Minggu, 14 Desember 2014

nativity nights

The town nearest our farm does a living nativity each Christmas season. In your vehicle you wait in line for seemingly hours and then proceed thru a beautifully recreated Bethlehem. Complete with shepherds, tax collectors, angels, wise men and of course, the baby Jesus.

Donkeys, goats, chickens and camels roam around as the tale of the immaculate birth plays over your sound system. It's five minutes of pure bliss and I live for this event.

Not because of the program - it's great, but more because of the memories it holds.

Our very first time to go, we brought Aussie- a two week old tiny, beautiful babe, who slept snuggled up in my arms never even bothering to open an eye and peek at her surroundings. The following year she was a toddling 12 months old and Zain was just taking shape in my tummy. I held her in my lap as we pointed out the sights. 

And so it progressed. Each year babes growing up. A new little one in my arms, two on my lap pointing and giggling, another in my belly, a third new babe in our arms, three happily excited between us, and one more bud, cozily growing inside me.

All holding such sweet memories- it's become a milestone, a place to remember. Stand out moments of my walk thru motherhood. Sharing in this each year with them as we're all growing up and changing. 

This year was one I hope to always remember.

Kaleb brought blanket and pillows and built the kids a snuggly nest of softness and warmth in the back of the car. They wildly giggled and played, chatted and sang until finally- our turn arrived. I quickly pulled Eleanor into my arms, for while she likes to think she's a big kid, on this night I needed her, snug in my lap to share in her delight.

She was everything I hoped she would be- she pointed and oohhed and aahhed. She gasped at everything she saw, so much so that I wondered if she would keep breathing. Gasp, Gasp, point, Gasp, Gasp, point- her own little happy pattern. Kaleb and I laughed and smooched, carried away with her fervor. Just as we were beginning to exit, she leaned out the window for one final wave and a good-bye shout to the baby Jesus. She then broke out in her special tune. . .

"Lory, Lory, Alleloolie, Yesus, Yesus, ooh are ood."


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