Jumat, 07 November 2014

our favorite reads for the wee babes

Some of my dearest little moments of being a mommy have crept in on me quietly, while snuggled up with my wee ones,reading away. Even as tiny wee babes, I would hold them close in my arms, rocking back and forth, as I read our favorites over and over.

The words having been permanently etched on my heart.  I no longer need to see the pages. We flip thru, and for a brief moment everyone is quiet and still.  All the craziness from the day settles and silently falls away.

Even though my little tykes are growing and their interests and capabilities are evolving, we're still drawn back to our rustic bookshelf piled high with well worn and best loved reads.

As my wild ones have been ill this week, we have taken to these little classics. Piled on the floor, a mass of scrawny legs and chubby tummies and snotty noses and coughs, with silly rhymes and beautiful illustrations our amusement.

I thought I would compile a small list of some of my favorites, for any of you just entering motherhood, for those who hope to some day, or anyone really. If any of you have favorites for your wee ones, or some from your childhood you would like to add to the list, leave it in the comments and I will include them!

Giraffes Can't Dance by Giles Andreae

All the Sandra Boynton books- the cutest collection ever!

Princess Bess Gets Dressed by Margery Cuyler

You Are My I Love You the first book I ever bought, when I was pregnant with Aussie, still one of my favorites.

I Want to be a Cowgirl by Jeanne Willis

Baby Cakes by Karma Wilson- an absolute baby classic!

King Bidgood's in the Bathtub or any by Audrey and Don Wood

Bella & Bean by Rebecca Kai Dotlich

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