Minggu, 24 Agustus 2014

something to crow about

I was hesitant to start making chicken broth. It was one of those task that seemed overwhelming and better left to the die-hards. But after reading up on it and having a plethora of chicken in my freezer, I decided I had better jump on board.

First thing you need to know-it's so easy! Not overwhelming at all actually. Second- it's yummy, way better than anything you could buy in the store. Third- it's unbelievably good for you. 

It's been called a cure-all for generations. It's amazing for sore-throats and colds, joint health, detoxing the liver, and incredible for any sort of gut issues. On top of that it's divine for hair, skin and nails. It puts a hop in your step, and a giddy-up in your love life. How could you pass that up?

My freezer is jammed full of the stuff. I use it in literally everything and drink it by the glassful when laid up. When I was making Eleanor's baby food, I would thin out all her veggies with homemade bone broth. I felt like such a trailblazer and bonus, I knew how superb it was for her. 

I put it in soups, risottos, and rice. I boil it down into a glaze and pour over meats. I have even been known to use it as a replacement for butter when making fried eggs or sautĂ©ed veggies.

So, how do you make this elixir fit for the gods? Here's how. . . 

You will need:

bones/carcass from one organic free range chicken
2 tbsp apple cider vinegar
2 carrots
2 stalks celery
1 onion
1 bunch parsley

After you have roasted a chicken and eaten all the meat off, throw all of the bones in a large pot. Then pour all those delicious juices left over in your roasting pan in with the bones. Next, fill the pot up with water until it covers all the bones and add your vinegar. The acid in the vinegar helps pull out all those lovely minerals and extra goodness. Let that sit for about 30 minutes. Now you're ready to add your veggies(this is optional, but it adds great flavor and some extra vitamins). Bring it all to a boil then turn down the heat to a very low simmer. Simply, leave it alone and let it do it's thing for anywhere from 24-48 hours. About 30 minutes before it's finished throw in your parsley. When it is completely done, take it off the stove and strain it.

There you go, it's really that simple, but you look like a pioneer goddess who totally has her kitchen chops. 

You can pour it into jars and store in the fridge for several days, or place it in freezer safe containers and pop it in the freezer. After it's cold, it should be a beautiful gel like consistency chalk full of mouth watering, body healing, wonder. It's just so clucking good!

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