Rabu, 07 Januari 2015

Moving Forward

The lull that follows directly after the holidays, has had a tendency in past years to get me down. All the excitement and merriment has suddenly ended and a lengthy period of cold days and dark nights descends upon us like a thick woolen blanket- comforting but heavy.

Somehow, this year- I don't feel that. The holidays were so special, so complete, that I was compelled to leave it behind- preserved and perfect. In it's place, I found new hopes, new dreams, and plans, oh, so many plans.

Here are five things I'm most excited about. . .

1. Tapping Maple Trees. I'm quite sure I'm the only fool in Arkansas who taps for maple! Last year, I got a bee in my bonnet to try it, and it was delightfully prairie-ish, fulfilling all my Laura Ingalls fantasies. I got enough to sweeten a few cups of coffee:) which just fueled my fire to go bigger. My spiles have been ordered, my buckets purchased, and I am set to start tapping!

2. I'm weaning myself off sugar and getting back to our whole foods and healthy eating habits. I'm invigorated, inspired and so, so ready.

3. I'm banking on snow this winter. We usually get a handful of days where we are snowed or at least iced in- and they are complete bliss. I love the idea of being secluded, holed up, just us. They are the most exciting days for our posse. We venture out, playing til our bodies can't take anymore then huddle inside cramming around the fireplace until we've regained feeling in our fingers and toes, which means the time has come to head back out and do it all over again.

4. Back to School. Sometimes homeschooling can be overwhelming, tense and downright difficult. Yet, in that same vein- I love it. Cherish the time no matter what come. I miss it when we're off- It provides routine and stability, it paves our day and it's special time that I get to spend with the wilds, one on one. Now, someone please remind me I said this next week!

5. We've had some exciting opportunities present themselves here on the farm. Winter is our slow time, down time to get re-charged, a calm moment for growing excitement and exploring new ideas for spring. The next couple months will be spent going over and over new routes and notions- always trying to align our hopes for the farm with our heart for our family.

Dreaming up new projects and adventures is what wintertime on the farm is all about.

-pictures were from a near all day hike yesterday, I would say one of our first big successful ones here on the farm- no tears and everybody had fun. Anywho, what about you, anything upcoming that's got you all aflutter? 

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