Selasa, 04 November 2014

Aussie's Musings

A couple of weeks ago, my Dad gave all my wee bits $5.00 for a little shopping about. After much debating, wandering, and very serious mulling over, Aussie settled on a bright blue sequined notebook. 

She quickly disappeared to her room, and emerged sometime later notebook in hand to inform us that she had begun a blog, just like mamma's, and her first post was achieved and ready for the people. It  came complete with hand drawn pictures of us and the farm and it even had a box drawn at the end for readers to leave their comments. 

She has been writing tirelessly these past few days, working away, full of ideas and beauty for future post. My sweet lass, she is one of the most creative gals arounds, this one. 

I decided to do a mini photo shoot with her to remember this special time and she designed the whole scene, knew just what we required. She had constructed and painted this little table last spring out of necessity, for she needed her own capacity to color, and the flag is a new piece- contrived for leading parades or keeping her brothers in line. 

As her Mamma, I could not be prouder! She is so quickly growing and changing, and having the time to foster these interests and her evolving skills is one of the greatest blessings of homeschooling. I cling to these moments on days when all I really want is to quit or run and hide.

So without further adieu, here is her first post:

My Faimuly
I have the best faimuly ever, my mommy holds the faimuly together. My daddy holds the farm together, me Aussie i like to play with the boys, and some time's i like to be in charge of the faimuly. The boy's like to play with lego's and eleanor likes to nap. 
My life is living on a farm with 2 Brothers 1 sister and the best mommy ever, and the best daddy ever, and 20 cows, 2 horses, 24 chicins that lay 4 eggs a day. I also have 2 cat's, 2 hogs and I think that is it.

Oh, how I love this girl!

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