Minggu, 07 Agustus 2016


Above we see a group of close friends - Rudi Giuliani, Donald Trump, Michael R. Bloomberg and Bill Clinton.

Does Trump have a narcissistic personality disorder? Is Hillary being injected with something?

Is Something Wrong With Hillary: Bizarre Behavior, Seizure Allegations Raise Doubts About Her Health

Trump favourable rating 33%.

Unfavourable rating 61%.

Clinton favourable rating 42%. 

Unfavourable 53%

Can Donald Trump Rebound? August 2016

Donald Trump with Ghislaine Maxwell, whose father reportedly worked for Mossad. Ghislaine reportedly helped obtain girls for Jeffrey Epstein.

A contact who has been in Trump country says that Trump supporters will vote for Trump because 'something needs to change.'

Michael Glassner (above) arranged the deal that gave the lease of the World Trade Center to the Larry Silverstein Group.[7] Michael Glassner, formerly of AIPAC, is now Donald Trump's top political planner.

The Economist stopped at a remote country store in Tennessee.

According to the folks there: 

1. "Trump was what he was, and made no bones about it....

"He was a crook... but an honest crook."

2. Hillary Clinton "pretended to be a noble public servant. She was a hypocrite."

Some choice: The appeal of Donald Trump.

Of course the simple folks from the country store are wrong about Trump.

Trump is as much a hypocrite as Hillary Clinton.

Both Clinton and Trump work for the Powers-That-Be.


Donald Trump's all-male, all-wealthy team of economic advisers are: 

John Paulson, a Wall Street hedge-fund manager who used a Bermuda-based entity to dodge US taxes

Steve Feinberg, a Wall Street hedge-fund manager.


Steve Calk, who, in the run up to the real estate crash, provided inaccurate underwriting information and 'played hide-and-go-seek with assets.'

Andy Beal, of Beal Bank, who made money "by playing the deregulated California energy market in the Enron days, leveraging aircraft values following 9/11, and jumping into the foreclosure market in 2008."

Harold Hamm, a fracking oilman. 

He wants to remove regulations on fracking and increase subsidies for frackers.

Trump's economic team

A strip mall

Steve Roth, the 'king of crumbling strip malls'. His Vornado Realty lost $679 million in 2015.

Tom Barrack, Nixon's former lawyer, who bought Michael Jackson's Neverland Ranch.

Steven Mnuchin, a Goldman-Sachs investment banker. 

He made his biggest deal by repackaging a failed housing lender involved in lawsuits over illegal foreclosures, selling it off to another investment firm, "and running."

Howard Lorber, America's discount cigarette CEO 


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