Minggu, 21 Desember 2014

A Whole Lot of Happy

There has been a whole lot of happy here on the farm. I can honestly tell you that it's been quite wild. There have been moments when I've been so exhausted that all I wanted was to sit and cry. The excitement of the season has taken hold of my littles and they have been non-stop. Wild to the core. My bones are weary, my muscles sore- but my heart full. It seems near pushed to it's limit, bursting with love and a feeling I can't quite explain, but I know it's good. It seems a heady combination of contentment, peace, and maybe beauty.

Here's a few things that have made it all so grand.

On a hike thru the farm recently, Aussie and I stumbled upon a blown in strand of holiday tinsel. Nonchalantly, we placed it on an evergreen as we walked home- but then we got an idea, a lovely idea. We always take a big hike on our Christmas day, so we have sneakily bought and made ornaments and decorated the loveliest of Christmas trees right smack dab in the middle of our field. We are so excited to surprise everyone on our walk! She and I have stowed away candles and books and hope to make it the sweetest of traditions yet. 

Aussie has been asking for a kitchen for Christmas. I have not been so intrigued- they take up a lot of room, can be quite tacky, and I didn't really see her playing it with that much. Well, we really couldn't come up with anything else, she is definitely the hardest to buy for, so we decided to build her one. Kaleb has crafted her the cutest little play area, made of refurbished barn wood and old treasures we've garnered from Grandparents. I've spent my evening painting it, and not to toot my own horn, but it is so charming, I think she will love it! Plus, it can go outside come spring, so it's a win, win.

Little Eleanor, has been a bundle of mess lately. Getting into anything and everything. She simply cannot leave the presents under the tree alone, they beckon to her, taunt her, and she must, she simply must have them. It's been hilarious to see her crawling under the tree, debating and finally grabbing one and hustling away. She is going to be so fun come Christmas day, I can't wait to see her open gifts this year!

Kaleb and I had been hoping to find a little dirt bike for Zain this year. Yesterday, we came across an old and very used one that hopefully will be perfect. It has been hilarious to watch Kaleb- I swear, he's more excited than Zain will be. Every night after kids go to bed, he makes me bundle up and head out to the garage to tinker with it, and then proceeds to ride it all over the farm. I wish I had a picture, because it is too much! He has on a headlamp for light and even with his knees tucked completely up, his feet are still dragging the ground. Hopefully, Zain will be as thrilled to receive it as Kaleb is to give it!

Then there's the little things, the moments that add up to make it all the better. Snuggles by the fire place as we read book after book, the sweetness that snowbeard has brought us, each kid taking a turn staying up late to wrap gifts for each other, sitting at the table chatting away as everyone colors and crafts, all made cozier with treats and warm drinks. 

So, yes- there hasn't been much quiet or calm, but I know there will probably be too much of that in future Christmas's, so for now, I think I'll simply settle in- revel in the crazy, the noise and the slight chaos that is right now.

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