is just another way of saying that they don't have enough capacity, and in stead of investing in more manpower, they'd rather just close their eyes to those women they kick out onto the street, and only want to focus on those women in the windows they are not going to close down. In other words, they simply don't care about the women in the windows they want to close down.
Dutch version
Jumat, 13 Maret 2015
What's in my Bag
I have a real affinity for sneaking a peek into peoples everyday. It's one of the main reasons I love blogs so much, and if there's a little tell or behind the scenes, you can bet I will sniff it out quicker than a hound dog looking for his favorite bone.
So, bearing this in mind, I thought I would dive into my great big bag of tricks and let you in on a few of my daily survival essentials.
First, lets take a moment to admire this bag. Isn't she beautiful! It's far and away the nicest thing I've ever owned, but sometimes a girl just needs something grand. The leather feels like butter and it smells of a small mom and pops leather store located on some cobbled side street deep in the heart of Italy- amazing. This was my first time not carrying a diaper bag in years, and although heavy, it feels so good.
One more last look you cheeky thing you:)
Now, lets see whats inside, besides an uncanny amount of trash, and random toy cars, legos and transformers.
The Honest Co. diapers and wipes- Although I may not carry the typical diaper bag, I am very much still in the phase of life where having them is an absolute must. Honest completely sold me with their cute prints and eco-friendly POV. Plus, they are shipped straight to my door- being that I am thirty minutes away from any type of shopping, this was a huge plus. I have totally and completely loved them! They are incredibly cute, uber convenient, and give me good vibes from good choices. I think the bundle price is quite fair, as a typical bundle last me at least two months.
Rescue Remedy My Dad owns a health food store, so I'm continually inundated with vitamins, tinctures and homeopathics. I've found that this is a great remedy to keep handy- perfect if I find myself getting a tad overwhelmed, or a wild has gotten hurt and is a bit worked up. A few quick sprays is all it takes for a little calm to seep in, or at least take their mind off of whatever is bothering them for a hot minute.
Herban Essentials Towelettes These little babies are incredibly handy. Made with pure essential oils, they smell sooooo good, and are naturally antibacterial and antiseptic. Lemon for a quick uplift while dispelling any germs, lavender to bring forth a calming effect, and peppermint for any little upset tummies. I use them to cleanse grimy chubby mitts, lay them across aching bellies, wipe down sticky tables, and for grabbing a quick cleansing breath. They are a perfect on the go companion.
YumEarth Organics Lollipops You will not ever see me out, when I am not carrying a full bag of these bad boys. Made with organic fruit juice, they are gluten free, fat free, nut free, with 100% of your daily vitamin C. They are uncanny in their ability to quiet down small children. The perfect item for waiting rooms, car trips, business meetings- anything where you find yourself in need of a bit of quiet. Screaming tot passes you by at the grocery store, offer them an organic sucker so they will finally hush up and you can shop in peace. They are fail proof.
Nourishing Coconut Cream Lip Balm This is always my favorite, possibly because I can swipe one from my Dads shop anytime I'm running low, but still- smells like the beach and instantly gives you that tropical, no worries mojo, while making ones lips supple and smooth. It's a win win.
Raw Shea Butter Hand Cream A nutrient rich and long lasting moisture treatment, it is the ultimate in hand creams. My absolute favorite, the smell is nice while not being overpowering and full of toning and anti-aging properties. Yes please.
Throw in my iPhone 6+, maybe a change of clothes for the little miss, my camera and four lifefactory water bottles and you've got yourself a 50lb bag- but you're ready for the day!
Kamis, 12 Maret 2015
How to start in window prostitution in Amsterdam?
Since I've started my blog I've regularly been contacted by women, about how they could start working behind the windows in Amsterdam. I guess this proves that there are still people who want to work in prostitution, although there are others that claim nobody would want to.
But more importantly it proves how difficult it is to begin with this job, and the lack of information and help to get started, which again makes them vulnerable to human trafficking. Because if there's nobody around to help you with this, and give you the information you need, it's easy for a human trafficker to take advantage over that, and making you a victim.
Now I've been working behind the scenes at PROUD a lot to improve these things, although this will take some time. Many politicians are more focused on fighting human trafficking, using clients as their shield and letting them take the fall for them if they get it wrong, by criminalizing them if 'they should have known' it was a victim. A ridiculous idea of course, because the point of course is that clients hardly ever know they're visiting a victim, which is the same problem the police has, which is also the reason this crime still exists.
What they don't realize so much however, is that if they want to tackle the problem of human trafficking, it's not about how many you can save after they've become victims (by using clients as private detectives and punishing them with jail if they didn't get it right), but by preventing they become a victim in the first place. And this happens when they step into prostitution.
The other day I received an e-mail from a Dutch woman, who wanted to know how she could start working behind the windows. It's not the first e-mail I got with this question, as I got several e-mails already from both Dutch and foreign women with this question. And it's not so weird, since there's very little information online available about this.
Now if you can imagine that it's already difficult for a Dutch woman to find out how to start working behind the windows, now imagine it for a foreign woman who doesn't speak the local language, doesn't know where to look for the information, and on top of that also has the problems of immigration. This makes them very vulnerable to human traffickers, who gladly will help them out in an attempt to exploit them for money. So the key to stop human trafficking for a large part lies within facilitating a safe and legal way in, that takes away the need for human traffickers their 'help'.
Now, to start things of I will explain that prostitution is a legal job in Holland already since 1911. Many people think we've only legalized it back in 2000, but this is incorrect, in 2000 they nearly lifted the brothel ban, it wasn't illegal before to work as a prostitute or visit one for that matter.
And working behind the windows means you become a self employed business owner or ZZP'er as they call it here in Holland. Each window prostitute is a ZZP'er and is the owner of her own prostitution company. As self employed business owner you than rent a workplace from a brothel owner that rents out windows, so basically nothing more than someone that rents out space to self employed business owners. Sadly however you need a permit for a brothel, unlike with other self employed businesses, which are given out by the city and they hardly ever give out permits at all, which is also the reason why prostitutes never tried to set up their own brothel, as ms. Shahsavari naively stated in her column a while ago. You can't, since you need a permit for this, and Amsterdam hardly ever gives out permits at all.
Beyond a permit as a brothel, window prostitution is only allowed in buildings that have been appointed by the city as a destination for prostitution. And since they only appointed those buildings that were already brothels, you can never open up a new one, since you're not allowed to open one up in a building that has no destination for prostitution, And the ones that do, they are currently closing down, so that's not making things any better either.
To begin with window prostitution you need to have a few things first. You need a valid passport or ID, you need to be 21 or older in Amsterdam, you need to be registered at the municipality where you're living and for foreign people from outside of Europe they need to have a visa (a tourist visa doesn't count) and a bank account (forget about trying to get a business account, they won't give you one).
To start off with you would first need to set up your own prostitution company. Which means you need to go to the Chambers of Commerce to register your prostitution company, something that ms. Shahsavari is apparently unaware of, since she stated in her column the question why prostitutes don't register at the Chambers of Commerce. But fact is that without being registered at the Chambers of Commerce you can't work in prostitution legal, so we do ms. Shahsavari!
You have to take with you a valid ID, the registration that you are registered at a municipality (also known as a GBA form) and you would need to have an address where you can register your prostitution company. Be warned, not all landlords allow you to register your company at the address where you live, so be sure to check that before you move ahead,
You can register yourself as a prostitution company at the Chambers of Commerce, but I would advise you not to do that. Other people can look this up online for only a small payment, and beyond that also several other websites copy all of the companies information and publish them online to find companies. I found my own company back on several other websites, which took me a hell of a lot of work to take down, and in one of them I was even mentioned as a prostitution company including my address, phone number and real name. You don't want that, so I would advise you to register yourself as a company that provides personal services which is called Persoonlijke Dienstverlening in Dutch. This is also the only other thing you can register your company under, besides a prostitution company.
Now that you have set up your own company you should also automatically be registered for taxes with the Dutch IRS called the Belastingdienst. Since you need to pay taxes I would advise you to find a good accountant that can do all the paperwork for you. Usually other colleagues can refer you to one, or you can ask the brothel owner if they know someone, they mostly know good people.
Now that all the paperwork and registration is done, you can finally start searching for a place to work behind the windows. So people that always claim they ended up behind the windows from one day to the next are lying, this is almost like those police movies that skip on the paperwork that comes with the job to skip towards the action. In reality you can't skip that, so those stories are either bullshit, or were happening before it was obligated to be registered at the Chambers of Commerce, which was before 2000.
Make sure you take all your paperwork with you when you go to look for a place to work. So your GBA registration, your Chambers of Commerce registration, your ID and visa. Without those you will never get a room, and they'll simply send you home and tell you to come back when you do have the papers with you. Make sure you take all those papers with you every day when you go back to work, because if you don't have them with you every day, they'll simply send you home. They don't want to risk their permit over someone who forget their papers.
Finding a place to work in window prostitution is not easy. Once there used to be 2006 windows in Holland, now there are only 1333 windows left. Amsterdam alone already went from 512 windows to currently 395 windows, so there are a lot of girls fighting over those windows.
But to set you off into the right direction you would first need to go to the brothel owner to see if there's a room available at all. Brothel owners don't advertise online generally, so the best way to find them is to walk into the Red Light District until you will see in one of the windows a sign hanging with the address and phone number of the brothel if you want to rent a window.
My advise would be not to call, but to go to the address. Brothel owners are scared to loose their permit because they let in one girl they didn't know and they don't want trouble, so they want to see you and talk to you before they'll rent out a window to a girl they've never done business with before. This also goes in against all those people who always think you can just get a window anywhere, and the brothel owners are to blame for human trafficking. They have no interest to hide human trafficking within their brothels, since that could only cost them their permit, and with that their entire business, which is not something they want to risk. Especially not because there are plenty of girls without problems they can rent the window to.
The prices for the windows range from the day time between € 80 and € 110 to the night time which is around € 150 to € 160. Windows in the night are more expensive, since the night times are more popular due to the fact that there are more clients around to make money with. Currently the day time is very quiet, and many girls have trouble to even make enough money to cover the costs of their window. So I guess all those 'supposed' pimps won't be so happy with that, since they would loose more money than they would supposedly be making in the day time.
You pay the room per shift, meaning you either pay for a room during the day or for a room during the night. The rooms are paid per day, and not by month or by week. However, if you come into the office of the brothel owner, and they have a room available for more days that week, and you want to make a reservation for that room for more days, you are expected to pay in advance for those days, as an insurance to them that you will actually show up. Otherwise they would only loose money keeping the room reserved for you, while you don't show up and didn't pay for it, while other girls gladly would have paid for that same room.
These days the brothel owner will make you do an intake interview. This is not something they like to do, but it's obligated to do by the city government. They ask you a bunch of stupid questions, which are intended to find out if you're a victim of trafficking or not, but in no way help to actually find out about that. You do the intake interview, and if you can get a room, you pay for the room in advance and than you can finally get your key for your workplace.
The workplaces are very simply. Some people call them small, but than again we don't live there, so we don't need much space. All workplaces have a bed, a chair, a locker for your stuff, a sink and a mirror and a mattress. Some brothel owners supply a sheet and pillow for the bed, others (because of city regulations) don't. So it's wise to pack a towel and pillow with you. All workplaces have a toilet and a shower shared and some have their own.
Any other things like condoms, lubricant, costume, shoes etc. are all things you need to arrange for yourself. After all, you are now a self employed business owner.
All the other things are usually explained by the brothel owner. They usually have a set of house rules, and explain you usually what they do and do not allow. Brothel owners are very careful people, since there's a lot of pressure from the government, and they can loose their permit if they don't do one thing right. So please follow their rules, and do as they say, it's not for their own good, but simply because the government wants things that way, or otherwise they can loose their permit.
For further information I'd like to refer you to the website of the SOAIDS Fund, who have a lot of information available about working in prostitution. You can find the information on this link.
Also for Amsterdam the P&G292 has valuable information about how to start working in prostitution on this link.
One advise for those that are considering to work in prostitution, and especially window prostitution. It's not a job for everyone, you get to meet a lot of different people, and some of them can be quite crazy. It's not a job without risks, but on the other hand you do get to meet a lot of people.
Window prostitution is a job for strong women that like to work and meet lots of different people. You get to talk a lot, be your own boss, plus have a very good salary most people could only dream about having. Don't try and get personal with clients, I've seen this happening before, and basically you fuck up your own work. And do remember, as a window prostitute you're out in the public for everyone to see. This means family or friends could recognize you standing behind the windows if they pass there. Beyond that there are many people that will try to take pictures or videos of you, so be warned about that. And getting daily insults isn't for everyone, so you have to be capable of handling yourself.
In short, it's a good payment, can be a fun job, meeting many different types of people, and being your own boss. But you have to be really strong, and this job isn't for everyone. Think good about it before making a decisions, but always be proud of the decisions you've made and be proud of yourself no matter what other people say.
Dutch version
But more importantly it proves how difficult it is to begin with this job, and the lack of information and help to get started, which again makes them vulnerable to human trafficking. Because if there's nobody around to help you with this, and give you the information you need, it's easy for a human trafficker to take advantage over that, and making you a victim.
Now I've been working behind the scenes at PROUD a lot to improve these things, although this will take some time. Many politicians are more focused on fighting human trafficking, using clients as their shield and letting them take the fall for them if they get it wrong, by criminalizing them if 'they should have known' it was a victim. A ridiculous idea of course, because the point of course is that clients hardly ever know they're visiting a victim, which is the same problem the police has, which is also the reason this crime still exists.
What they don't realize so much however, is that if they want to tackle the problem of human trafficking, it's not about how many you can save after they've become victims (by using clients as private detectives and punishing them with jail if they didn't get it right), but by preventing they become a victim in the first place. And this happens when they step into prostitution.
The other day I received an e-mail from a Dutch woman, who wanted to know how she could start working behind the windows. It's not the first e-mail I got with this question, as I got several e-mails already from both Dutch and foreign women with this question. And it's not so weird, since there's very little information online available about this.
Now if you can imagine that it's already difficult for a Dutch woman to find out how to start working behind the windows, now imagine it for a foreign woman who doesn't speak the local language, doesn't know where to look for the information, and on top of that also has the problems of immigration. This makes them very vulnerable to human traffickers, who gladly will help them out in an attempt to exploit them for money. So the key to stop human trafficking for a large part lies within facilitating a safe and legal way in, that takes away the need for human traffickers their 'help'.
Now, to start things of I will explain that prostitution is a legal job in Holland already since 1911. Many people think we've only legalized it back in 2000, but this is incorrect, in 2000 they nearly lifted the brothel ban, it wasn't illegal before to work as a prostitute or visit one for that matter.
And working behind the windows means you become a self employed business owner or ZZP'er as they call it here in Holland. Each window prostitute is a ZZP'er and is the owner of her own prostitution company. As self employed business owner you than rent a workplace from a brothel owner that rents out windows, so basically nothing more than someone that rents out space to self employed business owners. Sadly however you need a permit for a brothel, unlike with other self employed businesses, which are given out by the city and they hardly ever give out permits at all, which is also the reason why prostitutes never tried to set up their own brothel, as ms. Shahsavari naively stated in her column a while ago. You can't, since you need a permit for this, and Amsterdam hardly ever gives out permits at all.
Beyond a permit as a brothel, window prostitution is only allowed in buildings that have been appointed by the city as a destination for prostitution. And since they only appointed those buildings that were already brothels, you can never open up a new one, since you're not allowed to open one up in a building that has no destination for prostitution, And the ones that do, they are currently closing down, so that's not making things any better either.
To begin with window prostitution you need to have a few things first. You need a valid passport or ID, you need to be 21 or older in Amsterdam, you need to be registered at the municipality where you're living and for foreign people from outside of Europe they need to have a visa (a tourist visa doesn't count) and a bank account (forget about trying to get a business account, they won't give you one).
To start off with you would first need to set up your own prostitution company. Which means you need to go to the Chambers of Commerce to register your prostitution company, something that ms. Shahsavari is apparently unaware of, since she stated in her column the question why prostitutes don't register at the Chambers of Commerce. But fact is that without being registered at the Chambers of Commerce you can't work in prostitution legal, so we do ms. Shahsavari!
You have to take with you a valid ID, the registration that you are registered at a municipality (also known as a GBA form) and you would need to have an address where you can register your prostitution company. Be warned, not all landlords allow you to register your company at the address where you live, so be sure to check that before you move ahead,
You can register yourself as a prostitution company at the Chambers of Commerce, but I would advise you not to do that. Other people can look this up online for only a small payment, and beyond that also several other websites copy all of the companies information and publish them online to find companies. I found my own company back on several other websites, which took me a hell of a lot of work to take down, and in one of them I was even mentioned as a prostitution company including my address, phone number and real name. You don't want that, so I would advise you to register yourself as a company that provides personal services which is called Persoonlijke Dienstverlening in Dutch. This is also the only other thing you can register your company under, besides a prostitution company.
Now that you have set up your own company you should also automatically be registered for taxes with the Dutch IRS called the Belastingdienst. Since you need to pay taxes I would advise you to find a good accountant that can do all the paperwork for you. Usually other colleagues can refer you to one, or you can ask the brothel owner if they know someone, they mostly know good people.
Now that all the paperwork and registration is done, you can finally start searching for a place to work behind the windows. So people that always claim they ended up behind the windows from one day to the next are lying, this is almost like those police movies that skip on the paperwork that comes with the job to skip towards the action. In reality you can't skip that, so those stories are either bullshit, or were happening before it was obligated to be registered at the Chambers of Commerce, which was before 2000.
Make sure you take all your paperwork with you when you go to look for a place to work. So your GBA registration, your Chambers of Commerce registration, your ID and visa. Without those you will never get a room, and they'll simply send you home and tell you to come back when you do have the papers with you. Make sure you take all those papers with you every day when you go back to work, because if you don't have them with you every day, they'll simply send you home. They don't want to risk their permit over someone who forget their papers.
Finding a place to work in window prostitution is not easy. Once there used to be 2006 windows in Holland, now there are only 1333 windows left. Amsterdam alone already went from 512 windows to currently 395 windows, so there are a lot of girls fighting over those windows.
But to set you off into the right direction you would first need to go to the brothel owner to see if there's a room available at all. Brothel owners don't advertise online generally, so the best way to find them is to walk into the Red Light District until you will see in one of the windows a sign hanging with the address and phone number of the brothel if you want to rent a window.
My advise would be not to call, but to go to the address. Brothel owners are scared to loose their permit because they let in one girl they didn't know and they don't want trouble, so they want to see you and talk to you before they'll rent out a window to a girl they've never done business with before. This also goes in against all those people who always think you can just get a window anywhere, and the brothel owners are to blame for human trafficking. They have no interest to hide human trafficking within their brothels, since that could only cost them their permit, and with that their entire business, which is not something they want to risk. Especially not because there are plenty of girls without problems they can rent the window to.
The prices for the windows range from the day time between € 80 and € 110 to the night time which is around € 150 to € 160. Windows in the night are more expensive, since the night times are more popular due to the fact that there are more clients around to make money with. Currently the day time is very quiet, and many girls have trouble to even make enough money to cover the costs of their window. So I guess all those 'supposed' pimps won't be so happy with that, since they would loose more money than they would supposedly be making in the day time.
You pay the room per shift, meaning you either pay for a room during the day or for a room during the night. The rooms are paid per day, and not by month or by week. However, if you come into the office of the brothel owner, and they have a room available for more days that week, and you want to make a reservation for that room for more days, you are expected to pay in advance for those days, as an insurance to them that you will actually show up. Otherwise they would only loose money keeping the room reserved for you, while you don't show up and didn't pay for it, while other girls gladly would have paid for that same room.
These days the brothel owner will make you do an intake interview. This is not something they like to do, but it's obligated to do by the city government. They ask you a bunch of stupid questions, which are intended to find out if you're a victim of trafficking or not, but in no way help to actually find out about that. You do the intake interview, and if you can get a room, you pay for the room in advance and than you can finally get your key for your workplace.
The workplaces are very simply. Some people call them small, but than again we don't live there, so we don't need much space. All workplaces have a bed, a chair, a locker for your stuff, a sink and a mirror and a mattress. Some brothel owners supply a sheet and pillow for the bed, others (because of city regulations) don't. So it's wise to pack a towel and pillow with you. All workplaces have a toilet and a shower shared and some have their own.
Any other things like condoms, lubricant, costume, shoes etc. are all things you need to arrange for yourself. After all, you are now a self employed business owner.
All the other things are usually explained by the brothel owner. They usually have a set of house rules, and explain you usually what they do and do not allow. Brothel owners are very careful people, since there's a lot of pressure from the government, and they can loose their permit if they don't do one thing right. So please follow their rules, and do as they say, it's not for their own good, but simply because the government wants things that way, or otherwise they can loose their permit.
For further information I'd like to refer you to the website of the SOAIDS Fund, who have a lot of information available about working in prostitution. You can find the information on this link.
Also for Amsterdam the P&G292 has valuable information about how to start working in prostitution on this link.
One advise for those that are considering to work in prostitution, and especially window prostitution. It's not a job for everyone, you get to meet a lot of different people, and some of them can be quite crazy. It's not a job without risks, but on the other hand you do get to meet a lot of people.
Window prostitution is a job for strong women that like to work and meet lots of different people. You get to talk a lot, be your own boss, plus have a very good salary most people could only dream about having. Don't try and get personal with clients, I've seen this happening before, and basically you fuck up your own work. And do remember, as a window prostitute you're out in the public for everyone to see. This means family or friends could recognize you standing behind the windows if they pass there. Beyond that there are many people that will try to take pictures or videos of you, so be warned about that. And getting daily insults isn't for everyone, so you have to be capable of handling yourself.
In short, it's a good payment, can be a fun job, meeting many different types of people, and being your own boss. But you have to be really strong, and this job isn't for everyone. Think good about it before making a decisions, but always be proud of the decisions you've made and be proud of yourself no matter what other people say.
Dutch version
Rabu, 11 Maret 2015
My Wilds
It will come as no surprise to you when I say 'I love my kiddos'- what mother doesn't, right? But please, humor me for just a bit while I brag about these four, wildly lovable, loves of my life. Taking a moment, to write about each one and where they are in this season.
Aussie- She is incredible. Honestly, I pray that I am half the mother she will be someday. She is one of those girls that's born for it- patient, thorough, organized and fair. You can see it in her eyes that there are widows where she wishes I would just hand over the reigns. 'Come on,' they say, 'I love you, but you have no idea what you're doing'. Thankfully, I'm not too prideful. I watch and I learn and even take the occasional pearls of wisdom while still trying to say- 'trust me, sweet child. It may not always look like it, but I've got this'. Hoping, and praying that she will be a kid while the moment is her's. She is fiercely creative, unintentionally funny, stubborn and confident in who she is, with the softest heart I've ever known. She is my rock and my wild card, the one who gave me this role as mother and I will patiently yet eagerly wait to see what she will create with her life.
Zain- This kid is a bundle of contradictions. Rough and tumble, strong and brave- with the gentlest most sensitive soul I've ever known. He is incredibly quick witted, and downright funny- he can always make me laugh. He is the first to give kisses, ask how you're feelings or offer up his snuggles. He's also the first one up, dressed and out the door, ready for whatever adventure the day holds. He must always be moving, he never tires, and he is unafraid while still being cautious. I love every inch of this kid.
Isaac- Isaac is beautiful. Both inside and out. He's magnetic- and everyone, everywhere is drawn to him. He carries weight and has a beautiful aura that sucks you right inside his vortex of cuteness. At four, he still maintains some of his baby-ishness, chubby hands and a round little belly. Although, he adamantly claims he is one of the big kids, he still wants to be carried, held, and manages to quietly slip into bed with Kaleb and I every night. He is hilarious- one of the funniest kids I've ever known. He laughs easily while still maintaining an overall grumpy demeanor. He is light and laughter and joy all rolled up in tiny human form.
Eleanor- this little babe is like none other before her. She is the essence of the strong willed child. Resolute, unfailing in her determination, and feisty as all get out. She manages all of this in the sweetest of ways, never trying to be difficult, yet remaining steadfast. She is kooky and a born entertainer- she was absolutely made for the spotlight. She has finally learned to say 'I love you,' and I'm quite certain there is nothing better in the world.
These crazy kiddos are good. Lately, more than ever, I find myself so grateful to know them. To have been blessed by their presence. To watch them day by day, a front row seat to something amazing.
How to capture fly-by digital visitors
Now that most newspapers have been in the digital publishing business for the better part of two decades, it’s time for editors and publishers to pay attention to where their wired readers actually come from. And it’s not the front pages that editors lovingly tend on their websites and mobile apps.
While research over the years consistently shows that about a third of the visitors at the
Minggu, 08 Maret 2015
A Humorous Fail
A day where I was still holding on to the last dregs of sickness. The wilds were anxious and bursting with untouched energy, and my love was frantically running around caring for everyone and everything.
We had a going away bash for friends that evening, where our appearance was mandatory, yet it was becoming increasingly clear- that I would not be attending. Kaleb, strong and brave man that he is, magically managed to get all four kids dressed, out the door and loaded into the car in just the nick of time. A true feat for any one parent.
Thirty minutes passed, and from my sick bed I receive his phone call- he had just arrived to the party, when to his total dismay he realized that he still had on his house slippers!
We had a going away bash for friends that evening, where our appearance was mandatory, yet it was becoming increasingly clear- that I would not be attending. Kaleb, strong and brave man that he is, magically managed to get all four kids dressed, out the door and loaded into the car in just the nick of time. A true feat for any one parent.
Thirty minutes passed, and from my sick bed I receive his phone call- he had just arrived to the party, when to his total dismay he realized that he still had on his house slippers!
It still makes me smile:)
---pic is old, but makes me happy. Still, I must get out my camera and get myself back in gear. Happy week, friends!
---pic is old, but makes me happy. Still, I must get out my camera and get myself back in gear. Happy week, friends!
Kamis, 05 Maret 2015
It's unbelievably hard to wrap my head around, but today, Kaleb and I are celebrating our 10 year wedding anniversary. My, it goes by so quickly- it hardly seems real.
This man though, he is the absolute love of my life. I love him more then I ever could have dreamed and am beyond thankful to walk this life with him.
Happy Anniversary, love!
Rabu, 04 Maret 2015
So long again, Chicago Daily News
On March 4, 1978, the presses fell silent for the last time at the Chicago Daily News, an iconic and crusading newspaper that was unable to adapt to changing times. The following article, which originally appeared here in 2005, is reprinted as a reminder of what happens when a paper runs out of readers, revenues and ideas.
"It's fun being the publisher when things are going well," squeaked
Selasa, 03 Maret 2015
Bring on Spring
What seems like just a few days ago, I was deep in the heart of winter. Enjoying the arctic chill of the out of doors set in direct contrast to the backdrop of a warm house- with a fire blazing, it's deep hues of orange and red pushed against the glass panes.
We had fallen into our cold weather routine- and it was lovely. Big Breakfasts, cleaning up as a family to the beating tones of Mumford and Sons- always the boys first pick. From there we would all take to the fireplace room, warm drinks in hand to read or partake in mancala tournaments, all before we would lay our little miss down for a morning nap, while we commenced to schooling. Using her post sleep wails as our closing bell- we would grab a quick lunch before bundling up and heading out for an afternoon spent playing with mother nature.
We had a thing, a rhythm- It was working.
and now it's not.
These wee bugs have become tightly wound balls of highly compressed energy- ready to explode at any moment. They are over the cozy and the methodical. You can see it in their eyes, an almost crazed longing for adventure, warmth and freedom. They want to run wild and build and explore- they are craving the deliverance that only spring can bring them. I can feel it welling up inside me too. A deep longing for sunshine to warm the tops of my shoulders and caress the back of my neck. To dig my hands into the cool, soft earth- planting seeds and bringing forth life.
There is something wholly special in the changings of the seasons. Bringing with it an awakening, a renewal of routines and refreshing metamorphose of drill. I can feel the heartbeat of spring coming forth within us- a feeling of power like we ourselves could call up the tulips, buttercups, violets and vervains.
Change is coming, and we-for one, are ready.
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