Jumat, 21 November 2014

the happy amidst the mayhem

It's been a wild road here this week. I have been hormonal to the max- overwhelmed and battling the feeling that I'm failing at it all- with not enough time to give anyone or anything my full efforts or attention. Throw in a little stomach bug and I'm about maxed out. 

Of course, I realize I am not failing, there's just a lot on my plate right now.  

In lulls like these, I find it's important to take a moment to reflect on the happiness that has been going on here, write down the beautiful snippets- it's a great reminder for me to see how blessed I am and how much I love this life of ours.

So here goes. . .

I made homemade laundry detergent! One of those things on my list to really becoming that homeschool mom you all picture in your heads. I just need to get out my long denim skirt and throw my hair in a low bun. I kid, the poor homeschoolers- we get such a bad rap! Making this detergent is something I've been meaning to attempt for quite some time and hadn't ever got around to. I've only been using it for about a week, but if I like it and keep it up, I'll share the recipe and tidbits.

We have been doing a family painting time in the evenings. Introducing the little bits to acrylic paints and some unfamiliar styles and techniques has been such fun. The wild ones love any sort of orchestrated family activity, and it's mind blowing how calm and engaged they become.

Kaleb hung my Giving Thanks sign, and it makes me feel deliriously happy and fallish. I found it in pottery barn years ago but didn't have the extra cash flow so decided to make one for myself! They don't sell it anymore or I would show you a picture but they do have this one that's crazy cute.

We got a new hog- it is a HUGE boar, mildly terrifying, and to avoid an onslaught of questions, you have to keep the kids away because there is a lot of pig lovin going on out there. Still, we should have baby piglets come mid-march and we can't wait to see those little chubsters!

My little girl turns eight this weekend. I wouldn't exactly put that on my happy list, but she is so excited and I have had fun planning and plotting. I think we're going to go with the ever popular woodland creature-ish theme. I found the most amazing party plans here. Yeah, yeah, mine will look nothing like that, but you get the idea!

Also, in keeping with the upcoming birthday, Kaleb and I have been putting the little bits to bed then sitting ourselves at the dining room table, cutting and painting little crafts and banners for the big day. He is so good to me. That time spent crafting, with music playing softly in the background, scissor in one hand, coffee in the other, has been such a sweet time.

I got an entire day off yesterday! Kaleb watched the kids, cooked, cleaned up, folded laundry, accomplished their schooling and piano lessons, and gave baths. My best friend drove into town and we literally did nothing, except sit in one coffee shop after the next eating and talking. It was complete heaven!

I have been blown away, completely baffled by my crazies creativity lately. I'm not sure where it comes from but it is truly something to behold. 

Isaac had been feeling so left out at school time so we've asked Aussie if she will start working with him. she has taken this job very seriously for this is her dream come true- to get to finally be in charge and boss her little brother about- she could not be happier. She has made charts and graphs and somehow managed to make an erasable white board out of a tin of mints.

See- I needed this. 

I got this. 

Our little life is too good to not be fully enjoyed. 

Hope everyone has a great weekend! What's been making your life happy this week?

p.s. pictures are leftover from various adventures and random little moments here on the farm.

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