Rabu, 31 Desember 2014


2014 has been an incredible year. One where I've learned and grown and braved new ventures and explored. It's a year that I've bottled up goodness and happy and stockpiled them right here for all to see. I've lightly let go of people and relationships that needed to be loosed, and come to terms with that being a necessary part of life. I've realized that I will always be aspiring to more, but that I'm good with who I am and where I am. I've fallen into a beautiful place of peace, a place, where I know what is most important and what I really desire in my heart of hearts, and I see that I have it already, and that makes life pretty sweet.

I'm not big on resolutions as I never keep them, so all I will really say is that I hope to continue learning and doing. That I take the lessons and happiness I found this year and carry it over. That I fight to stay present and calm for these beautiful little wilds I have in my charge, and I selfishly hope theres more travel in the coming year. Traveling as a crew as crazy as it can be, is a big dream of mine. We've got to do more this past year then ever before, and I so wish the trend carries on.

I want to thank you readers for coming here, for your kind comments,and thoughtful emails. You have been such an intregal part of the goodness this year has brought me, and I'm so grateful to you. I hope 2015 is a year filled with excitement and adventure for all of us. Happy New Year! 

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