The weekend flew by. Kaleb was working Friday evening, so the buggies and I hit up the gym and then headed out for smoothies. Saturday we hosted a big going away bash for some friends, which turned out to be a great excuse to get the farm picked up and back to its once former self. Sunday we set out for a little vacation with my side of the family. I am so thankful for a brief getaway, as Ive been feeling a bit overwhelmed as of late, sort of like I'm failing at everything. Its not the best feeling, but I've been in the mommy game long enough to know that it's cyclical, and just when you're feeling the worst about yourself, it's over. Everyone gets along again, I feel like a got a handle on things, and as a whole it's back to that beautiful blissful place. Here's to hoping I hit that stride again, and soon!
Senin, 30 Juni 2014
Minggu, 29 Juni 2014
My boyfriend caught this conversation between Renate van der Zee (notorious feminist against prostitution) and a police officer with the same last name (sister?) Mirjam van der Zee, about prostitutes working in Den Haag in the Doubletstraat. This is the conversation:
Bezoek gebracht aan de Doubletstraat. Veel hartelijke vrouwen ontmoet. Het werk is zwaar, vertellen ze. Ze verdienen maar 25 euro per klant
— renate van der zee (@renatevdzee) 27 juni 2014
@WijkagentMirjam De goedkoopste straat van Nederland. En als je ziet wat een leuke, hartelijke vrouwen daar staan. Echt een schande.
— renate van der zee (@renatevdzee) 27 juni 2014
@renatevdzee Wat een hongerloon en een schande idd...
— Mirjam van der Zee (@WijkagentMirjam) 27 juni 2014
@WijkagentMirjam Goed gezegd: een hongerloon.
— renate van der zee (@renatevdzee) 27 juni 2014
Jonge Roemeense vertelt dat ze architectuur heeft gestudeerd. Nu werkt ze in Doubletstraat. Soms verdient ze net genoeg om raam te betalen.
— renate van der zee (@renatevdzee) 27 juni 2014
@renatevdzee Het is gewoon uitbuiting. En ik dacht dat dit in NL verboden was..
— Mirjam van der Zee (@WijkagentMirjam) 27 juni 2014
@WijkagentMirjam Ik ben blij dat jij dat ook zo ziet.
— renate van der zee (@renatevdzee) 27 juni 2014
@renatevdzee Het is mijn persoonlijke mening; het loon staat niet verhouding met het werk.
— Mirjam van der Zee (@WijkagentMirjam) 27 juni 2014
Translation:Visited the Doubletstraat. Met many friendly women.
The work is hard they say. They only make 25 euro per client.
(Renate van der Zee)
@WijkagentMirjam The cheapest street in Holland.
And then you see what a nice, friendly women are there.
Really a disgrace.
(Renate van der Zee)
@renatevdzee What a starvation wage
and a disgrace indeed...
(Mirjam van der Zee)
@WijkagentMirjam Well said: a starvation wage
(Renate van der Zee)
Young Romanian just told me she studied architecture.
Now she's working in the Doubletstraat.
Sometimes she makes just enough to pay her room.
(Renate van der Zee)
@renatevdzee It's just exploitation.
And I thought this was illegal in Holland...
(Mirjam van der Zee)
@WijkagentMirjam I'm glad you see it the same way
(Renate van der Zee)
@renatevdzee It's my personal opinion;
The wage is disproportional to the work.
(Mirjam van der Zee)
It's interesting to see that apparently the police is also stigmatizing prostitutes as sad and poor women who work for cheap and are in need of saving. It tells a lot about how the police, also in general, thinks about, and sees prostitutes. This is also confirmed in their own rapport Schone Schijn, which I wrote about before here, which states that between 50 to 90% of the prostitutes are forced in their opinion. Yet in reality the police have trouble finding even 1% of these so called 'forced prostitutes'. Does that make their report so bad, or their work so shit?
Anyway, the conversation starts off with a false statement of Renate van der Zee. She claims prostitutes there only make 25 Euro's per client. By default this cannot be true, since the minimum price may be 25 Euro, this does not forbid the prostitute to ask a client for more money and to determine her own prices for the services she has to offer.
So perhaps one time someone pays 25 Euro because he just wants something basic, but another client may want something different, and would have to pay more for that, depending on how much the prostitutes charges. Many prostitutes, if not all prostitutes do this, and this all goes for the same length of time.
See it like a shop with different items for sale. The lowest price at a shop may be only 25 Euro's, but other items may go up to prices like 150 Euro's, depending on what the client wants to buy. So stating that the shop only earns 25 Euro per client is just plain false, this is the minimum price the shop will earn if a client buys something from there, but that doesn't mean all customers will only buy things of 25 Euro's.
What irritates me about this part, is the adding of the word 'only' 25 Euro's. Like making 25 Euro's in 15 minutes is so little. But let's be honest, how many people make 25 Euro's per 15 minutes at their job? That would come down to an hourly rate of 100 Euro's. Anyone?
Then Renate tweets something about the fact that the women who are working there are nice, but jumps into saying all of the sudden that it's a disgrace. So what exactly is this disgrace? Is it a disgrace that there are only nice women standing there, meaning they should allow unfriendly women there too (perhaps herself)? Is the disgrace that nice women are standing there, meaning only unfriendly women should be allowed to be standing there? Is the disgrace that there are women standing there in the first place?
It's an old technique Renate uses to manipulate people, without making false claims, while seemingly being nice about these women at the same time. This way Renate seems to be standing up for these women, because she calls these women friendly and nice etc. But at the same time she's completely against prostitution, so she doesn't want these women to have this job, or to be standing there at all. So she seems to be defending prostitutes, while at the same wanting to get rid of them.
Then the police officer comes with a comment that really bugs me. She replies to Renate that the 25 Euro's they're making is a 'starvation wage'. So she seems to be thinking these women only make 25 Euro's with each client, which is false, but that's exactly the intention Renate van der Zee had when she wrote that Tweet.
But let's be honest here. Because apparently 25 Euro's for 15 minutes isn't enough for Mirjam to do this job, while last time I checked the wage for police officers (source) wasn't even nearly as close to this, it's only 2724 Euro's max. a month! This would come down to an hour rate of 15,71 Euro's, and per 15 minutes that would come down to 3,93 Euro's!
Jeez! Talking about a starvation wage! 3,93 Euro's for 15 minutes max., while those girls make 25 Euro's in 15 minutes at the bare minimum! So while you're laying your life on the line in a dangerous job filled with crime, violence and weapons for less then 4 Euro's per 15 minutes, these girls make 25 Euro's to do something most people only dream about during their job, which is sex!
And let's not forget that not every client that comes in wants or gets sex. Like I've written in this post before here, there are many customers who just want to talk. The fact that this police officer thinks it's a starvation wage for this job, says more about her interpretation of this job, and her prejudice about it, then it says anything about this job itself or it's wages.
Then Renate starts to write about a young (what's young when you're 53?) Romanian woman who studied architecture, and who's working there. This is obviously a way to dramatize the whole thing. First adding the fact that she's young, to stigmatize her as a young naive girl, a possible daughter to someone else. Secondly adding the fact that she had studied architecture as a way to show how tragic it must be to be working here, while she could be an architect, making it seem like this job was something this woman hadn't chosen for herself. Of course adding in the fact that sometimes she doesn't make the rent to her room, is to victimize her more.
But now let's be honest. Being young or old are definitions that open to interpretation. Many people think when they see me behind the windows that I'm very young as well. Sometimes people ask me if I'm old enough to do this job, even though I'm 28. I don't know if Renate van der Zee asked this Romanian girl for her age, but in the eyes of Dutch people, all Romanian girls look very young. So we don't know really what her age is, since Renate didn't mention is, so we can't say anything about the age but that's it left open for interpretation. As adding in the word young in stead of the actual age would only increase the sense of being a victim, this statement is purely made to victimize this girl.
Secondly, she studied architecture. If she has so much trouble paying her room, like how Renate makes it sound, why doesn't she just go and become an architect? Romania is a poor country with low employment, but an architect can make good money, and I find it hard to believe she wouldn't be able to find a job as an architect, since people are building a lot of new buildings in Romania constantly in the last few years.
And the fact she sometimes can just pay the rent of room, doesn't mean this is always the case. In fact, it states the sometimes she just makes the room, which means she always at least(!) makes the room, and never has days that she doesn't make the rent. And if she really would be barely making just her room, then how can she pay the rent to her apartment? If she really wouldn't be able to pay for this, she would've moved back to Romania already long time ago.
I also sometimes don't make the rent to my room, yet that doesn't mean I'm very poor or something. If I would have to do a normal job I wouldn't even get a salary close to what I'm making now, even if I sometimes don't make my room.
If the situation would be really as bad as Renate makes it sound like, this girl would've moved back already to Romania to find a job as an architect. But honestly, I think this girl works here, because she can simply make more money here doing this job, then being an architect back in Romania.
Then the police officer writes that she sees this as exploitation. Like doing this job is exploitation on itself. As I've talked about already here above, her own position at the police force, and her own wage is way lower then these girls. So if these girls are exploited in her opinion, what does that make her? Super-exploited by the police force, to do a dangerous job for a wage that doesn't compare to the danger she get's into every day?
It's a clear example of her ignorance about this work, the wages and her own prejudices about it. It shows exactly how the public opinion, through the media, has been manipulated, into seeing all prostitutes as victims. She stigmatizes prostitutes with her tweets, without that she's even aware of it, because she's been brainwashed by people like Renate van der Zee into seeing prostitutes as sad women with no other option.
Of course in the next Tweet from Renate van der Zee, she completely agrees with this, but then again, would we expect anything different from someone who makes a living out of stigmatizing prostitutes as victims?
The last Tweet from the police officer is certainly interesting, since she comments that the wage is disproportional to the work. This says more about her prejudices about this work, and how little she actually knows about it, then it really says anything about the work and the wages. If the wages would really be disproportional, many of the girls including myself, wouldn't be doing this work. Yet, 90% of the women doing this work (at least!) do this job because of the huge amounts of money we can make with it.
The fact that this woman cannot understand that, shows her ignorance about our profession, but more importantly she doesn't seem to understand that her own wage is way more disproportional to her own job, than ours is to our job. Perhaps someone should notify this woman, she's doing a highly dangerous job, working at the police, while being paid very little for laying her life on the line, while there are other options that are far less dangerous and pay much more money, like prostitution. So perhaps a career change would be an option for her?
One funny note, after my boyfriend commented on her Tweets and the stigmatizing character on them, she commented back they where not stigmatizing at all. Yet she did delete her tweet about it, which makes one wonder why she deleted it, if it wasn't stigmatizing?
Dutch version
Anyway, the conversation starts off with a false statement of Renate van der Zee. She claims prostitutes there only make 25 Euro's per client. By default this cannot be true, since the minimum price may be 25 Euro, this does not forbid the prostitute to ask a client for more money and to determine her own prices for the services she has to offer.
So perhaps one time someone pays 25 Euro because he just wants something basic, but another client may want something different, and would have to pay more for that, depending on how much the prostitutes charges. Many prostitutes, if not all prostitutes do this, and this all goes for the same length of time.
See it like a shop with different items for sale. The lowest price at a shop may be only 25 Euro's, but other items may go up to prices like 150 Euro's, depending on what the client wants to buy. So stating that the shop only earns 25 Euro per client is just plain false, this is the minimum price the shop will earn if a client buys something from there, but that doesn't mean all customers will only buy things of 25 Euro's.
What irritates me about this part, is the adding of the word 'only' 25 Euro's. Like making 25 Euro's in 15 minutes is so little. But let's be honest, how many people make 25 Euro's per 15 minutes at their job? That would come down to an hourly rate of 100 Euro's. Anyone?
Then Renate tweets something about the fact that the women who are working there are nice, but jumps into saying all of the sudden that it's a disgrace. So what exactly is this disgrace? Is it a disgrace that there are only nice women standing there, meaning they should allow unfriendly women there too (perhaps herself)? Is the disgrace that nice women are standing there, meaning only unfriendly women should be allowed to be standing there? Is the disgrace that there are women standing there in the first place?
It's an old technique Renate uses to manipulate people, without making false claims, while seemingly being nice about these women at the same time. This way Renate seems to be standing up for these women, because she calls these women friendly and nice etc. But at the same time she's completely against prostitution, so she doesn't want these women to have this job, or to be standing there at all. So she seems to be defending prostitutes, while at the same wanting to get rid of them.
Then the police officer comes with a comment that really bugs me. She replies to Renate that the 25 Euro's they're making is a 'starvation wage'. So she seems to be thinking these women only make 25 Euro's with each client, which is false, but that's exactly the intention Renate van der Zee had when she wrote that Tweet.
But let's be honest here. Because apparently 25 Euro's for 15 minutes isn't enough for Mirjam to do this job, while last time I checked the wage for police officers (source) wasn't even nearly as close to this, it's only 2724 Euro's max. a month! This would come down to an hour rate of 15,71 Euro's, and per 15 minutes that would come down to 3,93 Euro's!
Jeez! Talking about a starvation wage! 3,93 Euro's for 15 minutes max., while those girls make 25 Euro's in 15 minutes at the bare minimum! So while you're laying your life on the line in a dangerous job filled with crime, violence and weapons for less then 4 Euro's per 15 minutes, these girls make 25 Euro's to do something most people only dream about during their job, which is sex!
And let's not forget that not every client that comes in wants or gets sex. Like I've written in this post before here, there are many customers who just want to talk. The fact that this police officer thinks it's a starvation wage for this job, says more about her interpretation of this job, and her prejudice about it, then it says anything about this job itself or it's wages.
Then Renate starts to write about a young (what's young when you're 53?) Romanian woman who studied architecture, and who's working there. This is obviously a way to dramatize the whole thing. First adding the fact that she's young, to stigmatize her as a young naive girl, a possible daughter to someone else. Secondly adding the fact that she had studied architecture as a way to show how tragic it must be to be working here, while she could be an architect, making it seem like this job was something this woman hadn't chosen for herself. Of course adding in the fact that sometimes she doesn't make the rent to her room, is to victimize her more.
But now let's be honest. Being young or old are definitions that open to interpretation. Many people think when they see me behind the windows that I'm very young as well. Sometimes people ask me if I'm old enough to do this job, even though I'm 28. I don't know if Renate van der Zee asked this Romanian girl for her age, but in the eyes of Dutch people, all Romanian girls look very young. So we don't know really what her age is, since Renate didn't mention is, so we can't say anything about the age but that's it left open for interpretation. As adding in the word young in stead of the actual age would only increase the sense of being a victim, this statement is purely made to victimize this girl.
Secondly, she studied architecture. If she has so much trouble paying her room, like how Renate makes it sound, why doesn't she just go and become an architect? Romania is a poor country with low employment, but an architect can make good money, and I find it hard to believe she wouldn't be able to find a job as an architect, since people are building a lot of new buildings in Romania constantly in the last few years.
And the fact she sometimes can just pay the rent of room, doesn't mean this is always the case. In fact, it states the sometimes she just makes the room, which means she always at least(!) makes the room, and never has days that she doesn't make the rent. And if she really would be barely making just her room, then how can she pay the rent to her apartment? If she really wouldn't be able to pay for this, she would've moved back to Romania already long time ago.
I also sometimes don't make the rent to my room, yet that doesn't mean I'm very poor or something. If I would have to do a normal job I wouldn't even get a salary close to what I'm making now, even if I sometimes don't make my room.
If the situation would be really as bad as Renate makes it sound like, this girl would've moved back already to Romania to find a job as an architect. But honestly, I think this girl works here, because she can simply make more money here doing this job, then being an architect back in Romania.
Then the police officer writes that she sees this as exploitation. Like doing this job is exploitation on itself. As I've talked about already here above, her own position at the police force, and her own wage is way lower then these girls. So if these girls are exploited in her opinion, what does that make her? Super-exploited by the police force, to do a dangerous job for a wage that doesn't compare to the danger she get's into every day?
It's a clear example of her ignorance about this work, the wages and her own prejudices about it. It shows exactly how the public opinion, through the media, has been manipulated, into seeing all prostitutes as victims. She stigmatizes prostitutes with her tweets, without that she's even aware of it, because she's been brainwashed by people like Renate van der Zee into seeing prostitutes as sad women with no other option.
Of course in the next Tweet from Renate van der Zee, she completely agrees with this, but then again, would we expect anything different from someone who makes a living out of stigmatizing prostitutes as victims?
The last Tweet from the police officer is certainly interesting, since she comments that the wage is disproportional to the work. This says more about her prejudices about this work, and how little she actually knows about it, then it really says anything about the work and the wages. If the wages would really be disproportional, many of the girls including myself, wouldn't be doing this work. Yet, 90% of the women doing this work (at least!) do this job because of the huge amounts of money we can make with it.
The fact that this woman cannot understand that, shows her ignorance about our profession, but more importantly she doesn't seem to understand that her own wage is way more disproportional to her own job, than ours is to our job. Perhaps someone should notify this woman, she's doing a highly dangerous job, working at the police, while being paid very little for laying her life on the line, while there are other options that are far less dangerous and pay much more money, like prostitution. So perhaps a career change would be an option for her?
One funny note, after my boyfriend commented on her Tweets and the stigmatizing character on them, she commented back they where not stigmatizing at all. Yet she did delete her tweet about it, which makes one wonder why she deleted it, if it wasn't stigmatizing?
Dutch version
Kamis, 26 Juni 2014
A backstory...

I grew up in Alaska, I spent my early years in beautiful and small, Haines. It was an idyllic childhood. Just us, holed up, a lovely unit unto itself.
My Dad was a school teacher at a two room school house some 30 miles outside of town. There was a whopping 24 student in all. Many traversed the miles on dog sleds and snow mobiles, and I remember a few times having to sit outside while we waited for an intrigued bear or hungry wolf to bugger off the premises.
There simply were no outfit choices. It was all decided on which snow suit you wanted to wear- for me - pink or purple. Interestingly, we never missed a day of school or recess due to weather. We would suit up and tunnel our way out to play.
It would begin snowing every year like clockwork on Halloween night and continue throughout the spring. One year, with a little maneuvering we were able to pile it right up to the roof and sled all the way down. I can recall long walks under the northern lights and moose in our backyard. counting upwards of 200 bald eagles as we journeyed to school. I love those vague memories, of something sweet and beautiful.
They filmed White Fang in Haines, and used our school as a set up station. Ethan Hawke and the whole crew came and met us, hung out with all the kids. The make up crew even painted cuts, bruises and black eyes on us. It was definately a standout memory- something kinda cool to tell my wild ones about. Their Grammy was even in it.
I've never been back to Alaska since we moved- part of me is afraid it won't be as lovely as my memories, or that it may in some way alter my childlike perception. For me, it holds this moment of time, when everything was good, and safe and free. Someday, I know I will go back, to show my children it's majestic beauty, to show them my youth, where I explored and dreamed. I hope that's what I'm creating for them, here on our farm. A safe place, where they fill secure in our love. A place they can grow and evolve into who they are and eventually who they will become.
p.s. can you believe it's almost July!
Rabu, 25 Juni 2014
Sexworkers meet sexworkers without sexworkers
This week apparently the Aids Fund in Holland organized a meeting of sexworkers worldwide to come to Amsterdam to talk about prostitution and safety. Prostitutes from all over the world where invited apparently, except... well... us. Of course that's not a big deal, I mean, we're only the most famous prostitution area in the world, so why would it matter, right? I mean, it's not like they're coming over here to talk!
Oh, wait, they where? When? How? Aha, I see. Okay then. Hmmmm.
Apparently they're spending all week long here in Amsterdam, and even bring a visit to the Red Light District. It's kinda like someone throws you a birthday party in your backyard, just everyone forgot to invite you. In the newspapers you read all about sexworkers from countries like Uganda and other exotic sounding countries. But how many prostitutes from the Red Light District themselves got invited?
Well, as far as I know, none. I wasn't invited, in fact, I didn't even know about it until recently, and since I'm the only prostitute from the Red Light District online, I doubt they invited other girls from here without me knowing about it.
I wonder what the point is to meet here in Amsterdam, and even visit the Red Light District, if you're not gonna talk with the girls from the Red Light District themselves. The newspapers show a lot of African women, so if they wanted to talk to these women, and not to the girls from here, why didn't they just go to Africa?! What's the point of doing it here, if you're only gonna talk with people from everywhere else but here?!
But the most interesting part of this whole come together of prostitutes, was an article in the newspaper Metro today, which my boyfriend brought home from work to read to me (article online here). In the article it literaly states:
"Aangezien alle sekswerkers die we hebben uitgenodigd zich ook actief inzetten voor een betere situatie in hun land, kunnen ze veel van elkaar opsteken. Ook krijgen ze een goed beeld van de situatie in Nederland, waar prostitutie wél legaal is. Overigens denk ik dat Nederland nog wel iets kan leren van de mannen en vrouwen die nu op bezoek zijn. Wij willen hier nogal eens voor sekswerkers denken. Prostituees zouden ook in Nederland een grotere rol moeten spelen in het beleid om mensenhandel terug te dringen en de rechten van prostituees te bevorderen."
"Since all the sexworkers we've invited are also active in their home country for a better situation in their country, they can learn a lot from each other. Also they get a good idea about the situation in Holland, where prostitution is legal. However I do think that we in Holland can learn things from the men and women who are visiting us here now. We have the tendency to think for sexworkers. Prostitutes in Holland should play a larger role in the policy to fight human trafficking and improve the rights of prostitutes."
Apparently I wasn't invited because I wasn't active enough? Is that what this article states? I mean, it's not really like I've been hiding in the bushes or something. I mean, if even people from the PVDA can find me, and take the trouble to talk with me (gratitude to Dennis Boutkan for that), then for sure an organisation that talks about us, in our backyard can at least have the courtesy to let us know they're doing something like this. I mean, why did sexworkers from all over the world get invited, except for the very girls that work here?
Or is the idea that we 'can't learn from each other', like the article states? And how can people get a good idea about the situation in Holland, specifically when visiting the Amsterdam Red Light District, if you don't invite any of us to explain the situation to them?
The most interesting part of this is that the answer to all these questions are in the article itself already. It states: "We have the tendency to think for sexworkers." And that's exactly what they've done again.
The funniest thing is, the next line about prostitutes in Holland, talks about how we should play a larger role in the policies and improving our rights. Yet, funny enough, by not inviting us, we can't! Because we didn't get invited! How are we supposed to get a larger role, if you people don't even inform us about stuff like this!
A perfect example of people talking and deciding thing for us again, however well they may mean it, but again we're not part of the debate about ourselves. And then people wonder why prostitutes never talk. Jeez, I wonder why?!
And let's be honest, I'm fighting very hard for my rights and better policies here, though there have been very few people really interested in it and took the trouble to contact me. They're all busy all over the world to improve policies, while the Red Light District in Amsterdam itself has only a handful of people, fighting off not only several political parties, a city government and a national government, but also the public opinion of everyone in this country.
Like always, they're talking again about us, but not with us. And then they're surprised we're not happy about that. They say they don't have time for everyone. Well, at least they seem to have time for everyone else, except the people the people in the backyard. Guess we're just not that important to them, I mean, we're only part of the most famous prostitution area in the world. Why would that matter, right?
And then they're surprised we've never heard of them before. It's very simple, if you want to talk to us, we're easy to find, any tourist in the world knows how to find us, so why can't you? It's not like we're hiding in the bushes or something, we're right there behind our windows, open for everyone to see. After all, that's the point of the Red Light District in Amsterdam.
You want to talk to us, talk to us! Come to us! It's not like you're inviting us over to you, so hereby we invite you to come over here! We're tired of constantly having other people talking about us, but never with us. Don't come here with your excuses that you don't have time. If you have time to show other people the Red Light District, you've also got time to talk to us sometime.
Dutch version
Oh, wait, they where? When? How? Aha, I see. Okay then. Hmmmm.
Apparently they're spending all week long here in Amsterdam, and even bring a visit to the Red Light District. It's kinda like someone throws you a birthday party in your backyard, just everyone forgot to invite you. In the newspapers you read all about sexworkers from countries like Uganda and other exotic sounding countries. But how many prostitutes from the Red Light District themselves got invited?
Well, as far as I know, none. I wasn't invited, in fact, I didn't even know about it until recently, and since I'm the only prostitute from the Red Light District online, I doubt they invited other girls from here without me knowing about it.
I wonder what the point is to meet here in Amsterdam, and even visit the Red Light District, if you're not gonna talk with the girls from the Red Light District themselves. The newspapers show a lot of African women, so if they wanted to talk to these women, and not to the girls from here, why didn't they just go to Africa?! What's the point of doing it here, if you're only gonna talk with people from everywhere else but here?!
But the most interesting part of this whole come together of prostitutes, was an article in the newspaper Metro today, which my boyfriend brought home from work to read to me (article online here). In the article it literaly states:
"Aangezien alle sekswerkers die we hebben uitgenodigd zich ook actief inzetten voor een betere situatie in hun land, kunnen ze veel van elkaar opsteken. Ook krijgen ze een goed beeld van de situatie in Nederland, waar prostitutie wél legaal is. Overigens denk ik dat Nederland nog wel iets kan leren van de mannen en vrouwen die nu op bezoek zijn. Wij willen hier nogal eens voor sekswerkers denken. Prostituees zouden ook in Nederland een grotere rol moeten spelen in het beleid om mensenhandel terug te dringen en de rechten van prostituees te bevorderen."
"Since all the sexworkers we've invited are also active in their home country for a better situation in their country, they can learn a lot from each other. Also they get a good idea about the situation in Holland, where prostitution is legal. However I do think that we in Holland can learn things from the men and women who are visiting us here now. We have the tendency to think for sexworkers. Prostitutes in Holland should play a larger role in the policy to fight human trafficking and improve the rights of prostitutes."
Apparently I wasn't invited because I wasn't active enough? Is that what this article states? I mean, it's not really like I've been hiding in the bushes or something. I mean, if even people from the PVDA can find me, and take the trouble to talk with me (gratitude to Dennis Boutkan for that), then for sure an organisation that talks about us, in our backyard can at least have the courtesy to let us know they're doing something like this. I mean, why did sexworkers from all over the world get invited, except for the very girls that work here?
Or is the idea that we 'can't learn from each other', like the article states? And how can people get a good idea about the situation in Holland, specifically when visiting the Amsterdam Red Light District, if you don't invite any of us to explain the situation to them?
The most interesting part of this is that the answer to all these questions are in the article itself already. It states: "We have the tendency to think for sexworkers." And that's exactly what they've done again.
The funniest thing is, the next line about prostitutes in Holland, talks about how we should play a larger role in the policies and improving our rights. Yet, funny enough, by not inviting us, we can't! Because we didn't get invited! How are we supposed to get a larger role, if you people don't even inform us about stuff like this!
A perfect example of people talking and deciding thing for us again, however well they may mean it, but again we're not part of the debate about ourselves. And then people wonder why prostitutes never talk. Jeez, I wonder why?!
And let's be honest, I'm fighting very hard for my rights and better policies here, though there have been very few people really interested in it and took the trouble to contact me. They're all busy all over the world to improve policies, while the Red Light District in Amsterdam itself has only a handful of people, fighting off not only several political parties, a city government and a national government, but also the public opinion of everyone in this country.
Like always, they're talking again about us, but not with us. And then they're surprised we're not happy about that. They say they don't have time for everyone. Well, at least they seem to have time for everyone else, except the people the people in the backyard. Guess we're just not that important to them, I mean, we're only part of the most famous prostitution area in the world. Why would that matter, right?
And then they're surprised we've never heard of them before. It's very simple, if you want to talk to us, we're easy to find, any tourist in the world knows how to find us, so why can't you? It's not like we're hiding in the bushes or something, we're right there behind our windows, open for everyone to see. After all, that's the point of the Red Light District in Amsterdam.
You want to talk to us, talk to us! Come to us! It's not like you're inviting us over to you, so hereby we invite you to come over here! We're tired of constantly having other people talking about us, but never with us. Don't come here with your excuses that you don't have time. If you have time to show other people the Red Light District, you've also got time to talk to us sometime.
Dutch version
Love this bug…

Kids can be so clever. The other night, I was driving my wild ones to my brothers house. It's a winding steep sort of road, filled with cracks and holes. My Zain made it quite clear to me that he felt I was driving to fast and careless (I was not). As we began our journey back home a bit later, he says to me, "Mama, could you drive nice and slow so we can look for deer and turtles. I know how much you like to see deer on our drives." Ah, ever the gentleman, message received.
India, Iraq, the deficit, child abuse, Brussels...
Indian Election was a British Intelligence PsyOp.
How MI6 controls ISIS - Siddharth.

Child abuse detectives raid Labour peer's office.
Headmistress 'had sex with pupil in uniform.
Brussels shootings; Obama and the social sciences.
Unknown planes bomb ISIS position in Northern Iraq- Pentagon: Not US.

Selasa, 24 Juni 2014
Chicken days...

It's a hard post to write about romantically, and pictures just aren't suitable, but this is a blog about our life and we do live on a farm. So since it's summer, we are in the midst of, shall we say-priming the domestic fowl to transform into exquisite dining finery.
Kaleb has been working non stop from the wee hours of morn until long past the sun has set. This is our first year to ever do the actual processing ourselves and with our own equipment, so definitely a big deal. Strangely enough, the kids love it. They are great helpers, where as I'm still a bit squeamish.
We have raised broilers before, but always for other farms. In previous years we have raised them in large chicken tractors, that we move twice a day everyday, giving them a chance to scratch and peck. This year, since we were trying it ourselves, we explored a different route. Feeling as though the tractors were a good step to being healthier and better for the birds, but still not quite what we had envisioned. So with this batch, Kaleb built a nice brooder for them, that they used in their early weeks and then using net electric fencing to keep them safe, we put them out to pasture, rotating paddocks everyday. It was so nice to see them out in the fresh air, doing their thing.
We def came across quite a few kinks in our plan. We felt like we had to change things up daily as we learned what worked and what didn't. This was a big learning opportunity, as all of our farming ventures have been. Maybe the biggest lesson of all is that we don't like raising meat chickens on a larger scale. It doesn't fit with our goals for our farm or our family. This fall we will try once more in smaller batches, and see if we find the joy again. One of the most fascinating aspects of starting this farm has been learning new tactics. Farming is sort of dying out, many who have been raised their whole lives farming, grow up and don't want to do it themselves. They see that its a lot of work, and doesn't always have a big pay out. What's exciting, is that a whole new generation is coming in, trying new things and different ways to be true to the land, with less input and hopefully more output. Plus, there is more of a demand for good organic food, that has been raised humanely. It's slowly changing, going back to that romance for the land and the animals.
I love being involved though, trying it out, exploring different avenues. Knowing where our food comes from and how it was raised is a nice feeling. I like having a hand in what I eat, and knowing I'm feeding myself and the littles something good. I like that the kids understand that we are trying to give our animals the best possible and in return they will benefit and strengthen our bodies. And honestly, I like when they see us struggle. I hope they will see that we keep trying and learning, and trying again.
Senin, 23 Juni 2014


The Good Country Index
Small country

Professor Dunleavy has published 'Transitioning to a new Scottish state'.
This concludes that the 'set-up costs' for Scotland would be “up to £200 million”.
That means setting up an independent Scotland for generations to come will cost no more than what our taxpayers contribute to the UK’s nuclear missiles each and every year.
Hs2 is costing Scotlands taxpayers nearly 5 BILLION.

The Good Country Index
The Where To Be Born Index
Small countries are best.
Small country

Professor Dunleavy has published 'Transitioning to a new Scottish state'.
This concludes that the 'set-up costs' for Scotland would be “up to £200 million”.
That means setting up an independent Scotland for generations to come will cost no more than what our taxpayers contribute to the UK’s nuclear missiles each and every year.
Hs2 is costing Scotlands taxpayers nearly 5 BILLION.

Osama in Oxford.
After Coutts closed their Caymen Islands office, they shipped files to Geneva.
German officials seized the files from containers passing through Hamburg.
European newspapers claim that Osama Bin Laden is named in the documents.
In 2012, Coutts was fined £8.75million for 'serious and systematic' failings when handling money from suspected criminals or foreign despots.
1. Osama bin Laden and the Jewish Mafia
The newspaper Scotland on Sunday reported 16/9/ 2001 that Osama bin Laden made his fortune in part by working with Jewish-Russian mafia operations in Qatar and Cyprus.
2. Osama bin Laden and the Caymen Islands
Michael Rupert (Osama Bin Laden - A CIA Creation and It's Blowback) reported on links between Caymen banks and Osama bin Laden.
Deutsche Bank (allegedly one of the banks used by bin Laden and inside traders at the CIA) reportedly has an interest in Safron Partners, which is part of a corporate network on the Cayman Islands that is allegedly run by Bin Laden's half brother, Hassan.
Osama Bin Laden and the CIA and a Mr Hekmatyar are reputed to have been involved in the Afghan heroin business.
Bin-Laden allegedly established branches of his business in the Cayman Islands; and he allegedly employed law firms and consultants connected to Langley, Virginia and the CIA.
3. Osama and British Intelligence
The French Internet publication, Indigo, reported that Osama bin-Laden was a guest of British Intelligence in London in 1996.( Bin Laden - A CIA Creation and It's Blowback )
4. Bush and the bin Ladens
One of George W Bush early backers was James Bath, who was "the bin Laden family's representative in Texas" (Bush Money)
Bath allegedly managed millions of dollars for Khalid bin Mahfouz, one of the central figures in Bank BCCI, which was labeled as the bank for the Medellin drug cartel, Noriega, Saddam, Abu Nidal, and heroin godfather Khun Sa.
Mahfouz was apparently an investor in the Carlyle Group of which Bush senior was a director.
In 1999 it was reported that bin Mahfouz was financing Osama bin Laden.
Mahfouz has a palatial estate in Houston Texas.
James Bath was seemingly president of Skyway Aircraft leasing , a Texas company, owned by bin Mahfouz, and registered in the Cayman Islands.
5. Wafah bin laden
Wafah bin Laden, the niece of Osama Bin Laden (,,2089-1572299,00.html ) is known as a party girl. She once danced with President George W Bush’s daughter Jenna at a nightclub in the south of France.
6. Osama bin Laden's school friends...
"One of the connections which still explains many of the personal ties existing throughout the Middle East is the Victoria College in Alexandria, where the bin Laden boys attended classes along with schoolmates such as King Hussein of Jordan, Zaid Al Rifai, the Kashoggi brothers (whose father was one of the king's physicians), Kamal Adham (who ran the Saudi [security] services under King Faisal), present-day contractors Mohammed Al Attas, Fahd Shobokshi and Ghassan Sakr and actor Omar Sharif."
7. Salem bin Laden
6. Osama bin Laden's school friends...
"One of the connections which still explains many of the personal ties existing throughout the Middle East is the Victoria College in Alexandria, where the bin Laden boys attended classes along with schoolmates such as King Hussein of Jordan, Zaid Al Rifai, the Kashoggi brothers (whose father was one of the king's physicians), Kamal Adham (who ran the Saudi [security] services under King Faisal), present-day contractors Mohammed Al Attas, Fahd Shobokshi and Ghassan Sakr and actor Omar Sharif."
7. Salem bin Laden
Quoting a French intelligence report posted by PBS Frontline, The New Yorker reports, “During the nineteen-eighties, when the Reagan administration secretly arranged for an estimated $34 million to be funneled through Saudi Arabia to the Contras in Nicaragua, [Osama’s eldest brother] Salem bin Laden aided in this cause.” []
According to :
"Like his father in 1968, Salem died in a 1988 air Texas... According to one of the plane's American pilots, it had been used in October 1980 during secret Paris meetings between US and Iranian emissaries. Nothing was ever proven, but Salem bin Laden's accidental death revived some speculation that he might have been "eliminated" as an embarrassing witness."
According to :
"Like his father in 1968, Salem died in a 1988 air Texas... According to one of the plane's American pilots, it had been used in October 1980 during secret Paris meetings between US and Iranian emissaries. Nothing was ever proven, but Salem bin Laden's accidental death revived some speculation that he might have been "eliminated" as an embarrassing witness."
"Osama's oldest brother, Salem, by most accounts a debonair and Westernized figure, who had attended Millfield, the English boarding school, took over the family empire. Salem brought the family into the modern world; he was, one American friend says, 'as at home in London and Paris as he was in Jidda.' A former United States diplomat in Saudi Arabia says, 'I used to call him the playboy of the Western world.' An enthusiastic amateur rock guitarist, Salem loved to jam with bands and go disco dancing when he was in the United States on business trips, in the nineteen-seventies. He was married to an English art student, Caroline Carey, whose half brother Ambrose is the son of the Marquess of Queensberry...
"During the nineteen-eighties, when the Reagan Administration secretly arranged for an estimated thirty-four million dollars to be funnelled through Saudi Arabia to the Contras, in Nicaragua, Salem bin Laden aided in this cause, according to French intelligence."
8. The bin Laden political and business connections
Over the years, there have been warm, substantial ties between members of the bin Laden family and leaders of the foreign-policy establishment in America and Britain. Until late last month, the family had a stake amounting to two million dollars in the Washington-based Carlyle Group, a private equity firm with a large interest in defense contracting.
The Carlyle Group is known for its politically connected executives such as former President George H. W. Bush, former Secretary of State James Baker, and former British Prime Minister John Major.
The Carlyle Group is known for its politically connected executives such as former President George H. W. Bush, former Secretary of State James Baker, and former British Prime Minister John Major.
In the nineteen-nineties, both Bush and Baker visited the bin Laden family when they were prospecting for business in Saudi Arabia. The chairman of the firm is former Defense Secretary Frank Carlucci, who has been a trusted friend of the current Defense Secretary, Donald Rumsfeld, since their days on the Princeton wrestling team...
The family continues to have a stake, estimated by one source at about ten million dollars, in the Fremont Group, a private investment company, on whose board of directors sits another former Secretary of State, George Shultz.
Much of the family's private banking is handled by Citigroup, which is chaired by former Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin. The family has equity investments with Merrill Lynch and Goldman, Sachs. Among the family's business partners is General Electric. A spokesman for Jack Welch, the chairman of G.E., says that the family threw a party for him in the nineteen-nineties in Saudi Arabia, and that Welch "considers them good business partners."
One American diplomat says, "You talk about your global investors, it's them. They own part of Microsoft, Boeing, and who knows what else." Others note that the family has been awarded contracts to help rebuild American military installations, including the Khobar Towers, which were damaged in a terrorist attack that killed nineteen servicemen in 1996.
9. Osama bin Laden in an American hospital just before 9 11
From: :
The family continues to have a stake, estimated by one source at about ten million dollars, in the Fremont Group, a private investment company, on whose board of directors sits another former Secretary of State, George Shultz.
Much of the family's private banking is handled by Citigroup, which is chaired by former Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin. The family has equity investments with Merrill Lynch and Goldman, Sachs. Among the family's business partners is General Electric. A spokesman for Jack Welch, the chairman of G.E., says that the family threw a party for him in the nineteen-nineties in Saudi Arabia, and that Welch "considers them good business partners."
One American diplomat says, "You talk about your global investors, it's them. They own part of Microsoft, Boeing, and who knows what else." Others note that the family has been awarded contracts to help rebuild American military installations, including the Khobar Towers, which were damaged in a terrorist attack that killed nineteen servicemen in 1996.
9. Osama bin Laden in an American hospital just before 9 11
From: :
According to information's collected by Le Figaro, and Radio France International, Osama Bin Laden met with an American CIA agent in July 2001 while he was being treated for a kidney ailment at the American Hospital of Dubai.
"The billionaire Saudi Bin Laden visited the American Hospital of Dubaï from July 4 to July 14th, two months before the attacks of September 11, confirmed by sources close to European services of information.
"He was accompanied by his personal doctor and faithful lieutenant, Egyptian Ayman Al-Zawahari, a male nurse and four bodyguards. Bin Laden suffers from a renal infection which is propagated with the liver and requires specialized care. Doctor Terry Callaway at The American Hospital of Dubai is known for the specialized treatment of such ailments.
"During his hospitalization, Osama bin Laden was visited by several members of his family, and on July 12th the local representative of the CIA, that many people know in Dubaï, was seen going into his room.
"A few days later, shortly after Ben Laden left for Quetta with a new kidney dialysis machine, the CIA agent bragged to friends about visiting the billionaire saudi and was subsequently recalled to the USA on July 15th."
A picking we will go...

We finally got to get out there and pick some blueberries! I had been wanting to go for some time, but it just hadn't worked out. So early Friday morning, the buggies and I (armed with sunscreen, snacks, and cold drinks) headed out to do some picking. It was a hot and muggy one. We were glowy and red faced ten minutes in, but the kids were champs. They worked so hard getting those berries while I lolly gagged around, taking pictures and chatting about. I'm quite sure more berries made it in our mouths than in the baskets! Altogether, it was a good day and fun was had by all.
An intriguing ‘publishing platform for readers’
An unprecedented collaboration between two leading newspapers and the non-profit Mozilla tech community aims to build a “publishing platform for readers” that could go a long way toward revolutionizing the way we get and give news.
Inasmuch as the undertaking was announced only last week by the New York Times, the Washington Post, Mozilla and the Knight Foundation, there’s no way of knowing

Prabowo. Prabowo, a fan of Ataturk, has business interests in many countries, including Canada. Prabowo's ties to the U.S. military are the closest of any among the U.S.-trained officer corps. He attended the Advanced Infantry Officers Course at Fort Benning, Ga., in 1985 and the Army Special Forces Training Course at Fort Bragg, N.C., in 1980. Indonesia Report
Prabowo Subianto, who hopes to become president of Indonesia, once said: "My mother is Christian, and among my family there are Chinese and Western members."
Prabowo is one of the super-rich elite, and reportedly he is a war criminal and has been a CIA asset.

Prabowo's rival for the presidency is Joko Widodo, a moderate Moslem.
Prabowo's friends are trying to present Joko, wrongly, as being a Chinese Christian.
Mud flung as Indonesia presidential race heats up
Some opinion polls show that Jokowi's once huge lead over Prabowo has shrunk to single digits.
Pollster Burhanuddin Muhtadi says that "People in rural areas and people with middle to lower income and education tend to believe the black campaign (against Jokowi)."
Attacks against Prabowo have included questions about his mental well-being and claims that he is a Jordanian citizen.

Wiranto, a former top general, has confirmed Prabowo's role in activist abduction.
Wiranto has released details of a military council's findings which said Prabowo had deliberately misinterpreted orders and told troops who were not under his command to arrest political activists.

Stanley Weiss
Stanley Weiss is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.
Prabowo is one of the super-rich elite, and reportedly he is a war criminal and has been a CIA asset.

Prabowo's rival for the presidency is Joko Widodo, a moderate Moslem.
Prabowo's friends are trying to present Joko, wrongly, as being a Chinese Christian.
Mud flung as Indonesia presidential race heats up
Some opinion polls show that Jokowi's once huge lead over Prabowo has shrunk to single digits.
Pollster Burhanuddin Muhtadi says that "People in rural areas and people with middle to lower income and education tend to believe the black campaign (against Jokowi)."
Attacks against Prabowo have included questions about his mental well-being and claims that he is a Jordanian citizen.

Wiranto, a former top general, has confirmed Prabowo's role in activist abduction.
Wiranto has released details of a military council's findings which said Prabowo had deliberately misinterpreted orders and told troops who were not under his command to arrest political activists.

Stanley Weiss
Stanley Weiss is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.
And he's a member of the American Ditchley Foundation, the International Institute for Strategic Studies, and the Royal Institute in the UK.


Weiss tells us who is going to be the next president.

The world's fourth largest country, in terms of population, will soon be getting a new president.
Weiss is backing General Prabowo Subianto.
On 18 September 2013, Weiss writes: Prabowo could be Indonesia's Lee Kuan Yew.
Prabowo, a former Suharto general, is reported to be a war criminal and an asset of the CIA.
Weiss is backing General Prabowo Subianto.
On 18 September 2013, Weiss writes: Prabowo could be Indonesia's Lee Kuan Yew.
Prabowo, a former Suharto general, is reported to be a war criminal and an asset of the CIA.

Weiss has had a private meeting with Prabowo Subianto.
Weiss reports the words of Prabowo:
"What has happened in the Middle East over the past 24 months could happen in Indonesia, unless we change course towards fairness, equality and transparency in government."
Already the plotters are at work:
Corporate Indonesia worries as rupiah wobbles

Weiss knows that Indonesia has been booming, just like Tunisia used to be booming.
Weiss knows that Indonesia has been dealing with its problems of corruption, just like Tunisia, under Ben Ali, was dealing with its problems of corruption.

Weiss emphasises the corruption in Indonesia.
"Djoko Susilo ... On a salary of US$1,000 a month, the former head of Indonesia's police academy managed to amass a fortune of $18 million."
Djoko is now in prison.
"A former Health Ministry official was sentenced to five years in prison for embezzling $1 million."

Since 2002, more than 360 Indonesian officials have been jailed for corruption, including cabinet officers, governors, members of parliament and judges.
So, Indonesia is doing better than the USA!
In Indonesia, the bad guys are being jailed, unlike in certain other countries.


Weiss knows that Indonesia has been dealing with its problems of corruption, just like Tunisia, under Ben Ali, was dealing with its problems of corruption.
Weiss emphasises the corruption in Indonesia.
"Djoko Susilo ... On a salary of US$1,000 a month, the former head of Indonesia's police academy managed to amass a fortune of $18 million."
Djoko is now in prison.
"A former Health Ministry official was sentenced to five years in prison for embezzling $1 million."

Since 2002, more than 360 Indonesian officials have been jailed for corruption, including cabinet officers, governors, members of parliament and judges.
So, Indonesia is doing better than the USA!
In Indonesia, the bad guys are being jailed, unlike in certain other countries.

Christmas in Jakarta - Website for this image
Indonesia is the biggest Moslem country in the world, and traditionally it is very moderate and liberal.
Indonesia will soon be one of the world's 10 largest economies.
Indonesia is becoming rather successful.
Well, we can' have that, can we!
The planners in Washington, Tel Aviv and London are presumably planning to do to Indonesia what they have done to Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Tunisia, Egypt and Syria.

Saudi Arabia, a puppet state of the USA and Israel, has been pouring money into Indonesia to make it more Islamist.
There has been an increase in so-called religious violence.
Prabowo was once the general in charge of the Indonesian special forces regiment called Kopassus.
Kopassus has worked closely with Mossad.
Kopassus has been involved in organising incidents of religious violence, according to reports.

Indonesia is the biggest Moslem country in the world, and traditionally it is very moderate and liberal.
Indonesia will soon be one of the world's 10 largest economies.
Indonesia is becoming rather successful.
Well, we can' have that, can we!
The planners in Washington, Tel Aviv and London are presumably planning to do to Indonesia what they have done to Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Tunisia, Egypt and Syria.
Saudi Arabia, a puppet state of the USA and Israel, has been pouring money into Indonesia to make it more Islamist.
There has been an increase in so-called religious violence.
Prabowo was once the general in charge of the Indonesian special forces regiment called Kopassus.
Kopassus has worked closely with Mossad.
Kopassus has been involved in organising incidents of religious violence, according to reports.

Here's an example:
"The most vicious combined operation of Coker (Christian gangsters) and Kopassus (special forces) was the attack on the village of Soya...
"22 houses were destroyed by fire, as well as the historic church of Soya built during Portuguese times and 12 people were killed.
"The Soya bloodbath created new tensions between Muslim and Christian communities.
"It is now clear that the attack was not the work of Muslim warriors as was thought at the time but an attack by a Christian militia gang together with Kopassus units."
Here's an example:
"The most vicious combined operation of Coker (Christian gangsters) and Kopassus (special forces) was the attack on the village of Soya...
"22 houses were destroyed by fire, as well as the historic church of Soya built during Portuguese times and 12 people were killed.
"The Soya bloodbath created new tensions between Muslim and Christian communities.
"It is now clear that the attack was not the work of Muslim warriors as was thought at the time but an attack by a Christian militia gang together with Kopassus units."
Crime boss Hercules, who reportedly runs a private army for Prabowo. timorlorosaenacaodiario. Hercules is alleged to have been mind-controlled by US-trained Indonesian military officers. CHILDREN KIDNAPPED AND BRAINWASHED
According to Weiss:
Prabowo is "the person that many observers believe represents the country's best hope for curbing corruption and Islamic extremism before it leads to violence."
Laugh out loud!
Weiss, speaking presumably on behalf of Israel and the Pentagon, states:
"In a nation where millions yearn for a greater measure of the strength and order that defined the Soeharto years, time has brought to the fore the qualities for which Prabowo is best known ...'fierce loyalty to Indonesia, leadership, decisiveness - and toughness'."

May 1998 riots in Jakarta. Allegedly, Prabowo brought huge numbers of gangsters into Jakarta in May 1998 to help the CIA topple President Suharto.
Prabowo was married into the Suharto family.
Reportedly, Prabowo worked with the CIA to topple Suharto.
In a presidential election it is estimated that Prabowo would win about 16% of the vote.
His current rivals would each get less than 16% of the vote.
Prabowo needs a running mate who is popular with the public.
According to Weiss: "There is a potential running mate ... Ibu Risma, mayor of Surabaya, Indonesia's second-largest city.
And then there is Jokowi: Man of the people amid political disenchantment

IF Prabowo becomes president of Indonesia, will he be like Slobodan Milošević?
Milosevic was president of Yugoslavia when it fell apart.
Or, will Prabowo be like Saddam Hussein?
Saddam proved useful to the USA when he fought against Iran.
Prabowo might ally with the USA against Iran, China, Russia...
Of course, Saddam was eventually toppled.
According to Weiss:
Prabowo is "the person that many observers believe represents the country's best hope for curbing corruption and Islamic extremism before it leads to violence."
Laugh out loud!
Weiss, speaking presumably on behalf of Israel and the Pentagon, states:
"In a nation where millions yearn for a greater measure of the strength and order that defined the Soeharto years, time has brought to the fore the qualities for which Prabowo is best known ...'fierce loyalty to Indonesia, leadership, decisiveness - and toughness'."

May 1998 riots in Jakarta. Allegedly, Prabowo brought huge numbers of gangsters into Jakarta in May 1998 to help the CIA topple President Suharto.
Prabowo was married into the Suharto family.
Reportedly, Prabowo worked with the CIA to topple Suharto.
In a presidential election it is estimated that Prabowo would win about 16% of the vote.
His current rivals would each get less than 16% of the vote.
Prabowo needs a running mate who is popular with the public.
According to Weiss: "There is a potential running mate ... Ibu Risma, mayor of Surabaya, Indonesia's second-largest city.
And then there is Jokowi: Man of the people amid political disenchantment

IF Prabowo becomes president of Indonesia, will he be like Slobodan Milošević?
Milosevic was president of Yugoslavia when it fell apart.
Or, will Prabowo be like Saddam Hussein?
Saddam proved useful to the USA when he fought against Iran.
Prabowo might ally with the USA against Iran, China, Russia...
Of course, Saddam was eventually toppled.
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