Kamis, 07 Agustus 2014

farm fun day

There are days when everybody just needs to be busy. You can start to feel the teeniest bit of tension creeping in. On these particular days I wonder, "Will I implode if I must push someone on the rope swing one more time?" To be fair, my wee lads and lasses are very creative. They have thrilling imaginations that can guide them thru hours of fun, and for the majority they are quite self entertained. Just last week, headed up by Aussie, the three big ones built a fairy nest together. Which included full identities for each child. We were informed rather severely to call them Perrididdle the water fairy, Burr the animal fairy, and Thunder the builder fairy.

In case you weren't aware, yes, that is a hatula! A cross between a hatchet and a spatula, every builder fairy needs one. I'm surprised you didn't know that!

The day itself was lovely. A few clouds scattered throughout an expanse of blue. Warming you right thru, and a gentle wind that breathed joy and excitement. Even with all that, the crazies and I had both run a bit out of steam. They were beginning to bicker back and forth, and honestly I was a part of it too. We needed to do something fun together, instead of carry on down a path I dared not go. I knew just what we needed- to bond over friendly competition and some good ole fashioned games!

First, we picked a few fallen pears to use as batons and teamed up for some relay races. Each one different from the next. Running, skipping, hopping on one foot. Down the lane, around the barn, thru the garden. Isaac was on my team, but even with a nice head start, we never could catch the other two.

We laughed and cheered, hooted and hollered. I didn't think they were ever going to get tired. I was exhausted just a few races in. 

Finally they agreed to play the next game. 

Tug-of-War! Not to toot my own horn, but I won every game. At least until they all ganged up on me. Oh how the mighty fall!

Last, was bobbing for pears. This was not a total success as only one pear would actually float. Still we laughed and laughed. They managed to get at least a few rounds in before deciding to scrap their clothes altogether and attempt to swim in the ice cooler.

Before I knew it, the entire afternoon had passed. Everyone had enjoyed themselves and I was left invigorated. Renewed by having rallied, truly enjoying their company and at being a witness to complete happiness!

P.S. All six of us have been diagnosed with a lovely case of strep throat. Not to fear though. We made it a family affair and all headed to the dr today. So hopefully, we will be well soon. Until then, Aussie has made it her mission to doctor the lot of us back to health and has been faithfully following us all around the house shoving homeopathics down our throat. I'm supposed to be headed on a little mini vacation with my best friend tomorrow, so really praying we feel better ASAP!

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