Senin, 15 Agustus 2016


Anjem Choudary, who has been found guilty of 'inviting support for a proscribed organisation' under the UK's Terrorism Act 2000.

Anjem Choudary claims to be a jihadi.

The BBC has given him a platform for his views.

The police have given him protection.

Swaggering jihadi who loves drugs, beer and porn.

"From 7/7 bombers to Lee Rigby's killers, Choudary's connections are like a who's who of terrorism - with links to 15 plots and 500 jihadis."


Anjem Choudary has reportedly been working for MI5.

"As well as downing cider and lager, Anjem Choudary is shown playing drinking games with cards, clearly forbidden under his strict Islamic laws, and holding a cannabis joint between his lips before smoking it...

"One former friend said: 'I can't keep a straight face when I see fundamentalist Muslim Anjem Choudary in the papers...

"'When I knew him, he liked to be called Andy, would often smoke cannabis spliffs all day, and was proud of his ability to down a pint of cider in a couple of seconds.

"'And he was ruthless with girls. When he briefly worked as an English teacher for foreign students in London, he'd pull one of them every few days, sleep with her, then move on to another.

Read more at http://www.liveleak

Siddhartha Dhar (above) is a follower of Anjem Choudary.

UK security chiefs offered Siddhartha Dhar a job with MI5.

dailymail. / Sunday Times

Siddhartha Dhar, a Hindu, then appeared in an ISIS video.

Questions have arisen about how Dhar, who was known to the security services, found it so easy to travel to Syria.

Grace Dare, a Nigerian Christian, studied psychology and media studies at Lewisham College in London.


Either she is working for MI5/6 because she hates Moslems, or because she has been mind-controlled?

Grace "thought she was possessed by evil spirits" or jinns.

Grace 'Khadijah' Dare: Mother of Isa Dare had exorcisms.

MI5 and MI6 use Satanism in their mind control operations.

Grace joined ISIS, and her son appeared in the ISIS video alongside Siddhartha Dhar.

Londoner Sally Jones (above) joined ISIS.

Sally has contributed to forums on witchcraft and black magic.

A neighbour said: "She started to go through a phase of thinking she was a witch.

"She'd post pictures on Facebook of her dressed in a cloak and said things about being able to talk to spirits."

MI5 and MI6 use Satanism in their mind control operations.


Paul Bonacci (above) was kidnapped by the US security services and forced to watch the sexual abuse, torture and the ritual murder of children.


In the above video we see Grace, the Nigerian Christian lady pretending to be a Moslem, and 'Abdul',  the mystery Indian gentleman pretending to be a Moslem.

Above, we see Jesus Dare, star of the latest ISIS video.

Above we see a missing child.

Above we see Grace Dare, the mother of Jesus Dare, and the husband of Abdul Ghameed Abbas.

Above, we see a missing woman.

Above, we see "the Swedish citizen" from Gothenburg Abdul Ghameed Abbas - better known as "Abu Bakr" - who was married to Grace Dare.

"Abu Bakr's roots are ... in South Africa."

Svensk IS-terrorist dödad i flygattack

Abdul Ghameed Abbas (23) "is an Indian man, from Pretoria in South Africa", and in 2014 he was arrested for shooting video of the front part of Beitbridge Prison, in Zimbabwe.

fined for prison video.

Grace's husband (not James Foley), Abdul Ghameed Abbas - better known as "Abu Bakr"

It would seem that Abu Bakr is a Hindu, or a Jew, pretending to be a Moslem?

The smirking Hindu - Sid Dhar

It looks as though the UK authorities have been protecting the ISIS terrorist Siddartha Dhar.

Dhar is one of six extremists who, in the last few months, have been able to leave the UK while on bail or on a travel ban.

The six are all linked to the extremist group Al Muhajiroun.

The former US Justice Department prosecutor and terror expert John Loftus revealed that Al-Muhajiroun works for MI6.


Siddartha Dhar has born in the UK to a Hindu family.

In India, fascist Hindus, pretending to be Moslems, have taken part in false flag terror operations.

MUMBAI ATTACKS INSIDE JOB / Mumbai and the Hindu Fascists / 100 Christians murdered by Hindus.

Taimur Abdulwahab

The Moslem 'terrorist' Taimur Abdulwahab had a JEWISH GIRLFRIEND

A former Swedish classmate said of Taimur Abdulwahab: "We used to hang out together, drink together and play practical jokes together.

"They were good times.

"I remember him as a college student chasing girls and drinking beer."

Above, we see Jesus Dare, the 4 year old who appears in the ISIS video.

Above, we see Grace Dare, the mother of Jesus Dare.

Grace Dare was brought up in London as a Christian.

Yasmin, the pole dancer, and daughter of Omar Bakri Mohammed.

Grace Dare attended the Lewisham Islamic Centre, which is linked to Michael Adebolajo  and Omar Bakri Mohammed.

The Woolwich 'terrorist' Michael Adebolajo was taught about Islamic militancy by the preacher Omar Bakri Mohammed.

Woolwich Attack and the Changing Nature of Terrorism | Chatham House.


Omar Bakri Mohammed's busty blonde daughter, Yasmin, is a topless pole-dancer.

Yasmin, a single mother, performs in London clubs.

A pole dancer. Starrgrrrl 

Yasmin told The Sun: I'm willing to go topless if the venue is right.' 

Reportedly, 'she has been leading a wild double life thrashing about on stage in pole dancing clubs and drinking and partying like there's no tomorrow.' 

Reportedly, Bakri Mohammed personally paid for Yasmin to have a breast enlargement operation. 

According to The Sun, he paid £4,000 in cash 'for the operation that launched her career as a pole dancer'. 

Revealed: Radical cleric Bakri's pole-dancer daughter

Bakri, who is believed to work for MI6 and MI5.

Bakri was born in Syria, where he became involved in the Muslim Brotherhood, which reportedly is run by MI6.

At one time Bakri was friends with London-based Sheikh Abu Hamza al-Masri, a former nightclub bouncer.

Bakri Mohammed helped develop the 'Al Muhajiroun' organisation in the UK said to be run by the spooks. 

The Woolwich 'terrorist' Michael Adebolajo joined Al-Muhajiroun in 2003.

Former Justice Dept. prosecutor and Terror expert John Loftus revealed that the so called Al-Muhajiroun group were recruited by MI6 to fight in Kosovo.

Loftus stated that "back in the late 1990s, the leaders all worked for British intelligence in Kosovo. 

"Believe it or not, British intelligence actually hired some Al-Qaeda guys to help defend the Muslim rights in Albania and in Kosovo."


The girlfriend of the Woolwich 'terrorist' Michael Adebolajo

 From 1986 to 1996, Omar Bakri Muhammad ran  Hizb ut Tahrir

An article entitled Hizb ut Tahrir and the MI6 connection tells us:

Hizb ut Tahrir (HuT) has close ties to MI6, according to certain analysts.

Experts believe that HuT is used by MI6 as part of the Anglo-American strategy to contain the influence of the Russians and Chinese in the Central Asian Republics.

HuT is reportedly linked to the Muslim Brotherhood which has long been a front for the CIA and MI6.

The Muslim Brotherhood has been used by MI6 and CIA to weaken independent governments in the Middle East.


Jesus, the little boy in the ISIS video, is the son of Grace Dare and Deniz Yoncaci.

Deniz Yoncaci is a waiter.

Yoncaci is a Turkish name.

Deniz Yoncaci married Grace in 2010.

By 2011 they were getting divorced.

The original Michael Adebolajo, the friendly Christian boy.

Around 2011, Grace was attending the Lewisham Islamic Centre.

Also attending the centre were Michael Adebolajo and Michael Adebowale.

MI5 are believed to have controlled Michael Adebolajo.


By 2012, Grace and Jesus had moved to Syria.

In Syria, Grace married a Swede.

'Jihadi Junior' dad 'made daring rescue attempt to try and save his son from Syria'

The Swede is the son of Abdul Wahab Abbas, who may be a Jew or Hindu.


In 2014, Deniz Yoncaci flew out to Cyprus intending to save little Jesus.

(Osama bin Laden used Cyprus as a base when we worked with the Jewish Mafia in the narcotics trade. Scotland on Sunday reported 16/9/ 2001 that Osama bin Laden made his fortune in part by working with Jewish-Russian mafia operations in Cyprus.)

However, Deniz Yoncaci's family persuaded him not to go to Syria to carry out his rescue bid.

Grace's mother, Oyenike says of Grace: "She loved church. She had a Bible, she read the Bible.

"She would just sit there and pray and pray and pray."


Henry Dare, a Nigerian Christian living in London, has confirmed that his four-year-old grandson Jesus is the 'Jihadi' boy who appears in the latest ISIS video.

Jesus's mother is Londoner Grace Dare and his step-father was a Swede.

Grace is believed to be a tool of MI5 and its friends.

Grace's husband (not James Foley) a Swedish jihadi.

Bherlin Gildo is a Swedish jihadi.

He was arrested at Heathrow airport.

But they had to let him go when it turned out that he was working with jihadis who are supported by the UK government.

Trial collapses after threatened exposure of UK backing of terror groups

Bherlin Gildo, who hangs around with young boys.

Meanwhile, another 'tool of MI5' has been 'sighted in Darlington'.

On 26 December 2015, 'terrorist' Samantha Lewthwaite, who was married to 'terrorist' Germaine Lindsay, 'was sighted' checking into the Bannatyne Hotel Darlington, County Durham'.

The hotel is owned by the TV celebrity Duncan Bannatyne.

Bannatyne has spent time in the Royal Navy, in prison and on the island of Jersey.

Amon, Jesus and Amon.

Meanwhile, Amon, above left and bottom, has gone missing.

Hunt for missing EastEnders actress and her children.

The media has admitted that the FOLEY VIDEO is FAKE

The ISIS videos are believed to be made by the CIA and its friends.

Above we see 'Jesus, the son of Grace, the Nigerian Christian from London'.

Allegedly, Grace converted to Islam.

More likely she is working for MI5.

Above we see Siddhartha Dhar, an Indian Brit with a Hindu background.

The ISIS 'executioner', dubbed the 'new Jihadi John', is reportedly Siddhartha Dhar, aka Abu Rumaysah, a Briton of Hindu origin.

Dhar is a 'convert' to Islam, but his loyalties may in fact be to Indian intelligence and MI5.

Dhar is a follower of Anjem Choudary, the hard drinking, sex mad 'Hindu', who reportedly works for MI5.

Siddhartha Dhar was able to skip police bail in order to join ISIS.


As reported by the Sun, Siddhartha Dhar enjoyed listening to rock bands Nirvana and Linkin Park.

He would gel his hair and date girls and also enjoyed watching American action films.

Who is Siddhartha Dhar? The bouncy castle salesman and Arsenal supporter ...

Konika Dhar

Dhar's sister Konika Dhar says that, in the latest video, the ISIS gunman sounds very much like her brother.

News magazine VICE, which interviewed Dhar in 2014, says the executioner's 'voice and speech pattern' is similar to that of Dhar.

Terror expert Raffaello Pantucci, at Royal United Services, also believes the executioner's voice sounds like Dhar's.


Anjem Choudary

Dhar is a follower of Anjem Choudary, who reportedly works for MI5.

"As well as downing cider and lager, Anjem Choudary is shown playing drinking games with cards, clearly forbidden under his strict Islamic laws, and holding a cannabis joint between his lips before smoking it...

"One former friend said: 'I can't keep a straight face when I see fundamentalist Muslim Anjem Choudary in the papers...

"'When I knew him, he liked to be called Andy, would often smoke cannabis spliffs all day, and was proud of his ability to down a pint of cider in a couple of seconds.

"'And he was ruthless with girls. When he briefly worked as an English teacher for foreign students in London, he'd pull one of them every few days, sleep with her, then move on to another.

Read more at http://www.liveleak

Michael Adebolajo

Siddhartha Dhar is believed to have met, and possibly mentored, Michael Adebolajo, a Nigerian Christian who WAS PAID BY MI6.


ISIS is believed to be run by the CIA and its friends.

ISIS is recruiting the people who most hate Moslems - namely Indian Hindus and Nigerian Christians.

Mohammed Atta and other 9 11 'hijackers', visited Las Vegas at least six times.

There they enjoyed the charms of lap dancer Samantha ( and The Chronicle).

There was also drink and gambling. - Cached 

Adam Pearlman, who has Jewish origins. THE INFLUENCE OF MOSSAD

Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, the so-called mastermind of 9-11, is believed to have attended college in North Carolina.

Khalid Sheikh Mohammed worked for the CIA in Afghanistan. 

In Manila, he met associates in karaoke bars and giant go-go clubs filled with mirrors, flashing lights and bikini-clad dancers. 

He held meetings at four-star hotels. He took scuba-diving lessons at a coastal resort. 

When he wasn't with the go-go dancers, he courted a Filipina dentist.

Once, he rented a helicopter and flew it over her office, then called her on his mobile phone and told her to look up and wave. Other members of the terror cell Mohammed led had local girlfriends as well. 

We all work for the spooks, to keep the Feudal System in place.

US evacuated its ISIS fighters from Ramadi.

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