According to the book Shredded: Inside RBS, The Bank That Broke Britain, by the financial journalist Ian Fraser, the UK taxpayers risk losing their entire £45bn stake in Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) which is in grave danger of failing within 10 years.
According to Ian fraser, "At the time of writing, RBS is probably a worse bank than it was under Fred Goodwin."
Fred Goodwin 'brought about the collapse of the Royal Bank of Scotland', and 'broke Britain.'
Jean-Paul Votron, of Fortis, Maurice Lippens, of Fortis, Fred Goodwin, former CEO of Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS), and Emilio Botin, of Santander. Maurice Lippens has been linked to the Dutroux Affair and Bilderberg. MADELEINE McCANN & CERTAIN FASCISTS / ISGP - Dutroux case and X-Dossier victim-witnesses - WikiSpooks
Fred Goodwin, whose mother is German Jewish, is the cousin of a top gangster.

Goodwin, while working for Touche Ross, was in charge of the worldwide liquidation of BCCI, Bank of Credit and Commerce International, in 1990.
The BCCI was called the CIA’s money-laundering facility.
(Bank of Credit and Commerce International - Wikipedia.)

The Directors of Royal Bank of Scotland (when it got into trouble in 2008) had connections to Bilderberg and the US elite:
Sir Tom McKillop (Who reportedly attended Bilderberg)
Sir Fred Goodwin, appointed 1998.
Guy Whittaker, appointed to the Board in February 2006, after spending 25 years with Citigroup.
Lawrence Fish, an American, appointed to the Board in January 1993, previously a director of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston.
Charles 'Bud' Koch, an American, was chairman, president and chief executive officer of Charter One Financial, Inc. and its wholly owned subsidiary, Charter One Bank, N.A.
Joe MacHale, appointed to the Board in September 2004, held a number of senior executive positions with JP Morgan between 1979 and 2001, and was latterly chief executive of JP Morgan Europe, Middle East and Africa Region.
John McFarlane, appointed to the Board on 1 October 2008, was at one time head of Citicorp/Citibank in the UK and Ireland.
Sir Steve Robson, appointed to the Board in July 2001, a non-executive director of JP Morgan Cazenove Holdings.
Arthur (Art) Ryan, appointed to the Board on 1 October 2008, previously held a senior position with the former Chase Manhattan Bank NA.
Peter Sutherland, appointed to the Board in January 2001, is chairman of BP plc and Goldman Sachs International. He was formerly a director general of the World Trade Organisation.
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