Rabu, 18 Februari 2015

Thrills on Wheels

Maybe it's the weather, maybe it's just this time of year, but I have had a severe and beautiful case of wanderlust.

I find myself a bit antsy, just the teeniest bit bored, and ready, oh so ready, to go. Craving adventure, every part of me yearning to do something novel, to see fresh places, and try exotic foods. I want to do and be and explore and find. 

For now, to help combat this need, I'm starting small. Exploring what's around. Packing the wilds up and taking them to experience something they've never done, something outside of routine and the day to day.

Last week, we appeased my appetite by taking them roller skating! This was brand new to the kiddos, as at the farm there is not a speck of pavement or cement anywhere, so most wheeled activites are out. We waited till dinner had been prepared, eaten and subsequently cleaned up, then told them to get their 'town clothes' on- we were headed off on an adventure.

It was probably one of the funniest nights of the year. They wouldn't let us put Eleanor in a stroller, so we just rented her skates, which was hilarious. If you can even fathom a one year old in roller skates, it is quite a sight. It was basically two hours of Kaleb and I picking kids up off the ground. At one point we looked up and our eyes met, all four were laid out on the slick wooden floor and we just burst out laughing. Why, Oh why, do all my bright ideas seem to end like this? 

By the end of the night, Aussie and Isaac had gotten to where they could semi-get around. They came home bruised and sore but thrilled with themselves, and I came home happy. My thirst for thrill briefly satisfied. 

Now I'm off to plan this weeks excitement!

p.s. pictures are not great, but it was an all hands on deck situation:)

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