Jumat, 14 November 2014

one lovely blog award

Thanks so very much to the dear hearted Helen from I Will Bloom for nominating me for One Lovely Blog Award. She had so kindly nominated my for the Liebster Award last month, but the questions were so difficult, and I procrastinated under the pressure and never wrote the post. This seemed much more manageable, and I appreciate her giving me another go.

So without further ado, here's 7 facts about me.. . 

1. I am horribly uncool when it comes to music. I so want to be into it, knowing all the latest and hippest jams, but I simply can't find the time or energy for it. Anytime I do attempt to educate myself I start to feel very closed in by the cacophony of children's robust voices and questions, combined with the thumping rhythms and end up turning it off. Maybe someday, when it's a little quieter around here.

2. At one point in my childhood, near a lifetime ago- I was considered a dancer. I'm using that term quite loosely, but still- I loved it so. Now, I rent out a local studio and teach a dance class for Aussie and her homeschool friends, hoping she will also find joy in movement. If nothing else she loves the time with the other girls, so I call it a success.

3. I am the worst bowler there ever has been. Up until about a month ago my high score was a 46, but I finally surpassed it with a whopping 52.

4. I have dreams of extreme downsizing- building a tiny A frame cabin, smack dab in the middle of our bottom fields. Complete with solar panels covering the roof, a hay loft for the buggies, an open floor plan, and possibly a lovely little outhouse. Being all smushed together with the outdoors as our playroom sounds strangely enticing.

5. I began piano lessons at the ripe age of 5, and was not allowed to stop until the day I left for college. Somehow, I am still terrible! Although, I am thankful for the knowledge and know how. Currently, I teach my wee bugs and they seem to have my same musical prowess unfortunately. Jack of all trades, master of none- is my motto:)

6. I have a strange tunnel vision issue when wearing glasses. Let me explain-if I have on glasses and you are not directly in front of me I will not hear a word you say. It's very odd and of course my dear hubby loves to make fun of me for it, whilst making it as tricky as possible to hear him. It's a valid medical anomaly.

7. My wilds asked me what I was working on, so I explained the project and then proceeded to ask what were some facts they knew about me. Their answers were a steady stream of "you like to play with us." "you like to hang out with us" "you like to color with  us." And well, that best describes me. Those are the facts. It's who I am, and it doesn't put me in a box, or confine me, it liberates me, it frees me and lets me fly! 

and now for my nominations:

Cassie from Farmbrews

Michaela from Michaela Jean

Kristin from Moon Schooling Eleanor 

Valentina from Valentinaa Duracinsky 

Lyndsay from Prosecco in the Park

Ariana from Timothy and Ariana 

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