Jumat, 05 Desember 2014

where the wild ones are

As this is my journal of sorts, I wanted to jot down some little bits about these boys of mine. Exactly 19 months apart, their divide has been bridged, their relationship and personalities have shifted, and  they have emerged the best of friends. 

It's been an incredible trip to watch unfold.

These wilds go everywhere together. They tromp all over this farm- two comrades on the search for adventure. They are the first ones dressed every morning, tapping me on the shoulder, begging to go outside.

They use their axe and machete like it's their job, and they are up and out at the crack of dawn near every morning- off to chop down more vines, small trees or fire kindling. When taking a breather from their "work", they head to the porch- pocket knives in hand to do some good ole fashioned whittling. 

I have so many whittled sicks, you wouldn't even believe it. They have placed a good majority of them on the Christmas tree as rustic decor, but what's left have been not so carefully wrapped up as gifts-for any  unsuspecting soul. I have a feeling we will be opening up a lot of sticks this year!

If indoors they seem to have to be wrestling, and each game they contrive is rougher and louder than the next. 

On top of all that wildness and inherit boyness though- is two of the funniest little spirits. Wholly full of love and so giving with their love. They are first to tell me how beautiful I look each morning, and never fail to give me smooches before they run outside or leave a room for that matter, and they will shout "I love you!" anytime, anywhere.

That's my favorite part!

Last week I was in a crowded restroom, and I hear one of them- mid-potty yell out over din, "I Love you Mamma". There was an audible ahhhhh from the other women in the room and my heart melted. In school with Aussie yesterday the boys were out with their Dad and here they come, faces pressed against the glass, blowing me kisses and telling me they love me. They will be out doing their chores and here they come, poking their little noggins in the door for a quick I love you before they head on their merry way. 

I'm not sure how long these day will last, but right now I want to soak up every moment, to remember this time in their boyhood when they were best friends, uninhibited, joyous, so curious about life and the great outdoors, always seeking new exploits and learning, always learning. 

Can I just stay here a little bit longer? It's such an extraordinary phase of life, and these wild ones are my constant reminder to stay curius, and active. They force me to be braver, to run and play and build and be free. I love being their mamma.

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