Le Pen makes friends with the Jewish media.
Some of Marine Le Pen's European colleagues have formed alliances with, and visited, some Israeli settlers and groups.
Marine Le Pen says that her National Front party "has always been Zionistic and always defended Israel's right to exist".
International politics

Le Pen makes friends with Ron Proser, Israel's Permanent Representative to the UN

Marine le Pen is said, inaccurately, to be the Sarah Palin of France.

Marine Le Pen is not a 'conspiracy theorist'.
In a statement about the death of Osama bin Laden, she welcomed his "salutary elimination" and claimed that his execution was "a right and appropriate answer to the death of the victims in the 2011 Marrakech bombing".[242]

Quite rightly, Marine le Pen is opposed to the Nazi Islamists.
She has compared Muslims praying in the streets, outside overflowing mosques, to the occupation of France by the German Nazis.
Marine le Pen is better than Francois Hollande, who wanted to invade Syria, and Nicolas Sarkozy, who was reportedly financed by Gaddafi.

Pierrette, Yann, Marine, Jean-Marie et Marie-Caroline Le Pen.
Quite rightly, Marine le Pen is a bit of a Socialist.
Marine Le Pen is to the Left of the governing French socialist party in so far as she wants the state to run energy companies, financial services, the post office, hospitals, schools and transport.

The mother of Marine Le Pen was a Playboy bunny!
Marine Le Pen is a fan of Putin and Russia.
She wants to set up a 'privileged partnership' with Russia.
She claims that a French-Russian partnership is necessitated by "obvious civilization and geostrategic factors" as well as France's "energy security interests".

Le Pen supporters.
Quite rightly, Marine le Pen is opposed to:
Unlimited Free Trade,
Corrupt bankers,
The European Union,
Support for US imperialism,
The demonisation of Russia,
Nuclear power,
And large scale immigration.

Marine le Pen is better than Francois Hollande, who wanted to invade Syria, and Nicolas Sarkozy, who was reportedly financed by Gaddafi.
Marine Le Pen's National Front party won the support of over a quarter France's voters, in the recent elections for the European Parliament.
Marine's father, Jean-Marie, is a former paratrooper whose political supporters, unfortunately, included fans of Hitler.
Jean-Marie has described his daughter as an 'ideal physical specimen for this part of France'.
The Le Pen family are rich.
The main family home in Paris is a £5 million mansion on a private estate.

Marine le Pen says that unlike the Netherlands' Geert Wilders, she is "not waging war against Islam".

Le Pen and the 'Jewish Indonesian' Geert Wilders
Marine le Pen says that unlike the Netherlands' Geert Wilders, she is "not waging war against Islam".
She "is fighting the Islamisation of French society".
The struggle between the French people and the Zionist plutocracy
State repression in France only makes the Resistance grow stronger.
The struggle between the French people and the Zionist plutocracy
State repression in France only makes the Resistance grow stronger.
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