Kamis, 31 Juli 2014

My interview with Michelle Goldberg for The Nation

So today an article was published in The Nation, an American political magazine I did an interview with a while ago. The article focuses on the question if the Nordic model is better than legalizing prostitution. You can find the article here.
I'm very pleased with this article since first of all my words haven't been twisted, something many sex workers have complained about throughout the years, but after two interviews I can honestly say my experiences thus far have been good with journalists. But another reason I'm very pleased with this article, is because the article doesn't seem take sides, something rarely to been found these days in journalism, especially in American journalism, so my compliments to Michelle Goldberg for that.

The article focuses on the question if buying sex should be illegal or not, and it compares the Dutch prostitution model with the Swedish prostitution model. But in stead of picking sides for either one of these, Michelle Goldberg choose to leave the decisions to that up to the audience in a very clever way.
In stead of choosing for the Swedish model and thereby criminalizing sex work or choosing for the Dutch model which leaves more room for error, basically the answer is left up to the reader, to decide if whether or not people would see me (yes, me!) as a victim or not. Of course you could choose to see me as a victim, but then again I would strongly disagree with you. If I'm a victim of anything at all, I'm a victim of the constant stigmatization of being seen as a victim. In other words, if you see me as a victim, you turn me into one as I don't consider myself to be a victim, nor does anyone else I personally know who know my story.
I also think it's a bit of a weird idea that people can be a victim of something, even though they strongly disagree on it, just because other people tell you that you're a victim. Isn't that forced victimizing instead of forced prostitution?

The true answer is of course that I am not a victim of anything. Even though technically the law sees me as a victim, I have not experienced anything I would consider to be a crime or wrong. So in the end this says perhaps more about the faults in our laws, then the faults in prostitution. And I can point out directly the law I am talking about, which is from the Dutch law book article number 273f 1 sub 3 (source) which states one is guilty of human trafficking when one:
  • Recruits, takes with or abducts a person with the intention to make that person available in another country for sexual acts with another person in exchange for payment.
This particular article mentions nothing about being forced or exploited. Yes, it talks about being abducted, which is obviously a crime. But recruiting someone by default for prostitution is in my eyes not a crime, unless that person is being misled or exploited, but those things are already crimes regardless of this article. But the weirdest one, is that 'takes with' is also a crime. So regardless of the fact whether or not a person agrees with it, as soon as you take someone with you to another country to work in prostitution (forced or not!), it's automatically human trafficking. 
And this is precisely the article I'm talking about when I say that officially I'm a victim of human trafficking, but that I'm not really a victim. After all, if someone would make a law that states you are a victim if you buy chocolate, then technically that makes you a victim by law, but just because the law sees you as a victim doesn't mean you really are one. 
I find it hard to believe that this is a mistake the policy makers missed out on when they created the law, especially since this law is in effect since 15-11-2013. So it's not like it's a very old law or something, it's actually brand new! 
So apparently the policy makers in The Hague automatically seem to think that any woman receiving assistance to come to another country to work in prostitution is a victim of human trafficking. A strange thing, since I cannot recall this being the case for any other jobs in Holland, except for prostitution. In fact, recruiting and or taking people with you into other countries to perform work in exchange for payment is exactly what many employment agencies do. So why is it just human trafficking when it comes to prostitution, and not for any other jobs?

The Swedish people in this article state that prostitution has been reduced, yet my question is: are you fighting crime or a profession here? After all, shouldn't human trafficking be going down rather then prostitution, wasn't that the whole point?
But more importantly, how can one try to save victims if one can not find them? After all, yes, prostitution may have been reduced, at least, the prostitution that is visible. But then again, that's pretty much a logical reaction to the criminalization of the clients, thus forcing prostitutes to go underground. 
Yes, Holland has higher human trafficking statistics, but then again, that isn't that weird if it's easier to find it because it is legal. And just because the Swedish people can't find it, because the criminalized it, doesn't mean it isn't there. Or just like those people always claim that warn you about human trafficking: 'open your eyes'. 
It is logical that if things are legal, more people will also feel safe to report crimes happening, and that when things are not legal, people will be reluctant to report crimes, since they could end up in jail themselves. After all, if a client in Sweden comes across a victim, he would never go to the police to report it, since he's the criminal over there, while here in Holland there have been many reports from clients, of which fortunately only a small portion turned out to be actual cases of human trafficking (read more about that here).
It basically comes down to this. Would you rather have your daughter having sex somewhere else, with someone you don't know and can't check upon, causing the possibilities that your daughter may get in trouble? Or do you allow your daughter to experiment her sexuality safely at home, so you can keep an eye on things, and make sure things don't happen that you both will regret later?

Prostitution will continue, with or without the approval of governments, the same way it has always done. The only question is, do we provide safety for these women, both those who do this job willingly and ensuring they have a safe environment to work in, and the victims by making them easier to find by making it legal. Or do we let them stand alone, stigmatizing prostitutes who choose to do this job as victims by default, and thereby also making it more difficult to identify the real victims from the girls who are not victims. That is, if you can find them at all, since prostitution goes underground and is very hard to trace back?

Another interesting thing is that somewhere in the article it mentions: 'Do we want a society where it’s OK to buy another person?' In my eyes it just shows how much those people don't understand anything about prostitution. My clients don't buy me. They don't own me. They hire my services, which is something different then 'selling my body' as so many people often say about prostitution.
It just shows how much those people have no clue as to what this profession is, or how it's done in reality. No client buys a prostitute. Buying implies that you own it, that you can do with it what you want, and if you're tired throw it away or do whatever you want with it. That is however not the case. You can buy a phone. You can take that home with you, use it as you please, destroy it if you feel like it. 
A service however is something another person offers, like for instance a massage. We also don't say about a masseur that he is selling his hands. A masseur offers a service, a service he performs with his hands, just like how a prostitute offers a service, a service she provides with her body. You can't take it home with you afterwards, you can't do with it what you want. It is the person offering the service that decides what happens, how and when, since they are the professionals and they know what they are doing. A client can have requests, just like a client can request a certain type of massage, or massaging one particular part of the body they have problems with for instance. But in the end it's up to the masseur to decide how he does that, and if he does that at all, just like how prostitutes decide this.

Some other interesting notes I found about the article was the mentioning of my boyfriends 'jewelry'. His necklace and bracelet (a gift from me for his birthday) where apparently no match for my unmentioned pure gold necklace and diamond engagement ring I got from him. 
Or another interesting note that the article mentions the killing of a sex worker in 2009 in Holland. I seem to miss the importance of it, or it must be to prove that sex work isn't entirely without risk. But then again I wonder how many jewelry shop owners get killed when they get robbed, does that also prove jewelry shops aren't safe? Just because one person got killed, how sad that may be, that doesn't mean it's unsafe. Yes, sex work brings risks, but just because it brings risks doesn't mean we shouldn't protect it, or even worse, make it completely unprotected by implementing the Swedish model, causing no protection from the police whatsoever. At least we get protection from the police, which is something I can not say for all those sex workers working in Sweden. 
And the fact that Sweden was not able to present a victim to talk to in the article, which is weird, since isn't that what it's all about? Holland has been open enough to let the journalist talk to a sex worker which it promotes so much, yet Sweden was not able to present a single victim to talk to. Is that because they're scared of what the victim might say? That perhaps the Swedish model did not work in her favor, as it became more difficult for the police to find her, because all of her customers where too scared to report it to them? Or is it perhaps because Sweden has trouble to find victims in the first place, meaning they can't find them at all, which would really worry me, since that would mean that all those victims out there still haven't gotten any help!

Let me make one last thing very clear for you people. I am not a victim. I don't care what the law states. Just because the law states for example that homosexuality is forbidden, doesn't make it right, does it? 
So why should I accept a law that states that I am a victim, because other people HELPED me, rather then forced or tricked or exploited me into prostitution? Since when is helping someone a crime?

Dutch version

Rabu, 30 Juli 2014

A week in snippets

Tuesday-spent the entire day with a girlfriend sans my wee ones. Ummmmmm yeah, hello adult conversation. Only took me a couple hours to get the hang of it again, but no worries, I found my stride soon enough. Oh, and the best part, WHIPPETS! Is anyone else obsessed with these dark chocolate covered, fruit filled, marshmallow clouds of deliciousness?

Wednesday- Yes, Kaleb did have to drive the kids around in a rain deluge while I got my hair redone for the second time in two days. I told you, I am not good with hair change, but have no fear its back to looking the same as it did before, minus half an inch. Oh yeah, and the electricity went out midway. So there I am,  foil all over my head and a crowd of beauticians holding their cell phone flashlights over me saying things like, "do you think it's finished?" "Does it look too yellow?" good times, good times.

Thursday- We are officially out of groceries, and I wonder can we survive off of meat and whippets. Watch out people, this is not good for my hanger.

Friday- Went out on a swanky date night with friends. When, oh when, will I stop dressing like a teenage wannabe hippie. I think it's time, but I'm just not ready.

Saturday- Another date night. Had the opportunity to go to a local coffee shop and hear my amazing brother do a gig. Was totally looking the part, feeling uber cool and young, out late listening to music. That is, until he played a song he wrote about my grandparents and I fell to pieces. Here, take my cool card back please, I don't deserve it.

Sunday- Wanted to stay in bed all day, in my pajamas, laying next to my lovey, and watch an entire season of something funny from beginning to end. Possibly eat just a few more whippets. That is  NOT what happened.

Monday- It's Monday, enough said!

Tuesday- Everybody took a nap. Really, does it get any better? Followed by a swim and we finally have the beach set up so it's much more fun. Topped it off with a bonfire where we roasted hot dogs and made s'mores. I love my little family. Forever and Ever.

Selasa, 29 Juli 2014

Love you song

Do you ever get asked so many questions by your wild ones in one day, over and over and over, until you just start singing all of your replys to try and throw them off? Hoping maybe they will laugh or at least pause and give you just a moment of peace? I do this a lot. It's actually a trick I learned from my brother. He used to do it when we were growing up. Probably for the same reasons:)

Anyway, I was using this tactic on my crazies the other day, and somehow a little love song was born out of it. Funny how that happened, as I don't think thats the feeling I had at the time. Positve projecting maybe? Oh well, the song has endured. The kids love it and beg me to sing it all the time and it's even turned into our goodnight ritual that I must sing and dance to before bed. Yes, I said dance. They like an event, an entire performance with opera voices and classical ballroom. It's really something to see. The words go like this…

I'll love you in the mornings and in the afternoons.
I'll love you in the evenings,
and all throughout the moons.
I'll love you to the heavens, to the bottom
of the sea
and I will keep on loving you 
for all eternity.

Sweet right? Anyone want to help come up with some new verses? They are really wanting a longer show:)

Senin, 28 Juli 2014

date night and a peach

Thanks to some wonderful family members, Kaleb and I have gone on more dates this past week than we have in the past two years. It has been so totally dreamy. Any uninterrupted time spent with my man is going to be great!

Last Friday we were offered a night out. Excitedly, we made reservations at a fancy restaurant and planned to treat ourselves right nice. It happened to be the greatest day of the summer, weather wise. Clear, crisp, unseasonably cool, it beckoned us to come out and play. So we scrapped the fancy date altogether, ran back in the house to put on some comfy shoes and headed out to enjoy the afternoon. First stop, the gym. I know what your thinking, lame right? Nay, it was awesome! It's in a big warehouse so all the doors were thrown open and the breeze was filtering in. We always have all four wild ones with us at the gym, and they just toodle about and play beside us, but to go just us. Well, it was fine! Next, we went and grabbed a quick bite. The restaurant we chose has a super quaint atmosphere, the kind of place that inspires wanderlust, and travel plans. We played darts while we waited and spoke of secrets and dreams. After dinner we borrowed some rackets and hit up a nearby court. The last time we had played tennis we were in that romantic phase of being wildly in love, yet refusing to admit it to ourselves or anyone else. "We're just friends" we'd claim over and over! Don't you just love situations like that? When your face to face with a memory, and you can see yourself then as just a kid, and now, here you are- years later, happily married with four kids, and see where life has brought you.

After a hilarious joke of a tennis match, we went on a walk and found ourselves at a little coffee shop where we shared delicious treats of the chocolatey nature before wandering hand in hand back out in the fading glow of evening.

It was hands down, the best date I can recall in so long. Our only goal had been to not end up at the grocery store or running some sort of errand, which somehow seems to be how it always ends up for us. So being outside and doing something active together was perfect. I love this man of mine, he is so good!

As for the peach, well, I got a couple hours alone with my baby bug on Saturday and it was divine. We took a little nap together and then sat outside, soaking up the sunshine as we shared a giant peach. I took a bite, then she got a bite. We chattered away in between like the kindred spirits we are, at least until she decided she needed to hold it by herself. Ain't life sweet!

Sabtu, 26 Juli 2014

The opposition

For years there has been now a debate about prostitution. Should we keep it legal? Should we adopt the Nordic Model? Should we criminalize clients of only forced prostitutes? How many forced prostitutes are there? How much crime is happening in prostitution?
They're all questions I've already giving answer to. But what's so interesting about the debate on prostitution, is the absence of prostitutes themselves. Sex workers get completely ignored, and the only sex workers who's voices are being heard are those who've become victims. It's interesting, I get to hear so many times from politicians, opinion makers and other people who seem to oppose prostitution rather then human trafficking, the fact that I'm just one girl.
So what if I'm just one girl? So is the girl who's story ends up in the newspaper about how she was forced! Just because it's one girl, doesn't mean there are more of those! So stop shutting me down as 'one of the few lucky girls' who don't get forced, because that's absolute bullshit! I've been doing this job now for more then 4 years, I know almost every girl working in the night in the Red Light District, I've talked with them, I know their personal situations, I know what drives them to do this job. It's absolute bullshit to claim these girls are forced by a pimp. In fact, there hardly are any pimps out there to begin with.

Of course there will always be people claiming girls are 'forced by financial circumstances'. Yeah, duh! Of course they are, just like everyone else is forced by financial circumstances to do his or her job! It's called capitalism, look it up! If you don't like it, you can always move to North Korea, where they have communism, the opposite of capitalism!
And then of course there are those people who claim that this job was not our free choice. Well, let's be honest here. How many people here did the job they actually wanted to do? I bet most of you aren't doing the job you always dreamed about! Does that mean you got forced into this job by financial circumstances? Yes, absolutely, because that's how the capitalistic system works. Does that mean you hate your job? Perhaps for some, others might not hate it, but accept it as a necessary evil.

There are so many people who claim shit that's either completely one-sided, but many times also completely false. Or the most difficult thing I have to try and explain, people that claim both one-sided stories and use lies mixed together. Often they'll rely on false statistics and support those false statistics with one-sided stories. And when I'm talking about a one-sided story, I mean stories like how Renate van der Zee tells them.
Renate van der Zee may talk to a prostitute, ask her how the work is going, if it's a difficult time now with the financial crisis and all. Then she'll ask some more things, like how much she charges to come in, etc.
In the end you'll end up with a story of 'how bad the situation for women in prostitution is', because 'they're struggling to make the money for their room, due to the low prices and financial crisis', etc. (example here)
Renate van der Zee simply tells only one side of the story prostitutes tells her, and because there are too few people to tell otherwise, people will accept what she says, because she at least talks to prostitutes. Too bad though she only shines light on one side of the story, the side that she likes to show, the bad parts about my job. The things she doesn't mention, she leaves out because she can't use them in her story to 'prove' how bad and 'incredibly inhumane' prostitution is. She's a complete bitch, but then again, so am I for her, so I guess that makes us even.

And Renate van der Zee is just one example like this. Other examples of people who use a mix of lies and manipulation of true stories are people like Gert-Jan Segers and Frits Rouvoet. Frits Rouvoet is especially an interesting one. Claiming to safe women from human trafficking and pimps, while actually just helping out girls who want (or her talked into) quitting the job. Because if Frits Rouvoet would really be 'saving victims', I wonder why he never takes these women to the police to do a prosecution for her 'pimp'. Would that really be because those girls are so terrified of their pimp (but apparently not terrified enough to tell Frits Rouvoet and run away with him), or is it because there is no pimp forcing her? By the way, how come that those 'cruel' pimps, like how you always hear about in the media, that beat the shit out of a girl to force her into prostitution, are no match for an old man? Does Frits Rouvoet secretly take karate lessons to beat the fuck out of those guys keeping a girl as a slave, or does he wear a shotgun under that long coat of his?
If the girls are so forced like Frits claims, and how you always hear from the media. And if those girls are really so trapped in their situation by an aggressive pimp, then how come Frits Rouvoet never ever got beat up?

Frits keeps telling everyone that there are so many victims, but if he knows those girls like he claims, why doesn't he go to the police and report it? Sometimes I really do hope that new law that criminalizes clients of forced prostitutes makes it, because that would make Frits Rouvoet just as much a criminal as all those clients that purposely go to a prostitute that's forced. If Frits knows there are forced girls, but he doesn't report it, he's just as much an asshole as those 'supposed' clients who visit forced prostitutes knowing they're forced.
But Frits makes it even worse! He even claims to know a group of boys that purposly visit prostitutes who are forced. He even claims they know exactly which ones are forced, and then go to those girls, to force them to do it without condom (source here). What I'm really surprised about is the fact that apparently Frits Rouvoet knows this group of guys, and still hasn't reported them to the police, so the police can try and find out which girls are forced and which girls aren't. But I think I know the reason why Frits doesn't tell this to the police. The reason is because it's not really true. First of all the group he's talking about, is a group of boys of 17 years old, as he mentioned somewhere else. There are no girls working here that would take in 17 year old boys, simply because they're too young to go inside. There's a rule you have to be at least 18 as a client. If you get caught with a client that's not 18 yet, you not only loose your room, but your job as well. In short, there's no way in hell any girl would ever take these guys in.
My guess is, Frits hears tough guy talk, and either believes it (which kinda shows his ignorance), or immediately thinks 'this could be a good story to tell the media' (which means he knows it's not true). Either way, the story is complete bullshit. Either the guys he's talking about 'think' they know which girls are forced, or they're just trying to act cool and tough, in both ways it ain't true.

It's virtually impossible for a client to know if a girl is forced, like how also Esta Steyn from Stop The Traffik confirmed to me (begs to ask the question though why does Stop The Traffik want to create awareness about something people can't find out anyway?). I've already talked this over in my post here, that's it's almost impossible for a client to find out. The girls that are really forced are good at hiding it, and the so called 'signs' could apply to any prostitute, making them worthless to try and identify a forced girl. It's the same problem the Nationaal Rapporteur keeps having, she can't figure out which ones are really suspicious cases and which ones aren't, so she just reports them all as suspicious cases (all 1200 of them!) not to be blamed afterwards for underestimating the problem (source here).
What I always wonder is, if people know there are so many forced girls, why don't they help them if they know it so well? I mean, isn't it cruel to know girls that are forced, but not helping them and in stead run to the media to report about it? I don't think that's true. My guess is very simple, these people want to get rid of prostitution, they don't like it because they believe it's morally wrong, either from a feministic point of view or a Christian point of view, and they'll spread as many bad stories (both lies and true) as they can come up with, to make prostitution look bad in order to make it illegal again. They don't give a fuck about those girls who are really forced, they're just meat to be used by them as leverage to achieve their goal. So who's using who now?!

But I do have to admit one thing. Those people that love to tell bad stories about prostitution, in order to criminalize it, they're right about one thing. The sex industry has been neglecting the victims. After all, the sex industry has done very little to almost nothing to stop human trafficking. All they've done so far is trying to stop laws that would make it worse for those girls who are forced, which at the same time just happens to work in the advantage of the girls they're advocating, the prostitutes who aren't forced.
The last thing the sex industry achieved to stop human trafficking, was legalizing prostitution in 2000. But after that, they've only admitted there are a few girls who are victims, and that's kind of it. The opposition however, together with the people that are neutral in this debate because they don't know enough about it, have started up so called 'rescue organisations'. Regardless of the fact if those rescue organisations do a good or a bad job, at least they're trying to rescue girls, I'll give them that. Unlike the sex industry, which has not had one single anti-trafficking organisation set up since the problem became big in the media.
And I also know why. The sex industry knows very well, just like me, the problem really isn't as big as a lot of people claim. But out of fear of proving the opposition right with their horrifying trafficking stories, the sex industry has been too busy telling the other side of the story. Every time some idiot comes up with a story about how huge human trafficking is in the prostitution, and how most girls are forced, the sex industry jumps in defense mode, trying to repair the damage by nuancing the story that not most girls are forced, just a minority.

If the sex industry would set up a anti-human trafficking organisations, to fight trafficking from inside, they're scared people like Renate van der Zee and Gert-Jan Segers would claim they're right, even though they're not. The sex industry is too scared to try and explain everything, out of fear that the explanation is too complex for the general public. That's partially also because people like Renate van der Zee keeps pushing the sex industry in this position. They always claim people are 'ignoring' human trafficking, or saying 'it doesn't exist' or are 'belittling' the problem. That's complete bullshit!
But the sex industry feels like they're being attacked on a problem that's by far not as big as the opposition claims, and feels that at the moment they start fighting it, they're admitting to the words of the opposition. After all, why would you start to fight a problem, while you claim for yourself it's hardly a problem at all? They're too scared that nuancing the story, and fighting human trafficking, might be confusing the general public, and they spend all their time explaining the other side of the story the opposition didn't mention, to protect their own interests, their moral code.

In my eyes the solution to human trafficking would be more simpler. I already wrote a part about how to prevent human trafficking, which is one of the many steps in fighting human trafficking here. But the other step has to come from within the sex industry itself. The sex industry has to form their own anti-trafficking organisation. That organisation would be much more powerful and effective in the sex industry, since it draws it's power from within the sex industry, rather then from outside. The sex industry also knows better then anyone else how to maneuver itself, and how to get contact.
The benefit of doing this from within the sex industry, that not only would the contact between the advocates of sex work and the sex workers themselves be better, it would also shut up the opposition. Let them talk about all their horror stories. Try and find that relatively small group of girls that are victims, help them out quick, and the opposition would have no ammunition to fire on us anymore. If we fix the problems ourselves, there's nobody to criticize us for it. But only telling the other side of the story the opposition lacks to tell about for self preservation, is neglecting that which is most important, namely a healthy sex industry, which is after all what everyone's after, except for the opposition who would have nothing to base their stories on anymore.

Yes, human trafficking happens in prostitution, probably a lot more then it does in other industries. But let's face it, prostitution hasn't been accepted as a legal job for that long, so give it some time to get on it's feet. The constant pounding from the opposition, namely anti-trafficking organisations, politicians and opinion makers with their own agenda's, aren't helping with that. Fixing the problem from within is the best solution, as there lies the most knowledge about the problem and the industry, and there's also the most interest to get a healthy industry. Sex workers organisations shouldn't just be focused on improving the situation of sex workers that aren't forced. I know that's not their intention, but that is what they're focusing on. Unfortunately also forced girls are sex workers. Those girls need to be helped by sex workers organisations as much as other sex workers need to be helped in getting more rights.
Sex workers advocates shouldn't be picky about who they're advocating. Don't be picky about advocating just those sex workers who you want to defend, and those you wish not to defend. Either you advocate sex workers, or you don't, but don't just advocate those sex workers which aren't forced. Do more then just admitting trafficking exists, act on it. Don't just stand there and talk, do something! Get us our rights, and get those forced girls out of here! You can blame others for not doing their jobs right as trafficking organisations, or not providing the right statistics, but if you don't do anything yourself you don't have any right to blame them, because at least they're doing something. Even if it's less then 8%, those girls still deserve as much help and attention as we (the free sex workers) need from sex worker advocates and organisations, even though fortunately we're more then 90% of the entire industry. Help us make our industry better, by taking out the rotten apples, and nurturing the healthy ones!

Dutch version

Jumat, 25 Juli 2014


Surely it is time to expose the Friends of Israel for what they are - Friends of Child Killers.

Friends of Child Killers

Hit by the Israelis, July 2014

An Israeli undercover policeman.


Hit by the Israelis, July 2014

An Israeli undercover policeman

  Hit by the Israelis, July 2014

Proud to a friend of child killers.

 Hit by the Israelis, July 2014



On 25 July 2014, we learn that Rosdeep Adekoya has admitted the 'culpable homicide' of her young son Mikaeel Kular.

Rosdeep admits that in January 2014, in Edinburgh, she punched her three-year-old son to death.

Mikaeel was well known to social services.

Mikaeel attended a nursery school.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk

There may be more to the story than meets the eye.

Mikaeel Kular, aged 3.

Rosdeep Kular's lover Mohamed Abdi was murdered on 26th May 2013.

"I know the guy got murdered.

"He lived at 2 Hawkhill close and his flat mate got killed 2 months earlier.

"He got murdered because the police raided 2 Hawkhill close and he was going to give evidence in 1 months time against the gang bringing the stuff into the country.

"He used to use private hire taxis to do his drug running and would pay them massive amounts for trips down souf.

"I know some drivers that got offered, should we say."

3 year old boy goes missing from house overnight - Page 25 - David Icke

Tribute to Mikaeel Kular

"The date Mikaeel Kular was reported missing was Thursday, January 16th.

"The occultists' favourite, the full moon, was the 16th."


Mohammed Omar Abdi and Rosdeep Kular

In May 2013, Mohammed Omar Abdi, a Pakistani originally from Kenya, was arrested after a major drug seizure in the Edinburgh area.

'Drug gang shot victim for talking to the police'

Abdi's father Omar is an Imam at the Edinburgh Central Mosque.

Abdi was released on bail and then shot dead.

­Abdi's associates reportedly shot him.


Abdi's home in Edinburgh's Gracemount area was vandalised before his murder.

Ali Hussein Mohammed was arrested in Kenya in connection with the killing of Abdi.

Samantha lewthwaite, who stayed at the home of Musa Hussein Abdi

Abdi seems to be a common surname in Kenya.

In Kenyan, Musa Hussein Abdi worked for al Qaeda.

Mohamed Ahmed Abdi is a suspect in the Kenyan mall attack.

Al Qaeda is suspected of being run by the Western security services, and financed by the drugs trade.


Mikaeel Kular lived in Muirhouse in Edinburgh.

The writer Irvine Welsh spent his childhood in Muirhouse.

Muirhouse northedinburghnews.wordpress.com.

Apparently, Irvine Welsh knew all about the Sir Jimmy Savile, 'who supplied boys and girls to the elite'.

The character Freddy Royle, in Irvine Welsh’s 1996 novel Ecstasy, would appear to be based on Savile.

Jimmy Savile reportedly abused children both at Haut de la Garenne on the island of Jersey and in Fife.

Mikael Kular's body was found in Kirkcaldy in Fife.

Rosdeep and Mikaeel gritting his teeth.

The Sunday Herald had it confirmed by a very senior source in British intelligence that at least one high-profile former Labour Cabinet minister is among Operation Ore (child abuse) suspects.

Pedophile - Rense

Reportedly, the security services run, and protect, the pedophile rings.

When he lived in Fife, Mikaeel Kular (above) was put into foster care, because of concerns for his welfare.

Ziggy Ford and her husband cared for Mikaeel, but Mikaeel was returned to his mother after social workers thought she could cope.

Mikaeel Kular 'was put into foster care '

The mystery of Mikaeel Kular (above) may remind some people of the mystery of John Kilbride.

John Kilbride.

John Kilbride 'was murdered by Ian Brady.'

Ian Brady 

Ian Brady worked for the top Scottish drugs gangster Arthur Thompson

Arthur Thompson worked for the British security service MI5.

(Moors Murderer Ian Brady brags of Scottish gangland links.) (Donal MacIntyre - erutufonnofuture)

One of the Kray twins and a boy who died very young.

Arthur Thompson was an associate of the Kray twins.

The Kray twins ran a pedophile ring for top people.


Rosdeep Kular with drugs gangster Mohammed Abdi, who was presumably known to MI5.

Ian Brady "implies he may have ... buried bodies at the Campsie Fells near Glasgow."

(CHILD KILLERS PROTECTED. Body of boy, 3, found in a burnt out car after his grandfather failed to repay debt to Italian mafia)

Here we see Mikaeel Kular looking drugged?

Social workers in Fife were in regular contact with Mikaeel's family before he died.


The police and social services failed Baby Peter.

The Elm Guest House boy brothel was regulary visited by police, social workers and politicians who enjoyed the company of the young boys.

Elm guest house; missing boys; Leon Brittan; Warwick Spinks


11-year-old Moira Anderson was last seen boarding a bus in Coatbridge, near Glasgow, Scotland.

According to The Sunday Times (Pressure on police to release paedophile dossier), 23 April 2006, Strathclyde Police have a dossier listing members of a child-abuse ring.

The dossier is said to implicate senior public figures, including senior police officers and members of the Crown Office and former Scottish Office.

Rosdeep Kular has three children by her husband Omotoso Adekunle Adekoya - two sons Tarun, nine, and David, seven, and daughter Renuka, five.

She has twins by a Pakistani called Zahid Saeed - son Mikaeel, three (centre) and daughter Ashika, three.

Here we see Ashika, but not Mikaeel.

Here we see Rosdeep in Kirkcaldy, in Fife, north of Edinburgh.

Mikaeel Kular comes from a part of Edinburgh associated with a famous pedophile ring.

Dana Fowley was just five when her mother allowed the ring to repeatedly rape her.

Interview: Dana Fowley, Rape victim - Carluke Gazette

MikaeelKularGordon Brown has apparently made NO comment.

In Kirkcaldy, in Fife, forensics officers checked a wooded area "where they appeared to investigate an unidentified blue van, which was parked on the cordoned-off track and flanked by police vehicles."


Kirkcaldy in Fife.

Mention of twins and bodies in woods could suggest Satanic Ritual Abuse.

A Dutch boy was murdered in February 2013. He was Moroccan by ethnicity, and also had a twin sister.

Mikaeel's body was found in woodland, after he went missing the previous day.

worldmathaba.net -ritual-murder

On 1 September 2002, it was reported that five young children in Fife, one aged five, had told police of Satanic ritual abuse. 

Five men were investigated by the police.


Kirkcaldy is about 25 miles from Edinburgh, where Rosdeep and her children have their home.

Mikaeel may have died in 2013?

"Teachers at Flora Stevenson primary school nursery, Edinburgh, last saw Mikaeel at the end of term, 19 December 2013.

"A teenage witness claims she saw Mikaeel, wearing a green jumper, playing inside his city home with his twin sister on 13 January 2014."

"But other neighbours have said Mikaeel has not been seen since the start of the year.

Khalida Hussain, 30, who lives just 20 yards from Mikaeel’s house, said: “We last saw him out playing here about a week before Christmas.”

http://www.mirror.co.uk/ / Mikaeel Kular.

Just before midnight on 17 January 2014, the body of three-year-oldMikaeel Kular was found in woodland just yards from his motherRosdeep's former home in Kirkcaldy in Fife.

Rosdeep's former house is currently occupied by Rosdeep's sister Pandeep.

Dunvegan Avenue in Kirkcaldy, where the body was found.

Rosdeep's mother Harjinder, a retired doctor, lives nearby.

Mikaeel was known to social services in Fife, which suggests problems of possible abuse.

Gordon Brown is the Member of parliament for Kirkcaldy.

Fife is a county just North of Edinburgh.

The police have made no mention of any well-connected pedophile ring.

Sex - SeanCopland.com.

Rosdeep with drugs gangster Mohammed Omar Abdi, 25, who was killed in a gang gun battle in Edinburgh in 2013. Abdi is the son of a senior Muslim cleric

Rosdeep Kular's mother is currently married to Dr Bangarpet Krishnaswamy, 69, a doctor originally from Bangalore, who also develops properties in Scotland.

Jacintha Saldhana was from BangaloreKATE and WILLIAM NURSE MYSTERY

Dr Bangarpet Krishnaswamy is the director of East Neuk Healthcare, which owns a 40-bed nursing home in Anstruther, Fife.

Rosdeep ran a mobile health and beauty studio and has also been listed as a director at an IT company.

Rosdeep has links to groups promoting parties and disc jockies.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/

A report into Sir Jimmy Savile’s sex abuse revealed he had struck in Fife.

New Fife claim over Jimmy Savile sex abuse

Crime writer Val McDermid comes from Kirkcaldy in Fife.

Val McDermid has stated that Vance, a TV celebrity with a secret lust for torture, murder and under-age girls who featured in the Wire in the Blood and two later books, is based on her direct personal experience of interviewing Jimmy Savile.[2]

Paedophile able to offend again and again - Kirkintilloch Herald / ukpaedos-exposed ... kirkcaldy

If you Google: "Mikaeel Kular pedophile ring", you will find that little comes up. Expect a cover-up, now that Kirkcaldy has been mentioned.

Mikaeeel may have died towards the end of 2013?

The family live in a block of flats

He had a faded scar on the bridge of his nose and a sore on the left hand side of his mouth.

Mikaeel’s mother, Rosdeep, worked as a 'beauty therapist'.

Some sources say she is of Indian origin and some sources say she is of Pakistani origin.

She was married to Omotoso Adekunle Adekoya and the couple originally lived in Fife.

Glenrothes in Fife

They married in Glenrothes in 2004 before moving to Edinburgh and had two sons Tarun, nine, and David, seven, and daughter Renuka, five.

The couple split and Rosdeep moved back to Kirkcaldy before she met another man and gave birth to twins, Mikaeel Zayn Kular and Ashika Miskinah Rosie Kular.

She gave birth to Mikaeel and twin sister Ashika in 2010 but no father is named on the birth certificate.

http://www.mirror.co.uk/ / Mikaeel Kular missing: Police search for three-year-old boy in ...

Police outside the flats

One neighbour, who asked not to be named, said: "We heard that there had been trouble in the stair in the morning.

"I’m not sure what went on but a man ran out wearing a hoody shortly before the police came.

"My daughter was watching from the window and said that a man wearing a dark hoody ran out the building, but she didn’t know what had happened inside.”


The police

Mikael has a twin sister.

Twins are often used by the security services in mind control operations designed to produce sex slaves.

Anonymous comments:

Without disputing anything you've written here it occurs to me that Mikaeel wasn't actually the point of the exercise. I'm thinking that that unfortunate lot would fall to his twin sister.

According to the sundry books on MKULTRA / SRA that I've read it seems it's invariably the lot of twins that one be sacrificed in order to more rigidly embed the programming of the other. Doubtless the act would also carry some variety of occult significance but only of the dog and pony variety, ie. it's 'magick' being nothing more than a trick designed to further delude the foolish.

Either way, I have Mikaeel's sister, Akisha, pegged as 'girl most likely to suffer the unspeakable'. God pity her.

Some of the children.

Rosdeep Kular

Mikaeel, aged 3