Minggu, 28 Desember 2014

Sojourn Thru a Concrete Jungle

Kaleb and I are taking our crew to Chicago for a little post holiday adventure!! Yay- I am so excited! This will be our first time ever really exploring a city with kiddos, which means it's been a long time for the both of us too. 

It seems the teensiest bit scary with a bundle of small children in tow, there is so much unknown. Which, if you take away the daunting aspect of it all, is really quite thrilling.

In my head I've always thought I would be best suited for city life, but in reality, farm life is probably much more my pace. Still, this will be a perfect opportunity for a small sampling. 

We have plans to explore museums, ice-skate, sight see, and eat! I'm probably most excited about the food, but it all sounds quite dreamy.

If you have any recommendations for places to go and see or do or any ideas for traveling in a city with a gaggle of littles, send them my way!

Until then, hope your prepping and planning and holiday festivities were everything one could hope!

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