Jumat, 19 Oktober 2012

A Foodie Alice Awarded ... For Mushy Peas

I recently wrote about my dislike for mushy peas. Well actually it's a little more than a dislike. It's an intense hate relationship. Mushy peas are evil. Evil. Anyway, where was I? Yes, I recently wrote about mushy peas as the one food I certainly don't miss from my birth country. And The Displaced Nation awarded a Food Alice for the piece and gave a very magical shout out for the blog post.

If you are not familiar with The Displaced Nation, the site for the global voyager, then head on over - you won't regret it.

This is what The Displaced Nation had to say about the award:

"Amanda, we award you this Food Alice for the feat of turning the typical “foods I miss from home” post on its head. That’s what it means to step through the looking glass. You’re a smart cookie and the rest of us would do well follow your example and focus on the “evil” accompaniments to our native cuisines that for health reasons alone, we’re lucky to have escaped from."

It's the second time in a short period that I am reassured that there are people in the blogosphere reading and appreciating my blogs. It's motivating me to get blog posts out a little more regularly than over the last year........

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