Senin, 28 Juli 2014

date night and a peach

Thanks to some wonderful family members, Kaleb and I have gone on more dates this past week than we have in the past two years. It has been so totally dreamy. Any uninterrupted time spent with my man is going to be great!

Last Friday we were offered a night out. Excitedly, we made reservations at a fancy restaurant and planned to treat ourselves right nice. It happened to be the greatest day of the summer, weather wise. Clear, crisp, unseasonably cool, it beckoned us to come out and play. So we scrapped the fancy date altogether, ran back in the house to put on some comfy shoes and headed out to enjoy the afternoon. First stop, the gym. I know what your thinking, lame right? Nay, it was awesome! It's in a big warehouse so all the doors were thrown open and the breeze was filtering in. We always have all four wild ones with us at the gym, and they just toodle about and play beside us, but to go just us. Well, it was fine! Next, we went and grabbed a quick bite. The restaurant we chose has a super quaint atmosphere, the kind of place that inspires wanderlust, and travel plans. We played darts while we waited and spoke of secrets and dreams. After dinner we borrowed some rackets and hit up a nearby court. The last time we had played tennis we were in that romantic phase of being wildly in love, yet refusing to admit it to ourselves or anyone else. "We're just friends" we'd claim over and over! Don't you just love situations like that? When your face to face with a memory, and you can see yourself then as just a kid, and now, here you are- years later, happily married with four kids, and see where life has brought you.

After a hilarious joke of a tennis match, we went on a walk and found ourselves at a little coffee shop where we shared delicious treats of the chocolatey nature before wandering hand in hand back out in the fading glow of evening.

It was hands down, the best date I can recall in so long. Our only goal had been to not end up at the grocery store or running some sort of errand, which somehow seems to be how it always ends up for us. So being outside and doing something active together was perfect. I love this man of mine, he is so good!

As for the peach, well, I got a couple hours alone with my baby bug on Saturday and it was divine. We took a little nap together and then sat outside, soaking up the sunshine as we shared a giant peach. I took a bite, then she got a bite. We chattered away in between like the kindred spirits we are, at least until she decided she needed to hold it by herself. Ain't life sweet!

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