Senin, 14 Juli 2014


The 7 July 2005 London bombings were the work of the people who organised 9 11,  and the child abuse rings for top people, and the Sandy Hook event.

We are talking about the members of the police, the military and the security services who work for the crooked elite.

7/7 was like the government organised Gunpowder Plot of 1605, because some of those involved were government agents and some were patsies.

ASWAT WAS WORKING FOR THE SPOOKS. / Classic Double Agents / The classic false flag operation. / FALSE FLAG OPERATIONS IN 19th CENTURY

Alleged bomber Mohammad Sidique Khan, suspected of working for MI5/MI6. His mother had met the Queen.

Here are some pointers:

1. The UK government was eventually forced to admit that:

A. The train that the police said was used by the alleged London bombers to travel to London did not actually run on that particular morning.

B. The alleged bombers had links to MI5.

The London 7/7 Bombings: Big Questions Never Asked, Let Alone Answered - By Tony Gosling

2. There are no CCTV pictures showing any of the alleged bombers getting onto the bombed trains or bus. 

Alleged bomber Jamaican-born Germaine Lindsay, married to Samantha Lewthwaite who is suspected of being an agent of MI5/MI6.

3. On the morning of 7/7, Associated Press reported that Benjamin Netanyahu, who was in London that morning, had received a warning from the UK police before the bombs went off.

Mossad chief Meir Dagan confirmed this.

4. Former policeman Peter Power, of private security firm ‘Visor Consultants’, described a terror drill exercise he was  conducting that morning - envisaging bombs at the same three tube stations where the real bombs went off.

Power's ‘terror drill’ was sponsored by Reed Elsevier who, until 2007, ran Britain’s biggest arms fair.


5. Previous terror attacks in public places across Europe, such as the 1980 Bologna railway station bomb, which killed 85 people, and the 1985 Brabant Supermarket massacres, which killed 16, have been conclusively traced to NATO intelligence by parliamentary enquiries in Italy, Belgium and Switzerland.

The London 7/7 Bombings: Big Questions Never Asked, Let Alone Answered - By Tony Gosling

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