Rabu, 11 Februari 2015

A Mothers Daydream

In my humble opinion, motherhood is the ultimate lesson in multitasking. 

Usually, while knee deep in the midst of it, my mind captures the essence of circumstance and pulls me into all sorts of crazy adventures.

In one tiny, complicated minute, in the heart of the afternoon I was mama- M.D. to the stars. A hollywood hero- giving shots, prescribing medications (of course, with natural alternatives) and known for having the best hello kitty band-aids on the west coast. Offering guidance and care to all darling pretend mothers like Aussie, the world round.

In the next breath, I was on pit crew for Speedy Zain. Engines blaring, the crowd's loud and the atmosphere thick with anticipation. Pumping throttles, timing rounds, and staying wildly busy with tech inspection. It's a job that means work- you're up early and you leave late, but the pay is amazing!

All this while pursuing a career in the major leagues with my main man- Isaac. Running drills, honing our skills and developing our throwing arms. It's a hard business, but there's nothing quite like the thrill of game day. 

And then there are my duties to the princess-carrying the litter to and fro as per Eleanor's wish. I carry a feathered fan and frozen grapes and do as I'm bid.

It's a storybook life:)

p.s. These are my project 52 photos, which I'm accomplishing with the help and encouragement of Helen from I Will Bloom, you should definitely go check her out! You will find an instant friend, promise. 

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