Selasa, 11 November 2014

just want to be me

Lately I have found myself to be sinking into a bit of an upsetting manor. 

One where I compare and compare and always seem to come out on the losing end. I pick out flaws and seeming failures, and can too easily base my feelings and outcomes on my perception of others.

My photography is not where I want it to be, my blog is not as big as I would like, so and so cooks so much better than me, I'm not doing homeschooling as efficiently as this gal is, we need to be doing this like this family and so on and so forth. An unending cycle that must be broken.

Last night, I sat myself down- it was time to have a serious chat with me. "Comparison is the thief of joy," I've heard said over and over, and how true it is. As soon as I start comparing myself to others, I can feel the pride for what I have accomplished and the happiness for my little life, start slipping away.

No more, I say! This is who I am, and it's exactly who and where I need to be at this moment in time. It's not about getting somewhere or being something. It's about enjoying this moment that I'm in. Life is far too fleeting to waste another minute on comparing myself to anybody else.

"be who you were created to be and you will set the world on fire."- St. Catherine of Sienna

Images captured by my beautiful Aussie girl:)

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