Minggu, 08 Maret 2015

A Humorous Fail

It was one of those days. . .

A day where I was still holding on to the last dregs of sickness. The wilds were anxious and bursting with untouched energy, and my love was frantically running around caring for everyone and everything. 

We had a going away bash for friends that evening, where our appearance was mandatory, yet it was becoming increasingly clear- that I would not be attending. Kaleb, strong and brave man that he is, magically managed to get all four kids dressed, out the door and loaded into the car in just the nick of time. A true feat for any one parent.

Thirty minutes passed, and from my sick bed I receive his phone call- he had just arrived to the party, when to his total dismay he realized that he still had on his house slippers!

It still makes me smile:)

---pic is old, but makes me happy. Still, I must get out my camera and get myself back in gear. Happy week, friends!

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