Minggu, 25 Januari 2015

My Homeschooling Heart

Yes, we are homeschoolers.

I realized that I've not written about it too often, honestly because I felt I had nothing to offer on the subject. I'm ever so slowly learning that that's just not true. I can't, or more accurately won't, offer advice, or give you how to's, or show you how organized and together we are because that's just not it. Yet, I'm not self-deprecating enough to show you how tragic everyday is and how we rarely get anything done, because that's not our truth either- What I can offer is honesty. My truth on our decision and the reality that lies there in.

I chose to homeschool for many reasons. The main and most important to me, being that I wanted to protect them. I fully realize that everyone is not wholly onboard with that ideal, but for Kaleb and I- our goal was to let them be kids. To retain a semblance of innocence and wonder, for as long as possible. We had a heart that yearned for them to be outdoors, exploring nature and driving creativity- our home and lifestyle is perfectly set up for this avenue of schooling. 

Life is just good here on the farm for a kid. There is much room to frolic and play, and imagination is thick. There is much for us to do as a family whether that be hiking and fishing, chopping firewood or caring for animals. It was a massive help and influence that there is a very large and very supportive homeschooling community where we live, also we were lucky enough to watch my sister in law, already finding her way with her own kiddos, so I got to see first hand the joys and adventures that can be fostered there.

Like everything else in my life, this was not a direction I would have ever foreseen in my future. Before I had these beautiful wilds I was positive they would go to school and I'm quite sure I thought homeschoolers were slightly weird, but as soon as my first little one was in my arms, I knew. Homeschooling just made sense- for our family, for our way of life and it has been a decision that I have never regretted.

There are times when the absolute gravity of this decision hits me. When I realize that these beautiful spirit's education  lies entirely in my hands, and it's a very sobering reality. There are beautiful days that are fun and smooth and easy, and  there are  ugly days when I want to pull my hair out and scream. 

The most difficult part for me has been trying to find what works for us. There are A LOT of opinions and suggestions from wannabe helpful mothers, and it can prove to be quite overwhelming and sometimes greatly disheartening. I have had the most trouble trying to work within the confines of a curriculum. My brain simply finds no creativity there. If I have it I feel I MUST do exactly, everything they tell me. I find no room in my head or our schedules for artistic pursuits and shear joy. At this place in my kiddos education I feel that fostering a love for learning should be my first and utmost priority. So I have been wading my way thru many a plan and an assortment of ideas and learning styles, trying to find what fits. A big factor for me has been putting any and all pride aside, being freely willing to admit when it's not working, and throw it all out and start anew.

I have a picture in my head of what I want our time together to look like- filled with crafts, hands on activities, projects and fun. Unfortunately this requires an extensive amount of researching, planning, time, organization and know how. Right now, I once again find myself in a reworking phase, yet I truly believe the greatest thing I could do would be to just let myself off the hook. Trust that it's going to be ok, realize that I can't get this time back, so just enjoy it.  

I have absolutely no idea how long we will continue. I take it one day, one week, one year at a time. If we come upon a time when this no longer suits us, then we will move on to something else. Any thinking too far ahead into the future makes it far too scary, but day by day it is very doable. If perhaps you are even considering homeschooing I would say yes! I do, I love it. I love being with them, I love being able to watch them grasp new concepts, getting to be a part of their education is  beautifully inspiring. Yet, I would tell you that you must find your own way. Every mom does it differently and each families goals for the day is different. Go into it with no expectations, don't complicate it, and open yourself up to new ideas and intriguing tactics. It's an outlet that has the power to be something truly amazing, if you let it. A journey that can strengthen and seal bonds, one filled with hilarious tales, sweet memories and unforgettable moments.

If you have any suggestions or advice- please, lead on! On the other side, if you have any specific questions about our day or plans or are in need of some homeschooling encouragement, definitely contact me and I will give it my best go. 

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