Senin, 14 Juli 2014

thank you, hello, and a giveaway...

This thing called a blog is kind of surreal. It's a strange, but oddly beautiful space to create and collect. I have been at it quietly, for a measly four weeks now, and have sort of loved it. When I began last month I only told my husband, my mom, and my in-laws. It was my little secret. A chance to see if I would even enjoy it, and to slowly adjust to being out in the great big blogosphere. Now I realize, lots of people have blogs, but for me it's a really big deal. I am extremely private, and putting myself, our family, and my heart out there, is truly terrifying. 

Honestly though, I have thoroughly enjoyed the last month. I love sorting through our days, and weeks. Picking through all the little moments and coming upon a treasure. Taking something ordinary, and turning it into something beautiful. I love that it makes me take more pictures of my wild ones and gives me a place to document their childhoods. I like being able to create, to write, to make my mind work a little bit harder. It's been an invaluable lesson in bravery for me.

Even more odd is that through some kind words, I actually have a few readers, and to them I want to say a big Thank You. Your sincerity and support have meant the world to me and have given me the courage to keep sharing.

So as a thank you and a welcome to any new readers, how about a giveaway!! Who doesn't love a good giveaway? 

I'll be giving away one pair of freshly picked moccasins to a lucky reader. They are my absolute favorite! Aussie's first pair of shoes nearly 8 years ago were moccasins and she has worn a pair every year since. So in keeping with this tradition, Eleanor's first shoes have also been moccasins. Only this year, I was lucky enough to stumble upon freshly picked. They are awesome! So crazy cute, I would happily have a pair in every color. To enter simply leave a comment in the section below. The winner will be announced on Friday, July 18. Be sure to tell your friends and happy picking!

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