Jumat, 16 Januari 2015

never a solitary moment

So, the other day I'm trekking into a store- head down, bracing the wind, feet splashing thru deep puddles, the pitter patter of rain falling all around- I was holding the not so chubby anymore hand of my son with my right hand, my oldest on the other side had an arm woven thru mine, which was already holding my babe on my hip and my youngest son was holding on to my back pocket. In this tightly woven mass of chaos and crazy we made our way to the warmth offered up inside.

This is not out of the ordinary, in fact, it's quite the opposite- this is simply getting around with a crew of littles. You see, it's wild. Someone, usually many someones are always hanging on you, questioning you, hounding you, touching you, but somehow that moment snuck up on me, and right there in the middle of the parking lot- It hit me. . . 

My goodness, how blessed am I- to never walk alone.

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