Rabu, 26 November 2014

Thanksgiving morsels

As thanksgiving is upon us, it seems only fitting to find what were grateful for. To make list, to seek joy, to look at ones glass with optimism. Delight in small moments and life's little obstacles that make each day superior. 

Theres certainly been times in my life that I've fought to prove something, waiting for a milestone to say "look we've finally got it together." Thoughts circling around my head, like a bird of prey on the hunt, always searching for that feeling like you've made it, you've at last arrived at some destination, and all the pieces finally fit.

A couple months ago, after some bumpy roads and internal battles, I came to one, very simple conclusion. I was happy right where I was. It was time to accept that. Even revel in it. 

It's amazing how that one thought changed everything for me. I'm not sure if you ever feel like you've got your sh*t together, and I never want to stop growing, stop reaching or changing. So why not just enjoy the right now, settle in a be truly happy in the present. It's a decision to look at life a little different, to let go and trust in God.

I'm so thankful for our little, beautiful life. I'm thankful that I've gotten to fall in love, that I've grown and carried four healthy little babes in my belly, for parents who adore me and fought to keep me safe and protected. I'm grateful for in-laws who love me because I love their son. Who so kindly have accepted me thru all my quirkiness and shyness. I'm thankful for smaller blessings like smudgy fingerprints on every door frame, a fantastic pair of jeans and good coffee. I'm thankful for a farm that my wild ones can be just that, and friends who will never not be there for me. I'm thankful for hopes of snow and sledding in the winter months ahead. For chopped firewood stacked up neatly outside, for paints, and crayons and yarn. I'm thankful for a husband who cleans up vomit like it's his job ( this man, he is so good!) and mulled wine and hogs and chickens and cows. 

I'm thankful.

Happy Thanksgiving!!

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